3 Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Be Successful In Life


 3 Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Be Successful In Life

Many people struggle with the question of "How can I be successful?" This is a tough question because success is largely determined by your goals and values. But we're here to offer some tried and true approaches that have helped many people live satisfying, productive lives.

1) Pay Attention: Research has shown that attentional focus can determine your level of success in school, work life, and relationships. When you pay attention to someone or something, specifically what you want to do next - it shows that you care about it more than the other things in your life which distract you from focusing on it.
2) Take Time For Yourself: We all need some "me" time now and then. But too much of it can be detrimental. Taking time for yourself allows you to recharge, if you let go of your past troubles and focus on the present task at hand - it makes everything easier.
3) Eat The Right Foods: This goes hand in hand with number 2. Eating the right foods can have a profound effect on your body and your day to day life. Such foods include healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables (preferably organic), beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, olive oil and unrefined salt.
4) Sleep: Sleep is the one thing American's are particularly bad at managing but it is key for success because you need sleep to function optimally (if not more so). I recommend getting at least 7-8 hours to give your body and mind the chance to rest and yet not be overly tired.
5) Get Out of Debt: If you don't have money to live on you can't do much of anything. It's as simple as that. The best way to get out of debt is to find a job that affords you with the ability to pay off your debts and start saving money. The key is having a job that allows you to save money so that you can live on it instead of working just to pay bills, which leaves no money for savings or debt consolidation (i.e., paying down your debts).
6) Take Advantage of Opportunities: You will never know how successful you can be if you don't take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. It's called an opportunity for a reason, which means it's there for you to take advantage of. If you don't do this and miss out on the opportunities that come along - then you're missing out on life because the opportunities that present themselves do so only once and then they're gone (unless they come back again).
7) Be Kind To Others: The world is full of people who are willing to step all over others in order to get what they want. This is not a good way to live; in fact, it's quite bad for your health. You may not know what this person is doing to you but if you're kind and respectful of others, you'll be seen as a valuable member of society.
8) Be Respectful: Respect is something that humans have an innate need for - it's wired into the brain from our evolution over time. If you treat people with respect, they will treat you the same way back and your success in life will skyrocket.
9) Read: Reading is one of the best ways to learn new things and expand your horizons. In fact, reading has been shown to increase one's ability to memorize (as we recall more words we read).

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