4 Tips for Lighting a Cigar


 4 Tips for Lighting a Cigar

A cigar is simply a rolled bundle of dried tobacco leaves that are ignited to heat and smoke the leaves. This type of cigar is commonly referred to as "puro" in many countries, including Cuba, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The size and shape of a cigar can vary, but generally speaking cigars come in many different sizes with named lengths such as the corona (5 inches long) or churchill (7 inches long). A cigar can also be smooth or rough-cut. A humidor stores cigars at an ideal humidity level; however these days most humidors are not needed due to the popularity of commercially produced cigars which tend to have their own humidor-like environment built into them.
The popularity of cigars has skyrocketed in recent years, with a report from the Center for Disease Control revealing that "more than 80 percent of adult Americans reported a cigar at least once in the past year." [1] More and more people are finding it easier to lay down money on cigars when they can find them at their local tobacconist, or online at major retailers such as Amazon. But before making a purchase online, or even choosing between various brands and varieties, it helps to understand what makes a good cigar and then how best to light one up.
What Makes a Good Cigar?
To make a quality cigar you not only have to have the right tobacco but you need to have some skill in handling it. For example, the tobacco leaves must be the correct shade of sun-ripened leaves. They must be picked and then fermented at a precise degree of humidity to allow them to cure, then stored at precise conditions until they are ready to be rolled. If a cigar is not rolled properly it will unravel or develop unsightly bulges that can affect the pull on the cigar and cause you to have trouble getting an even draw on it.
A cigar must also contain a precise blend of tobacco leaves and additives in order for it to burn evenly and give off a good flavor. The tobacco blend needs to be just right so that the cigar doesn't burn too quickly and become bitter.
How to Light a Cigar
If you have ever tried to light up a cigar you know that it doesn't go out once lit. So if you need to relight it you have gone about it all wrong, which is common for most beginners. To properly enjoy a cigar start off by preparing your smoking area with the right tools and accessories, such as matches or a lighter, ashtray, small knife (for cutting the cigar), and glass of your favorite spirit (optional). Next, start by removing the band that is wrapped around the cigar. Then take a short and shallow puff to remove any excess tobacco particles on the outside of the cigar before taking a few more puffs to get it evenly lit. Once you have finished lighting your cigar, use your knife to cut the tip at an angle and then place it in your ashtray. Make sure to pick up your glass of whiskey or favorite spirit and take a sip before you enjoy that first long puff!
How Long Should You Smoke a Cigar for?
There are no hard and fast rules as to how long you should smoke a cigar for, but generally speaking most people enjoy them as much as possible before putting them out. If you are smoking a cigar for the very first time it takes some getting used to, and this should be met with some patience. A good rule of thumb is to take a puff after every few minutes.
The Taste of a Good Cigar
If you smoke only one or two cigars in your life, then chances are you will enjoy them more if you know what to expect from them. When preparing to light up and smoke your cigar take a sniff of the aroma it gives off; this will give you an idea of what flavor to expect. The flavor will definitely vary depending on whether you have chosen a mild or strong blend; however even the mildest cigars still produce an earthy taste that is enjoyable once you get used to it.

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