7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction


 7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Love Spell

If you love somebody, this spell will make it impossible for them to resist you. It will increase their infatuation with you and cause them to fall madly in love with you without any effort on your end. This spell is most effective if the person that you want is already attracted to the idea of being with someone of a different race or ethnicity. In this case, they may even feel that they were meant to be with you since the stars never seemed to align properly otherwise. You can use this spell on yourself as well if there are some people who seem difficult or unapproachable for whatever reason and need a little boost in their interest level towards meeting someone new.

Homemade Spells

One of the most effective ways to attract a certain person is to make a homemade witchery spell. This is especially effective if you are trying to attract someone who already has some sort of interest in you. You can also use this spell on him or her if you have feelings for them but do not know how to reveal it. There are various types of spells that are used for various purposes and this will come in handy if you want something really specific in return for your love. It will be better if you know what he or she likes and uses this knowledge when concocting the spell. This will help your spell to make him or her fall in love with you. The spell works effectively if your name is involved. You can either draw the name of the person on a piece of paper and put it in a glass along with herbs, pinches of earth and water with a little bit of lime juice. After this, you have to place the cup inside a bowl and light it up for some time for the ingredients to burn. Once that's done, you can wash your body with water and massage it with rose oil or any other essential oil that he or she likes. You can even add your blood to the mixture if you have to. Once the mixture is completed, you have to bury it under a tree or plant that has thorns. This will make sure that he or she will never get away from you ever again.

Casting A Cast

You can cast a spell on someone who is attracted to you but is not open about it for whatever reason and still attract them by using an old fashioned love spell. This spell is usually pretty detailed and has many parts and steps because of how people are today with their busy schedule that they do not leave enough time for each other or even understand why they should make time for each other as couples. This spell will make the person to open up their heart and share with you everything that they have been hiding so far. You can even accomplish this by using a pink candle, rose petals and a small cup of water in which you have to dip the pink candle into it before lighting it up. Then, give the candle to them while they are sleeping and say that they will be attracted to you from now on. After this is done, put some soft music on in the background after placing the candle on a round mirror but do not let the flame come in touch with it or else you would burn yourself. Now take a piece of paper and write down all your desires for this relationship (like marriage, kids etc). After this, you have to place the paper on a round mirror and place it at the entrance of your room where you can see yourself throughout the night. This will keep your desire burning in their hearts while they are sleeping so they wake up feeling that they are unable to resist you. You can also place some candles inside a bag with strong smelling flowers like gardenia and sage as well if there is no clear mirror available. You need to repeat this process every night after your regular routine until they start seeing themselves falling in love with you all of a sudden.

Casting Spells To Be Invincible

If you feel as though your powers are waning because of some magical reasons, you can cast a spell that will bring back your past strength and keep you from being weakened or even taken down by other people. You can cast this spell for the strength to do anything that you want in the world and especially in relationships. This is a very powerful spell which can even make someone who has been fired from their job feel better about themselves after getting it back again. It will also make them feel great about themselves while they are with other people because they know that they have power over them. If you are interested in doing this, you will have to find the person's name who has made you feel weak and then carve it on a piece of paper. Now make a circle out of this paper and inscribe the runes like Thurisaz, Algiz and Tiwaz on it. These runes will bring back your powers as well as make you not afraid to use them or to defend yourself when somebody tries to attack you physically or emotionally. Now put this paper on an ash tray and burn it while meditating on the person's face while singing some songs that they like in a low voice. You can also focus on any specific thing that they like that makes them feel better about themselves even if it is work related. After this, you should drink some of the ashes that are left behind and this will help to stir up the energy that you need in order for your enemies to be taken down.

Casting A Spell On The Full Moon

Sometimes, we're not even aware of the things that we can do or say that can hurt someone who loves us. There have been instances in the past when a person has said something completely out of context which was followed by a long silence only to be met with an almost apology later on. It would be better if we could cast a spell that would see us conscious of what we do and say which will help us know when to apologize or when not to. You can cast a spell on the full moon by using some blue candles and some pieces of uncooked rice. After that, you have to chant something like this on how sorry you are for hurting the person's feelings and what tasks you will do in order for the person to get over it. This works very well if used when there is both positive and negative energy present because it will balance them out once they are made aware of what they did in a good way. But this spell can also be used for other reasons like insuring that the person is not going to lie to you at all times.

Casting A Spell On Someone To Make Them Love You

This spell is very powerful and the fact that it involves the use of blood makes it all the more so because blood can be considered as a binding element. You have to place some salt on an ash tray and draw a heart on it using ink while chanting something like this "love is near as my heart" with your hand in a fist shape.


Love spells are a great way to get a little help in your life whenever you need to make someone see you or speak to you or even just love you. Although magic can be tricky, there are numerous ways in which you can cast spell on someone and this makes it all the more exciting because it is always fun trying new things. Just remember that there are some things that even though they seem very real and the person gets affected by them on a deep level, they will not last long nor will it ever have an effect on their actions for long. These spells should be used for some purpose like attraction or changing something about yourself in order for the spell to keep working.

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