7 Ways to Manage Breaks As A Home-Based Business Owner


 7 Ways to Manage Breaks As A Home-Based Business Owner

Working without a break is impossible for any human. Fortunately, there are many ways for home-based entrepreneurs to deal with breaks. Here are seven of them:

1- Schedule breaks from work
2- Block off a specific amount of time each day for work activities
3- Set up your computer to not alert you when you have time available on your calendar (this can be set to automatically log out after 30 minutes)
4- Sign up for social media networking accounts that have timers and alarms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) so that you aren’t tempted to check the feed when you should be focusing on work.
5- Have a specific time of day when you check your email so that you aren’t tempted to check it all the time
6- Take regular, planned breaks during the day.
7- Ask for and accept help from family members, friends, or other trusted people.
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