7 Ways to Network Your Way Out Of a Job and Into a Work At Home Career
Maybe you're in the same boat as so many of us. You've been working hard and trying to make progress, but it doesn't seem like anything is working. And then, one day, the decision was made that someone might not need your services anymore now that they've hired a new "Mary". So you find yourself out of work and wondering how you can start earning money at home again.
It turns out there are actually a lot of ways to network your way back into a work at home career! Sometimes people just need to get their foot in the door and others will want to pay for your services on top of teaching them something new. You can actually make a nice income just by putting yourself out there.
Here are 7 ways to network your way back into a work at home career:
What if the "Mary" they hired is brand new and doesn't know how to do anything? That's where you come in. If you already have a reputation, then this can be a great opportunity for you to network your way back into an income stream.
Try offering one-on-one training classes for this "Mary" over Skype or Google Hangouts. Offer a class that would teach this "Mary" something new and interesting, but also introduce them to a community they might be interested in. You could offer how-to classes or classes on home organization plus some different software options.
If you're already an expert, then don't mind an offer from someone willing to pay to have you train "Mary", you should definitely make the most of it. Personally I've been offering business and personal development training for years now. I've done workshops with over a dozen Fortune 5000 companies around the world, as well as hundreds of small business owners, many of whom work from home.
If you're not already a trainer, then maybe offering things like coaching and mentoring would be a great way to network your way back into work at home income.
Take the time to meet new people, especially those in your industry. Contact past clients and let them know how much you enjoyed working with them and how they helped make you who you are today. Make sure they know how valuable they are and put yourself out there as someone who can help their business flourish even more.
This can open up some networking opportunities that will lead to possible clients of your own. It also shows others that you're not afraid of putting yourself out there and sharing what you know without any expectation of payback right away.
Consider joining a professional association that provides you with opportunities to make connections with other individuals in your field. Many of these groups have some type of networking nights where you could find yourself introduced to other professionals just like you who are looking to network their way back into the work at home field.
You can also utilize your blog or personal website as an online resource for new information and products related to your area of expertise. This too could open the door for new networking opportunities that may lead to someone willing to pay you money per hour.
Advanced technology has made it possible for you to make your time and skills available to others via the internet. The more work you do now, the more money you have to invest in your own business as well as give to others who are willing to pay for your expertise.
If someone wants to pay for training but don't want to go through an existing organization, what can you do? Create a webinar or video training course that they can access online that teaches them everything they need know. This could be a one-time fee or monthly subscription if they would prefer that option.
As the internet gets bigger, so do the opportunities. Leverage the internet and everything it offers you and make your way back into a work at home career.
Mark Ling
Author, speaker and entrepreneur Mark Ling has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, and many other media sites which discuss the subject of making money at home.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Ling
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7495415
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Search Terms: affiliate marketing,advertising,blogging,branding,business ideas, content marketing ,content writing ,creating a blog,facebook advertising ,internet marketing ,mark Ling , seo company india ,make money online india ,starting an online business in India and other countries around the world.WriteAndRide.com/MarkLing.com is a website dedicated to helping people in every country of the world who want to make money blogging and doing affiliate marketing as well as starting their own products businesses and more. Thanks for reading my articles! Mark Ling *********************************************************************** You can also check out other articles from the same author on www.
There are a few ways to network your way out of a job. If you've ever wanted to quit your job and go into business for yourself or start your own online business from home, network the way you would if you were trying to get hired by a company or individual. You should be following three major networking steps:
First, find people who have similar goals and goals that relate to your own as far as starting your own business. This could be anyone in any field of work. Find someone who is doing what you would like to do yourself, but they might not have the resources or equipment available that you need yet. Working together will help each other out greatly.