8 Resume Editing Tips


 8 Resume Editing Tips

The clients that I work with sometimes ask me how to make their resume stand out and improve the chances of getting an interview. Along with my tips, here are eight specific things you should edit for a better chance at success in the competitive job market.

- Check your number formatting on your resume. Many employers will automatically apply filters to find resumes that match their criteria, but these filters can be extremely picky about whether or not numbers are in the correct place. This means you have to pay attention to when your numbers start or stop and which ones are preceded by commas and which ones are not. In order to avoid confusion about whether or not a number is correct, you should always adjust your numbering scheme before you print your resume. A common mistake that many job seekers make is not understanding the importance of converting their resume writing time into a task list. Getting everything on paper will only be a waste of time if you end up forgetting something important later on in the process. By creating a checklist to refer back to, it's easy to manage the length of your resume and remember what each section contains.

- Use "proper" capitalization. When writing, capitalize all the words that are used at least twice in a sentence (and probably three times). Words like "and," "in," and "of" should never be capitalized, unless they are the first word of a sentence. Also, if you are inserting a job title in your resume, make sure it is not capitalized unless it has the name of your company preceded by the word "the" or followed by a comma.

- Eliminate unnecessary white space. If there is any way to fit more information onto your resume without sacrificing quality or legibility, do it! Remember that employers will have many resumes on their desk at any given time. Your goal is to stand out for all the right reasons and be remembered for being succinct yet effective. Don't waste your readers' time by leaving out important information or writing something that is difficult to read. Always use the most efficient format and layout possible, while keeping in mind how much space you have left.

- Know your industry. You should tailor your resume to portray exactly who you are and what makes you a perfect fit for the job being advertised. In order to do this, know about the industry (industry buzzwords are the best), research the history of each job advertisement in order to determine which companies are hiring these days, and find out what sorts of company cultures prevail at different companies within an industry.

- Add keywords that relate directly to the type of position you are applying for. This helps you arrive at the correct keywords to describe your qualifications for the specific job. Hiring managers and recruiters use these keywords in their searches, so make sure that they relate to what you want them to find. For example, if you are applying for a medical office admin position, incorporate medical terms into your resume. Specific companies specialize in certain types of positions or industries. Although some may be cheaper than others, the downside is that they do not accommodate as many different types of candidates as other companies.

- Let go of unnecessary information. Sometimes you can know more than is necessary on your resume. It's better to keep your listing brief but very thorough instead of being too detailed and providing absolutely no value to anyone reading it. You should always ask yourself, "What is the purpose of writing this information?" before you add anything to your resume. What good does it do someone to know that you were a member of every community service club in high school and college if it doesn't show any sort of leadership skills or initiative?

- Don't lie. No matter how tempting it may be, don't add anything that you cannot back up with proof. A resume is not a biography; it's a listing of relevant qualifications and achievements. If you want to make yourself sound more professional or important than you really are by adding false accomplishments, then your resume will lead to nowhere quickly.

- Try to be concise. Resumes should only be one page, and the information contained therein should be easy to absorb in a single glance. This is not the place for you to tell your life story. The goal of your resume is to get an interview, so try to provide enough information in order for your prospective employers to see how amazing you are without overwhelming them. It doesn't matter how great a job you think you did writing your resume; as long as there is one error on it, it could potentially cost you an interview. No one is perfect, but it's important that your resume represent who you are and what you've accomplished in the best possible manner.

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Hiring managers and recruiters use keywords to quickly scan resumes for qualified candidates. They look for key words and phrases to find the best candidates, so it's important that you present professional-looking resumes that are free from spelling and grammatical errors. The KEYWORD RESUME RESOURCE will provide you with the latest information regarding all the new skills, disciplines, industries, types of jobs in which you qualify thus making your resume a more appealing option to prospective employers.

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