A Defrazzled Home Business


 A Defrazzled Home Business

What kind of an introduction could I write for an informative and factual blog post called "A Defrazzled Home Business"?

I don't know how to write something like that.
I don't know how to do business. 
How can I start a home business? 
Which one should I start? 
What's the first step to starting a business at home?

My response: "Thank you for your feedback." (This is not the right answer) It seems you are asking questions about starting a home business, but this is not in my area of expertise. I am not a business coach, so I can't go into much detail.
You should read this blog post to see how I answered your questions: 
The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your First Home Business

Future posts will answer the rest of your questions. Does that make sense? 
(This is not the right answer) It seems you are asking questions about starting a home business, but this is not in my area of expertise. I am not a business coach, so I can't go into much detail. You should read this blog post to see how I answered your questions: The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your First Home Business .
How can I start a home business?
Which one should I start? 
What's the first step to starting a business at home?

You do not have to have a "business degree" to be successful at running a home business, but you do have to have some experience. 

If you want to learn more than that, here are some posts that may help:  The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your First Home Business
How Can I Start A Home Business?

"I read your post and it helped me get an idea of my potential future. I have been unemployed for the last 5 1/2 months and I am constantly worried about my future and taking my family down a troubled path. I have a degree in mechanical engineering but I have not been able to find a job in my field. My wife works as an assistant manager at any retail store you can imagine, and because of that we barely make ends meet. We pay $1200 for our cell phones, $700 for our car payment, $400 for our credit cards, we pay roughly $300 on utilities and all of those numbers are close to minimum payments since the job market is so horrible."
I want to be able to help other people like me who are struggling and seen struggle as some kind of constant in their life. There are so many people in this world that know that they have a talent, they want to be successful, but they don't know how to get there. They don't know where to start. I want to help people understand that with determination and hard work anyone can get what they want out of life; anything is possible."
"Hey there! I'm 23 years old, and I absolutely love animals. I'm in my last year of vet school right now, so it's pretty tough going.  I'm getting married next year, and I wanted to start a pet sitting business so I could have part time hours that wouldn't interfere with my studies. I need about 20-30 customers a month for it to be profitable.  Do you have any advice for someone who's just starting out in animal care? I've read the article on How to Start a Pet Sitting Business, and it sounds like it's very helpful!  I want to know what other resources you can recommend."
"Hi there, Nicole.  I think starting a pet sitting business is a great idea! Start by getting references from friends or family in the industry or get it through one of the organizations like HomeStart or Pets Connect.  Many people in your area will be looking for a pet sitter and you can use social media to spread the word."
One reader wrote:  "I've never heard of HomeStart before.  Is it a nonprofit? Do they help people with financing?"

My response:  "HomeStart is not a nonprofit, but they do partner with other nonprofits. For example, they have partnered with Pets Connect. When you are approved for financing through Pets Connect, part of your payments go toward their partner organization so that you can support other pet lovers in need. This is such a great way to give back to the community.  The partnerships with HomeStart enable them to make this happen.  It's amazing!"

I've learned a lot about writing on this blog since I started.  I've learned that teachers have been giving me advice my whole life that I should be blogging now! Since I'm in the teaching profession myself, it's easy for me to see how this is effective writing blog can help people.  Especially when you are learning English as a second language. Here is an example of what I am talking about:

"Hi there, Nicole.  I'm learning English as a second language and I found your blog posts really useful.  I have been able to improve my writing skills and my confidence.  It's nice to see that you are using your teaching skills to help people like me who are struggling with grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. So, thank you for being so helpful.  You've got a great spirit!"
Hi dear friends,

I also started reading other blogs to build my own knowledge base for writing more effective blog posts.  One of the most important lessons I've learned is that no one likes a sales pitch.  As a teacher, I was taught that we should not lecture our students.  Instead, we lead them using questions, and the more effective teachers guide their students to the answer.  This is called Socratic teaching.  The same principle applies to writing blog posts.

I've been working on a post about starting a pet sitting business for some time now and I've gotten quite a few e-mails from my readers asking me when it was going to be published.  Well... here it is! You can find the post here: How To Start A Pet Sitting Business .

Now that I've learned how to write more effective blog posts, I feel ready to write a post about my plans for the future of this blog.  My original purpose for writing this blog was to help my fellow students and teachers.  I wanted to share the lessons that I had learned so that we could learn and grow together.  However, recently, I've been doing a lot more reading on blogs and other social media outlets.  I've realized that there is a great need for English speakers on the Internet who can communicate effectively in this language.


I hope that you found some useful information in this post.  If you are interested, contact me at nikkifarnell@gmail.com (Nicole Farnell) and I'd be happy to have a conversation with you.  I look forward to hearing from you!
Have a great day, and God bless!

Nicole Ka'ai Pa'ae-Lincoln
April 25th, 2014
You can also find Nicole's pet sitting blog here: http://www.pet-sitting-blog.com/index.html . You can contact Nicole at nikkifarnell@gmail.com and read her blog here: http://www.nicolekaailincoln1.

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