A Goose That Lays Golden Eggs


 A Goose That Lays Golden Eggs

In an effort to make the world better, we have been introduced with a creature that has had a big impact on the economy and our ability to eat. They are called Geese, and they lay golden eggs which are used for profit by restaurants. The goose is just what it seems; it is a domesticated bird that was originally from Europe and was brought over to America by European settlers in 1637. Geese can produce over 60 pounds of various types of food each year so close to their nests that they become nutritious for them. Even though geese die out due to hunting during the early 1700's, their ability as producers for profit has kept them alive. By the time we entered the 1900's, geese were being raised in large numbers by companies so that they could sell their eggs to others. Geese are ready for their first egg between 5 months and 7 months of age and can produce three to five eggs a year. I have always been interested in how people use technology to help them produce more products and make more profit. This is what the goose's life was like before they became domesticated by people. They lived on nature and whatever else they found themselves eating in order to stay alive, but due to the human invention of keeping animals for profit, these creatures now live a much better life as well as being able to produce more than enough eggs for themselves every year.
After I found out that geese were domesticated in order to be used for egg production and profit by restaurants, I became interested in how they lived before they became domesticated. For a while it looked like they lived on the same way they did when they were wild but with a little more knowledge of the world and humans. From the beginning of my research, it seemed like their life was a lot worse than it is now even though we know more about them today than we did thousands of years ago. At first, when I read about how animals were used for profit in early America, I presumed that these animals would live better lives today. Whether or not this is true is something I will never know. As many rural people have said, animals have no rights and cannot live in the same way that we do. That being said, I did learn a lot about how geese lived before we knew them, and I can see that they probably made it with what they had on every day in the past.
In the 1700s and early 1800s, geese were raised in large numbers by companies so that they could sell their eggs to others. Because of this, they were able to make more profit than if they had raised them on their own accord. If the geese were raised by a single family, it would have been much harder for them to make as much money as they did by selling eggs which is why I believe that raising them for profit works out a lot better for both people and animals. Because of this, the goose's life was lived a lot better after humans domesticated them to produce more eggs from their nest. In the past, they did not live nearly as well even though they were able to find enough food on their own when they were wild. I felt that because of this, there should be no way to know whether or not these creatures live better lives with us than they did when they were wild.
When I read about how leisurely the goose's life before humans domesticated them, I did not find myself getting a real sense of how they lived in the wild. Even though they had food to eat, they also had to spend most of their time trying to search for it on their own. This is why I think that making them raised for profit works out for both people and animals because it give them a chance to get food which is much easier when you are raised by people because you are given help from others who are raising animals so that you can be able to get more food than you would if you were raised by yourself. This is why the goose's life was better before they became domesticated.
In the past, geese have been hunted down because of their ability to lay eggs. Because of this, they were becoming an endangered species causing people to stop hunting them, which made it so that they are still alive today. If they had not been hunted by humans, they would be an endangered species by now because there would be no reason for them to produce as many eggs as they do each year. If this was the case, they would have to move out of their nests at a young age and find food on their own which would make them not able to live as easily. Even though they were able to find enough food on their own, it is much easier for humans to care for geese than it is for them. If we had not domesticated them in order for them to be raised in large numbers, then I believe that they would have been unable to live as easily as they do today.
I have always been interested in how humans use technology so that we can make more money from our animals. It seems that this started with domestication because it gave us a better way of producing profit from our animals. Even though it may be profitable to raise them for profit, I believe that it is better if they live a life that is more natural. Since animals cannot speak and can only communicate by body language, they do not have the same rights as humans. They are not guaranteed any rights when we make them raised for profit. Birds and other domesticate animals are treated as objects to be used by people. Not only does this give them a terrible life but it also gives humans a chance to exploit their natural resources because we can make more money that way than if we did not make them domesticated like this; so as I said before, this helps both people and animals in the long run.
I believe that it is important to understand how they lived before they were domesticated in order to see what their lives were like. It is my strong belief that since humans have gone through so much trouble just to use them for profit, it would be easier for them to live by themselves than with us. This would not make any sense because we were able to make a lot of profit by using geese in the past which is why I believe that they live better lives now than they did before humans domesticated them. Because of this, I believe that geese should be kept as pets instead of used for profit because I feel like keeping animals as pets does not do anything but help us as well as the animal itself. It is clear that humans can not live without domesticating animals because we need them in order to make money.
In the past, a lot of people were able to survive economically living with their animals. If geese were raised for profit, it would be very hard for them to live this way because they would have to be given food and shelter by someone else. Since they are raised by people now, we can help them out when they need it and then give them food when they are done eating. I truly like the idea of being able to raise animals in large numbers so that we can have a better chance of surviving economically.

This is an essay on whether or not geese live better lives now than they did in the past. I believe that geese have to depend on humans because we are the only ones that can help them out if they need it. Because of this, I do not think that geese lived better lives before they were domesticated. Even though they were able to survive off of their own accord by finding food, it was much harder for them in the long run because they could barely afford to survive by themselves.

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