A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step: Starting Your Own Home Based Business


 A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step: Starting Your Own Home Based Business

Are you dreaming of starting your own home business but not sure how to get started? Maybe you're thinking about quitting your job and following your dreams? Whatever the case, this article is a must read for you.

In this blog post, we'll explore all the steps involved in starting a successful home-based business. We'll cover what it costs and how to get those initial startup funds, what marketing tools are best for getting customers into my store, and more!

#6: Posts That Suggest Solutions To Common Problems
People have many problems that need to be solved - such as making coffee in the morning or not being able to sleep at night.
However, they aren't searching for a solution to these problems. They are searching for tools that will solve their issues, or at least get them started in the right direction.
What should you do?
Post articles that suggest solutions to common problems. This could be an interesting infographic, a list of useful links, or anything that has a unique spin on the problem. It's all about presenting solutions in an easy-to-consume format instead of just search engine results.
In other words, if your keywords are: "how to make coffee" then this may not be the best idea because people are searching for recipes and directions on how to make specifically coffee.
For example, if you own a travel company in Bangkok, it doesn't make sense to try and rank for "Best Places to Travel".
Instead, create content around the popular problems that people are searching for near your city. This could be an article on why Bangkok is the best place to travel or a list of great hotels in Bangkok.

#7: Posts That Solve An Industry Problem
Industries across the world have many common problems. Some of these problems include: how to get more customers, how to increase their brand awareness, and how to solve internal issues with their company culture.
Anytime you can solve a problem that people in your industry are facing, you have an opportunity to rank for their keywords and pull traffic into your website.
This is because when people read these articles, they'll see your brand as an authority in the industry and will either link to you or visit your site. Either way, this is a positive impact on your website.
In order to do this, research the problems and challenges facing different industries and then write high-quality content on how you would solve those problems.
Typically, you'll get the most traction if you solve a problem that affects many people across the world, rather than just one industry. For example, if you were in the travel industry and wrote an article about how to get more clients for fitness coaches in Bangkok, this might not rank as well as an article about how to change your hotel's culture from a dictatorship to a democracy.
This strategy can be applied to any business in any country - it just depends on the problems facing your industry.

#8: Posts That Solve A Common Problem For Your Product Or Service
Let's say that you have a product or service that solves a specific problem. In addition, there are millions of people searching for that solution every month. What do you do?
Solve those problems!
For example, let's pretend that you run an online soap store. You could create an article where you explain how your soap works, how it has good skin benefits, and how it has a great scent. You could make the post really engaging by really answering all those common questions about your product.
In this case, these posts will rank well for more search terms related to your business: "how does soap work".
You'll be able to rank for these terms because there are millions of potential customers in the world looking for an answer to that specific problem.

#9: Posts That Answer Questions And Support Specific Searches
SEO experts will tell you that the most important part of your content is the first 200 words. This section is typically called a "headline" and it's what potential customers will read to decide if they should click on your post or not.
Additionally, this section is where you'll get questions from customers about your product or service. If you can answer these questions in an easy-to-consume format (such as in a list) then that's even better!
For example, let's pretend that I'm trying to rank for keywords like: "does soap work".
I could write an article that explains how soap works. On top of that, I could also add a section where I answer all the most common questions associated with soap: "does it work?"
Right away, this is more engaging than just a plain article. This is something that your audience will find helpful, and it's something that Google will rank in search results for specific queries.
You should always try to answer questions in the form of lists or bullet points because this type of content ranks well on Google too.

#10: How To Posts
How To posts are extremely popular on search engines and social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest. The reason why How To posts are so popular is because they include step-by-step instructions for different tasks.
For example, if you are a personal trainer and you have a video on how to do bicep curls, this is an example of a really unique How To post that will gain traction. You'll also rank in search results for the keywords "how to do bicep curls".
Why? Because people google these kinds of things and then see your post at the top of the search results.
As I mentioned above, people want direction. They want to know exactly what they need to do in order to perform a specific activity or solve a specific problem.
So the next time you're brainstorming on how to solve a problem, think about using How To posts as a great way to present your idea.

#11: Blog Posts With A Clear Call-To-Action
Being able to do a task is actually one of the most important things in life. For this reason, people love reading instructions and tutorials that help them better perform specific tasks.
For example, if you have a video on how to get more clients for your fitness coaching business in Bangkok, then this is a "How To" post that will rank well for popular search terms like: "how do I get more clients".
The same concept applies when it comes to your website. If you want to rank for the keyword "how", then make sure that the content on your site is easy to consume and provides clear instruction on what you need to do.
This should not be hard though. The keywords are often straightforward and simple so you shouldn't have a hard time coming up with how-to content.

#12: Live Chat LIVE CHAT IS THE KING OF BONUS CODES FOR SEO! In order to help you get more visitors into your website, it's important that people see your website when they search for information related to your industry. Live chat can be a great way for people to get in touch with you and this is why it ranks well on Google.


Whether you have a high or low budget, you can still rank in Google with the right strategy.
In this chapter, I explained how to create content that you can use to rank in search results. Remember to follow the 12 steps above and you'll see fast results within 45 days!

Actionable SEO Checklist Download the checklist that will show you how to get more clients using SEO.

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