A Make Money Home Based Business – Tell Me All About It


 A Make Money Home Based Business – Tell Me All About It

Most people are looking for a way to make money at home. You’ve probably heard of some ways that don’t work, but you might not have heard about the business models that do work.

This is a step by step guide to setting up a make money home based business that actually works and is practical for anyone to start.

I’m going to show you how to set up a real legitimate business that will make money from the very start. So let’s get started!

First of all, if you are looking for a business to join, don’t look for home based businesses or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) schemes. They always turn out to be scams and the people who run them make all the money.

It’s not hard to see why these businesses are so successful. Everyone wants an easy way out and these types of businesses tell people that they have found it.

The problem is that most of them don’t.

I know this for a fact because I am part of one of these schemes. It’s a very well-known MLM scheme based in the United Kingdom called Affinity Plus and it was one of my favorite companies to work for until I realized that it wasn’t right for me.

I had been working there for several years and showed them everything I knew about sales and marketing when they brought me into the business in 2008 to be essentially a full time sales person on their behalf.

I did pretty well and was getting really good at it but I had a problem. My real passion was for music and I never wanted to stop selling. I just loved making money from selling products online so I kept asking for more work. To be fair, Affinity Plus took me seriously, but they didn’t want to let me go.

Anyway, the company owners realized that they could make a lot of money from high paying lifetime memberships and started charging people extra money for the privilege of recruiting others to sign up as well.

They told people that they would get training and support as long as they recruited at least three other people in order to qualify for this lifetime membership fee.

Shockingly they were able to recruit seven people in order to qualify for this lifetime membership which turned out to be worth a lot of money because it came with a lot of benefits and bonuses. The longer you were in the business the more you got paid.

So really, all I had to do was keep on recruiting with my friends and family in order to get paid every month until I had made enough money to quit my job at Affinity Plus. After that I would take what I earned and use it as seed money for my own business.

I was told that Affinity Plus was a job like any other in the sense that I had absolute freedom to do what I wanted and there were no bosses or bosses breathing down my neck telling me what to do.

I made good money until about November 2010 when it all started falling apart. Why? Probably because the scheme was illegal and the police were on to it.

This is becoming more common as MLM schemes continue to become more and more popular. So if you are thinking of joining one of these types of businesses, don’t bother. You are wasting your time and money in most cases.

Now, in order to correctly set up a legitimate make money home based business, you need to first understand that there are two very different types of home based businesses.

The first type of business is exactly what it sounds like. You make your money from the sale of products and services. You usually do this by direct marketing or by being an affiliate for another company or person.

For example, I am currently earning about £3,000 every two weeks from Affinity Plus because I have been selling certain products that I found on my own as well as affiliate marketing for other companies through Google Adsense.

I get paid every two weeks, on the same day every time. I have also earned money from using my skills as a music producer and writer by also creating articles for other websites that people can buy and use to promote their products.

This type of home based business is very boring but it does work. The only problem is that you need to handle all of your own marketing yourself which is hard work – especially if you don’t have any experience in sales and marketing.

The second type of home based business requires you to be part of an affiliate program where someone else pays you a commission for selling their product or service.

I have an affiliate program through a company called Iwanttoearn.com which pays me a commission every time someone on my list buys something from their site.

Here’s an example: If someone signs up to my list and buys something from Iwanttoearn.com, I am paid a 30% commission as long as they spend $100 or more with them. If this person only spends $50, I am still paid for the purchase even though it is less than $100 because it is just another way of getting people to buy stuff.

This type of business is great because it is much easier than owning and managing your own products or services. You just need to get in touch with companies that offer affiliate programs, sign up and start earning money.

Ihave experienced both types of home based businesses for myself and have found them both to be very successful. They are however, very different from each other so we need to know what our focus needs to be if we want this business model to work.

You see, with the first type of business, you are on your own. With this model, you need to be able to produce products and services that people want and then sell them yourself at a profit. This can be difficult and I would only recommend doing this if you have a lot of free time or if you don’t mind spending a lot of your spare time learning about marketing.

With the second type of business, all you really need to do is figure out who the top selling affiliate marketers in your field are and sign up to their network. For example, I have access to some very good programs on Iwanttoearn.


If you want to make money from home and don’t mind spending your spare time learning and improving your skills, then owning a home based business is definitely the way to go.

You will be able to work from wherever you want in the world and do what you love. This can be incredibly rewarding and very profitable if you are doing it right.

There are many different ways of going about starting this type of business online but I would recommend trying an affiliate marketing network first. This way, you can get a head start with other people in your industry who are also earning money by selling products like yours while they learn how to do it themselves.

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