A New Stream Of Income For A Horse-Healer
With the drastic and inescapable decline of horses as transportation, the horse healer is a dying breed. But, a new breed of horse-healers are emerging and thriving. For those who have seen firsthand the wondrous abilities that horse healers can perform and have learned from one of these mystical masters, it is clear that there should be no fear in this new stream of income.
Please read on for more information on this new trend to come if you are looking to seriously consider becoming a part of it. For those who have a horse to offer, this article is for you as well.
In this age of technology, energy healing and alternative healing methods are becoming more and more widespread. More people are realizing that there is an amazing connection between humans, animals and nature. Some people have decided to make a career out of their knowledge in these areas, while others just want that extra income on the side.
This new stream will give you no shortage of clients looking to hire your services because horses are loved by many for many different reasons. Horses bring the joy of freedom and beauty into the lives of many, especially those who live in cities or busy urban environments with no access to open fields or spaces to ride horses.
Horse owners are gradually growing weary of the traditional method of horse riding that involves a saddle, bridle, bit and reins. There is an alternative to this that many have not yet started looking into because they do not know or realize that these alternative methods are available.
When people think of alternatives methods to riding a horse they usually think of driving it around in a cart or trailer, which still requires the use of a bit and bridle. This is only one option however. Horses can be ridden through nature without any bits, reins or saddles as well.
The most common method used to do this type of riding is called Natural Horsemanship . This is a system that was created to help heal and rehabilitate horses. This method involves deep understanding of the horse's natural instincts, behaviors and needs.
Horses are very complex in their emotional and psychological responses, especially while they are being ridden. In some cases they can become stressed out or frightened by the sounds of the unfamiliar rider or concerned by unusual noises.
Horses do not like to be shifted around and handled without dignity, which is why riding them through nature is an alternative that many people have not yet considered.
This can be accomplished by following a simple set of guidelines so that you do no harm to the animal or cause them any stress when guiding them through a new environment or path during horse riding lessons .
Never hold the reins in your dominant hand and let the horse have full control of its body by guiding them with your knees. Place one knee well above the point where the bit and the collar meet while guiding with your hands.
Hold reins lightly in hand to guide with knee, then push or pull gently when needed. This will allow you to get a better sense of where you are leading or guiding the horse so that you do not get too far ahead or too far behind.
Many people tend to panic if their horses lose their footing, stumble or fall. This fear causes them to pull on the reins too hard, which creates stress and tension. With consistent practice you will be able to feel where and when your horse is about to lose its footing.
This can be done with patience, practice and guidance from a natural horsemanship professional .
Communication is key for a harmonious relationship with the horses you ride. The horse must feel that it can trust and feel safe to respond positively towards its rider. This will give you the opportunity to know where you are going wrong, so that you can fix it accordingly.
Natural horsemanship professionals have a deep understanding of how horses think and behave in many different situations. This enables them to help you not only learn how to ride the horse, but also provide insight and instruction into how a horse's mind works so you can communicate directly with the horse.
When guiding your horse, be aware of when the horse wants to go in another direction or stop, and use your body language and posture to influence the horse as a whole.
When riding through nature, remind your horse that it is a part of Nature itself and is safe in its surroundings. The activity of being ridden is not stressful on the animal at all but rather enjoyable for both human and animal alike.
Horses have an extremely strong connection with nature and they do not like being separated from it. When they see green or trees they will often begin to slow down and become more thoughtful. Remember that the horse can sense what is going on inside of you as well.
If the horse becomes tense or frightened you may need to calm them down and guide them through a new environment, which does not involve a curb in front of your home or another place that has been very familiar to them.
When a horse is trained for riding it can be used as an aid for people who have a disability, have difficulties with their muscles and joints on account of old injuries or congenital disorders in the back, legs etc.
This process can be of great benefit to patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and other cases where the patient's condition makes walking without support very difficult.
Horses are able to carry up to 500 pounds of a person's weight in addition to their own body weight. This is an ideal solution for people who would otherwise not be able to walk much on their own due to debilitating health issues.
As you can see there are many benefits involved with riding horses that goes beyond its workout value or ability to help you lose weight. It is a great way for humans and animals alike to connect with nature and each other. If you are interested in this alternative method of riding a horse, you can search for a natural horsemanship professional in your area that can help you begin this specialized training.
If you have an opportunity to ride a horse or two through nature, do it! It will be one of the most amazing things you have ever done and it is an activity that you can share with people of all ages and skill levels. The only way to enjoy this activity is by getting involved with it and giving it a try with the right equipment, guidance and help.
Horses are beautiful animals. There is something about them that touches our souls as humans and helps us to connect with nature in a new way. You will never be able to ride your horse through nature again without remembering that experience.
Before you start training your horse to ride through nature, remember that they are extremely sensitive animals and will become stressed out if they think you are taking them away from its natural surroundings. The only way to do this safely is by slow and patient introduction. Be prepared to go through a period of frustration and frustration as well.
Have patience, practice and guidance from a professional natural horsemanship instructor or professional riding school . Begin with very little pressure on the reins so that the horse can learn how to respond to its handler as if it were in a field or pasture alone.
In conclusion the following points should be remembered:
If the horse is not comfortable in its surroundings, it will react negatively and become stressed. It will give you the opportunity to make positive changes that will allow it to gradually absorb the new surroundings.
Horses are sensitive animals and they want to be happy. If they sense stress coming from you or other people, they will not trust your direction and become frightened. They will never let you know how they feel about anything until you show them that you can relax and guide them with total confidence.
In order for a horse to learn how walking through nature feels like, it must get used to this environment slowly under minimal pressure from its handler.