Activating Your Success Blueprint


 Activating Your Success Blueprint

If there's one thing that's been on the mind of most people, it is success. It has been used in our vocabulary since the beginning of time and we will continue to use it through time. Whether you consider yourself successful or not, there are things that may need to be changed to increase your chances of success in life. In this blog post, I have compiled a list of some of the best articles and websites that can help you with progress along your journey towards success. So go ahead, start adding some things into your success blueprint!

In this blog post I have compiled a list of the website and articles for anyone who may want to improve their chances for personal or professional goals. Feel free to leave a comment or share content that may be added to this list! Your support is appreciated.


The Secret – This is a book that shares the concept of The Law of Attraction, which states "you are what you think" and how it can help you achieve your goals and dreams. It was made into a movie as well; so if visuals and audio are more appealing to you, there's that option as well!

How the Law of Attraction Can Help You Achieve Anything – A great article written by Wayne Dyer on how the concept of The Law of Attraction can help achieve anything you want out of life.

The Super Secret – Is a website by Steve Siebold who discusses "how to get rid of all your unwanted and unhealthy habits" as well as how to get your life back on track.

The Law of Attraction Mastery – Is a website by John Assaraf who helps you to utilize the law in a way that works best for you.

The Prosperity Affiliate Program – This is where I earn money when my blog gets traffic. If you would like to use this program, click here!

How Do I Attract Money? – This is another website by Steve Siebold that helps answer common questions that people face when it comes to how they can attract money into their lives.

Law of Attraction Visualizations – A website by Pamela Meyer who discusses how you can utilize the law of attraction using visualizations.

The Secret Medium – This is a website that features the work of Secret-Lives members, who are mediums that adorn the thoughts and ideas of individuals, who have passed on. These mediums speak through their clients' deceased loved ones. If that sounds intriguing to you, click here!

Timeline – Is a website by Debbie Devenport and Lynn McBain that helps you create an awareness in your current and past relationships. It also helps you to analyze your patterns to see if something negative is repeating over and over again in your life.

Strategic Coach – Is a website by Brendon Burchard, who helps you see the big picture in life and how to create your destiny into the future.

High Performance – Is a website by Brendon Burchard, who was mentioned above. Here he coaches people with peak performance and success tactics.

Scientific American Mind – Is a website by Scientific American Magazine that features common traits of high achievers. This also includes celebrities who have achieved their goals and dreams.

The Secret of Success – Is a book by Napoleon Hill, which was also made into a movie. This provides a step-by-step guide on how to reach your dreams and live your dreams.

The Richest Man in Babylon – Is a book by George S. Clason, which helps to provide you with additional tools that can assist you in reaching success and achieving your goals and dreams in life.

Why Am I Not Getting Results? – This is an article by Chad Waterbury who has had substantial experiences with life coaching as well as having his own business for the last 9 years of his life. He provides actionable and practical advice on how you can reach your goals and dreams in life.

Expectation Hangover – This is an article that was written by Tim Ferriss, where he discusses the importance of changing your expectations in life since they are what you focus on and they can alter your perception of the results you want. He also provides various strategies to help you focus on what is important to achieve your goals instead of focusing on the results.

Via Negativa – Is a website by Ryan Holiday, who helps you get rid of all the bad things in your life so there's more room for good things to come into your life.

How to Be a Superhero – This is a book by Robert Greene. In this book, there are various chapters that focus on one superhero at a time in the history of comics to teach you about that person and how different he or she was from others. If comic books are your thing, then this book is for you!

The First 90 Days – Is a website by Gretchen Rubin. She makes it easy for you to create an action plan for accomplishing your goals and reaching your dreams so that you can actually follow through with them. This also includes an actionable chapter on how to stick with it and implement change in your life so that it becomes long-term and sustainable.

Mindset – Is a website by Carol Dweck, who specializes in growth mindset versus fixed mindset. She discusses how the way you think of yourself changes the outcome of your life.

Man's Search for Meaning – Is a book by Viktor Frankl. This may be hard to read since it's written in the 1940s, but it is well worth the read! It focuses on someone's observations of different Nazi concentration camps and how he was able to find meaning in his own life there.

5 Habits of Highly Effective People – Is a book by Stephen Covey, who provides you with a step-by-step guide on how you can develop an action plan for achieving your goals and dreams. His focus is on habits, which are lifestyle qualities that alter behavior.

"You have to have vision and be willing to work hard for it. It's not a walk in the park. It's a lot of work. And it seems like it doesn't pay off, but you've got to keep at it. The biggest thing is not expecting to get the results overnight." ~Martin Brodeur

"The greatest day of your life starts tomorrow." ~Anonymous

"I know I can do this. But I'm only human, so who's gonna help me?" ~Christy Hemeck

"The next dinner party that you attend won't be much bigger than the last one. Smile and be gracious as you make small talk, because no matter how great your mind is, everyone else's is still going to be better.


This is a long list, but it's a comprehensive list that covers just about everything you need to reach your dreams and goals in life. This is what I would recommend for you if you are having trouble getting traction for your ideas and desires. Open up your mind to the possibilities and be open to suggestions from others as well. You may have heard someone say, "Knowledge is Power". What I've tried to do here is provide as much information as I can find on certain subjects so that you have an arsenal of resources at your disposal.

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