ADD - Combating The Dreaded Clutter Monster


 ADD - Combating The Dreaded Clutter Monster

Are you a victim of the dreaded "Clutter Monster"? The monster that appears in all shapes and sizes, but is always lurking somewhere around the house... in your closet, on your kitchen counter, or even behind the toilet. I know how you feel - because I've been there too!

That's why we put together this post all about ADD - Combating The Dreaded Clutter Monster to help you with practical tips on dealing with clutter in your home. From decluttering techniques to organizing solutions for every room, we've got it covered. And don't forget to grab the FREE printables, too!

Read on for the full post... or click a photo below to see it larger!

Some people even have trouble taking care of their closets. They go from room to room and can't find anything in the way of a dress or pair of slacks. They end up putting things in a box, but that box is then misplaced or forgotten. It's not hard to imagine why people get disorganized with their closets and drawers - its large enough to hide all sorts of items! But if we're going to tackle this issue, we need some practical ways to get started.

Let's take a look at some of the tips we've included in this article - to help you with your own clutter woes. Just follow along and feel free to adapt these techniques to fit your situation. Click any photo below to view it larger!

1. In the Kitchen:

The clutter monster tends to get it's start in our kitchen because that is where most food and other items are stored. We all have too much stuff, and it seems like there is never enough space for it all! To combat this problem, we need to get rid of items that don't serve a purpose in our kitchen and make room for new items.

Here are some solutions we've found:

1. Clear out the pantry. The secret to getting organized in the kitchen is to clear out what you don't use and don't need. This doesn't mean throwing away all your food! You can actually use food to get organized! Take a look at these ideas:

You can put plastic wrap around your dishwasher so that items don't get "dropped in" and make a mess on the floor.

Take a look at this article for more ideas on how to use leftovers . You could even make a monthly menu and pin it up so that you know what's in your cabinets at any given time.

. You could even make a monthly menu and pin it up so that you know what's in your cabinets at any given time. Put items that you don't use all the time in decorative buckets . For example, you can put flour in an old cookie tin or sugar in a jar from when you made preserves.

. For example, you can put flour in an old cookie tin or sugar in a jar from when you made preserves. You can also try using clear plastic bins to see what is inside and keep everything organized!

2. Make sure that all of your appliances are working properly and not taking up too much space on your countertops or shelves. If they are, get rid of them - or sell them to someone who will use them.

3. Get a good Trash Can. A good trash can is a must have in any kitchen! We recommend this one because the trash bags can easily be removed and there is no smell!

2. In The Bathroom:

Let's talk about your bathroom closet... chances are you have a lot more going on in here than shoes and socks! In fact, this location of clutter tends to be more of the makeup, hair care and other items that we need to keep close at hand! Here are some tips for organizing the bathroom:

1. Keep all of your makeup inside one bag . Use a decorative bag and label it with a dry erase marker - like the one shown here:

2. Use a hanging shoe organizer for all of your hair care items . This will keep everything organized and close at hand!

3. In The Living Room:

Are you tired of walking over and around clutter? Most of us are, which is why we need to find some good ways to keep our living rooms uncluttered. Here are some solutions that we found:

1. Get rid of any TV trays or coffee tables that you don't use often . Store them in a closet or the basement if they take up too much space.

2. Use a small table to stack your books and magazines. Keeping them in one area will make it easier to keep things clean and picked up.

3. Get some decorative baskets to hold odds and ends like remote controls, candles and toys . These will give your living room a finished look without clutter. Watch out for dust bunnies!

4. Hanging shelves are also good for keeping items that you don't use often - like the TV, DVD player or video games - out of the way when you are not using them. You can also put decorations or knick-knacks on these shelves to keep them from taking up too much space on your walls - see this article for some ideas!

5. Create a clutter free craft corner . Get a basket and fill it with all of the items you need to make crafts. Keep it in the living room or another place where you can see it when you have time to get crafty.

3. In The Bedroom:

How much clutter do you have in your bedroom? It's kind of hard to tell because there is so much stuff! We've talked about decluttering your closets, but now let's take a look at bedroom clutter:

1. Clear out any night stands that are not being used anymore . If you do use them, make sure to put them on a closed surface like the closet floor or an unused dresser drawer.

2. Clear out armoires and dressers . Once you've decluttered your closets, you should be able to clean these items out! Turn them into storage for the bathroom so that you don't have clutter sitting in these drawers taking up space.

3. In The Bathroom:

Are your medicine cabinets a mess? There are many solutions for keeping them organized:

1. Use a coat rack or towel rod as hooks. This will give you enough room to hang all of your items and keep them from falling on the floor while you are taking a shower!

2. Get rid of plastic storage bags . Instead, use jars to store moisturizers and shower gels.

3. Put your hair care items on top of the medicine cabinet so that they are out of the way but still close at hand!

4. In The Kitchen:

Get organized in your kitchen by clearing out any unused items and filling spaces where necessary:

1. Use a basket to temporarily hold spices so that you can still see your hand as you select them.

2. Use a decorative bowl like this one to serve as a cookie jar , or anything else that you need easy access to while cooking!

3. Get rid of any extra space in cabinets with baskets .


These are only a few of the many ways that you can get organized in your kitchen and other areas of your home! Pick a couple of ways that appeal to you and really make it happen! Don't be afraid to try new things - you never know what will work best until you give it a try!

What is your favorite way to get organized? Let us know!

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