Adding Profit to Your Work from Home Internet Business


 Adding Profit to Your Work from Home Internet Business

In the last year, over 30 million Americans have taken the step to work from home, and there are so many things that come with this decision. It’s not just about making ends meet for your family, having a flexible schedule so you can care for your kids, or being able to go on a trip without taking time off — it’s also about earning more profit from your internet business!

So how do you make money from home? The good news is that there are plenty of ways to add profit to what you're already doing. Here are 5 steps we recommend:

1) Create Products That Sell Well on Your Site. 

2) Connect Your Content with Other Selling Platforms. 

3) Choose High-Converting Leadpages to Drive Sales. 

4) Lower the Cost of Acquisition with Special Marketing. 

5) Push the Best Traffic to your video ads.

How do you get started? The easiest step is probably number one; create a high-converting product that sells well on your site, and place a small percentage of those sales through a lead gen funnel — this will help you connect all the way up with projects and clients, who will eventually end up buying from you! Once you're making good money from your work from home, there are plenty of ways to grow your business even more, while lowering costs so you can keep working on your own schedule.

For more information on how to add profit to your work from home business, visit — we have hundreds of these easy-to-use ideas and strategies available for you.


In April 2013, new articles were published all about the subject of Ebook publishing. My latest article talks about how I published my first fiction novel in November 2012 – and how I’m using the same methods to publish a series of nonfiction books, starting in early 2013. It includes information on why I decided to jump into ebooks back in 2008 (6 years ago!) and a couple of resources that have helped me along the way. I have a report that talks about the 5 steps I took to create my own Ebook Publisher.

I decided I was going to write this report late at night. There were a few things that needed to be completed before 9:00 AM the next day, and I wanted to get them done so I could get on with the day’s activities. I usually don’t write articles when I’m waylaid by personal matters, but this time was different…

After reading my latest article, please feel free to look at my page at and write a review. If you want to learn more, please watch my videos on YouTube.

– Scott Garsia

With some Ebooks hovering around a $5-$6 price point, there are still some people who feel that ebooks are a low-value product for the newbie Internet Marketer. I say, don’t worry about it! It seems like we’re living in a world where $0 is the only value anyone else can afford because they can get everything else so cheaply. You can easily see the value in an eBook if you start shopping around.

I went to Barnes and Noble and started looking at how much information costs in dead tree format. $24.99 for a paperback copy of Stephen King’s “On Writing”? Was that a typo or did they really charge $24.99 for a book on writing? I looked up something with similar title on Amazon, it was only $9 and the Kindle version was $4.39! Tech books are super cheap because they’re so easy to get in digital form, but there are still lots of books out there that could be re-written as an eBook for less than the original price tag. Not only that, but other formats open up other distribution channels. I’ve found many free eBooks on the internet that I’ve downloaded and read, but they would have never been available in a form I could buy if they weren’t in digital format!

Scott Garsia is the "Internet Marketer to the Stars", and has been featured in:

Barry Schwartz has worked with Scott Garsia to write an eBook, Time Has Come To…

"Kindle Formatting Made Easy" is LIVE! 

Get Your Copy Today >>

General Contractor, Gillette, Wyoming - "Reno-Tec Roofing" Owner/Manager; 2014-Present<br> 

Internet Marketer - Money Making Sites & Marketing Tools; 2010-Present<br> 
Author – KDP Select & Time Has Come To...; 2012-Present<br>

Internet Marketer - Making Money Online; 2008-Present<br>

The "Internet Marketer to the Stars" has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including:<br>

Richard Perez's Blog:<br> 




General Contractor, Gillette, Wyoming - "Reno-Tec Roofing" Owner/Manager; 2014-Present<br> 
Internet Marketer - Money Making Sites & Marketing Tools; 2010-Present<br> 
Author – KDP Select & Time Has Come To...; 2012-Present<br>

Internet Marketer - Making Money Online; 2008-Present<br> 

Your Listing Here at KDP Select

I want to thank you for the support and for sharing my message. You can contact me by email at or on twitter at @RPerezWriter. If you are a business that is interested in ebooks, please contact me through email or review my site:


If you've been following me for a while, then you know I like to stay on top of the latest trends. So when it was announced that Kindle Direct Publishing had opened up to self-publishers, I knew if I wanted to make a living writing books, then Kindle would be the way to go. Today, I know this platform is not just for eBooks — but it's also the easiest and most cost-effective way for anyone to market their own products or services online.

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