Advice For People Who Work From Home


 Advice For People Who Work From Home

Everyone has their own tips for working from home, whether it's having a designated area in the house or being on call at all hours. But sometimes there is just not enough room or privacy to get everything done, and too much time can go by catching up on backlogs that you might want to get ahead of. This blog post will help you keep track of your work day while still enjoying some family time: focus on your goals and productivity while knowing you're getting a break!

Work From Home Weekdays -
3 Tips For Working From Home By Yourself

On those days when it's tough to find the time to focus on deadlines and projects, we need all the respite we can get. If you, like many Americans, work from home part or full-time, alone with your work, tasks and deadlines can pile up. But by focusing on your goals and productivity while knowing you're getting a break! these moments can serve as mini-vacations.

1. Upgrade Your Working Space -
Don't get stuck in the same old designated "work-space" day after day -- if you do then you may begin feeling daunted to return to the space at all or reenergized once you leave that space. Instead, install a different desk/chair combination in an unused room every couple of weeks (or months if it's more practical). This is a great tip to get you motivated and potentially more productive, since the change of scenery will allow you to focus on your work in a fresh environment.

2. Walk Away -

Our days are often filled with interruptions and distractions, but many of us don't realize how much time we spend doing one or the other. Don't let phone calls and emails sneak up on you! Set aside chunks of time to check messages at designated times during the day. If certain tasks can wait until later, put them on lists so that you can get back to them when it's time.

3. Schedule Break Time -

Perhaps the most important part of working from home is knowing how much time you're going to spend working. When you know that you have a certain amount of time to work, you'll be able to plan your workload accordingly and perhaps not better things to do with your time. For this reason, it's essential to set aside specific times during the day when you will be able to step away from your desk. This may mean pre-arranging a "meeting session" or "vacation hours," but remind yourself that doing so will help keep interruptions and distractions at bay during these times.

Tips for Getting Things Done and Taking Breaks!

Caught at home with your computer and a seemingly endless to-do list? There are many ways to get things done most efficiently. By using a work space that is comfortable, setting up boundaries for your work time, and taking breaks helps you focus on the task of doing your job as well as feeling refreshed when you return. Make sure that you take advantage of these three tips in order to be productive at home.

1. Make Sure Your Space Is Comfortable -

The ideal work location would be a secluded space where you can control the noise level, temperature, and light. This can be accomplished by working in your home office or a tidy spare bedroom that is free of clutter. However, if neither of these spaces are available to you, then try to find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed during your work time. If it's necessary to work in a noisy area (like the kitchen), make sure to wear noise canceling headphones while you're working so that your concentration won't be interrupted.

2. Boundaries Are Key -

It is a good idea to set hours for work and then stick to them. If you only have three or four hours to work from home per day, then set those hours as an office-like schedule. You will be more productive if you spend the appropriate amount of time doing the important things that need to get done, instead of being distracted by other things.

3. Take Breaks Often -

Since it can be hard to stay focused on your work at home, it's often tempting to continue working long after the time allotted has passed. Make sure to stop after you have reached a certain amount of time. Although you may think that continuing to work will help you get things done faster, organizing a time for breaks will allow you to return to your projects with fresh eyes and a clean slate.

Tips For Dealing With The Loneliness That Comes With Working From Home:

1. Set up a Skype handle -

Skype has an option if you want to set up an account specifically for your business or freelance job(s). It's easy to create an account and then decide who should be allowed on it -- including clients or customers. You can also use Skype for audio chats, video conferences, and messaging with clients anywhere in the world.

2. Meet Up With Friends -

People who work from home are sometimes lonely, so you can make the best of it by setting up meetings with the occasional co-worker, or a few of your closest friends. Go for coffee, take a walk together, or even get together for lunch. You can even meet up with old friends (just don't let anyone who has a secret crush on you know).

3. Find some local co-working spaces -

Some of the same people who have difficulty working at home are also just terrible at adjusting to the quiet and unexpected of working alone. If you feel like your social life is lacking, then you might want to consider finding a local co-working space that offers quiet rooms and access to a computer, printing supplies, or projectors. You don't have to be spending all your time in solitude -- sometimes finding a place to go for coffee with some new friends can be just as important as developing new clients!

4. Take time off to work with other people -

If you decide to work out of a well-known co-working space, then you could be in luck. Many online service providers offer affordable packages that include a variety of services. Freelancers who work from home are often looking for ways to meet new people, so these locations can be like a haven for you and other freelancers who may not have strong social lives otherwise.

5. Take advantage of 20% time -

Take some time off from your schedule each week and head into the city.

Conclusion -

It is never too late to make a change. If you feel like working from home is not right for you, then reconsider and then make sure that you carefully plan out your schedule, allocate time for breaks, set up boundaries between work and play, and remember that socializing with others will help to boost your mood and helps get things done. It can also be helpful to have some fresh air as a reminder that there are people outside who are still working everyday.

Keep in mind that no matter where you work from, the most important thing that you can do is be productive. Happy Freelancing!

This article was written by Jyl Fortin, a freelance writer working with lots of different topics.

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