An excellent Mother’s Day Gift Ideas


 An excellent Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is the perfect time for a nice meal, some flowers, and a gift. However, if your mother is like most mothers, she would much rather receive something practical than pretty. Here are some fantastic ideas for giving your mom an amazing Mother's Day present without breaking the bank!

5 budget-friendly gifts to give your mom this year
1. A personal phone line: Skyping her every day is great and all, but sometimes it can be difficult to get it arranged in a way that both parties are satisfied with. A personal phone line can solve the problem! A mother will love being able to speak to her daughter for hours on end, and a daughter will enjoy being able to Skype her mom anytime she wishes. The only limit is your imagination!
2. An upgrade in fitness: Everyone knows that mothers can get a little lazy when it comes to workout, but as they get older, they could use a little help staying fit. This can be done by helping them set up a personal treadmill or even a stationary bike in their homes so they have it available whenever they want. Even if your mom doesn't want one of these machines, providing one would be a great way to encourage her to lose weight and stay healthier!
3. A hot tub: Many moms would love to have access to a bath that could fit multiple people in it. This means they can invite over some of their friends or daughters to have a nice bath and relax after a stressful day. If your family can't afford it, that's alright! It will be an amazing gift if you get it for her anyway!
4. A cosplay costume: It doesn't matter what your mother's favorite movie, book or television series is, there's a great chance she'd be excited to receive a costume based on the characters in them. Just make sure you get her something that fits her size! After all, nothing is worse than buying costumes online and getting them they don't fit properly.
5. A nice watch: Let's face it, when you're a mother, time can seem to move much more slowly than it did before you had kids. This is especially true when you've got kids who are always running around doing something! But don't fret! There's a great way to fix that; by buying your mom a nice watch. One like this one here on Amazon!
I'm sure she'll look great wearing it and will appreciate the thought that went into selecting something she would love.
Posted by Taira Campos at 11:08 PM No comments:
A few weeks ago, a friend of ours asked us if we could help them write some content for the blog they were starting up. Of course, right away we said yes! We were excited to help them out, but in all honesty, we weren't sure what they wanted to focus on. They told us what their general idea was, but beyond that they were pretty much open to whatever topics we had in mind. "How about this?" my wife asked me one night as we discussed it over dinner. "Why don't you use this as an opportunity to start writing again? It's been a little while since you've done so, after all. It'll be wonderful to see what you're able to produce."
My immediate reaction was to protest. I didn't feel like I had anything to write about at this point in my life, but I knew that my wife would reject whatever lame excuse I came up with. Instead, at the next available opportunity, I asked her if we could start editing some of the articles she'd already written for our blog. She agreed and took over for a day or two in order to get things rolling again.
Since then, we've been going back and forth. We are working on writing a single article from scratch each day, but we always have new ideas to work on as well. It's been a lot of fun, and I've been hoping to get the next couple of weeks off so I can begin to edit my articles once again!
As for my writing, it's been going rather well. My wife was right about the fact that it felt good to simply sit down and write things out again. It puts me in a forward yearning to write more regularly now that I'm done with school, but there is something else too. With the onset of summer, I was hoping to begin working on some photography projects, but it seems that we are going to end up spending most of our free time writing for the blog rather than taking pictures. We'll see though!
Posted by Taira Campos at 10:08 PM No comments:
The following guest post comes from Tracy Alvey . She is a freelance writer and blogger who has always been passionate about music.   Therefore, when she discovered Jamstik , a new musical instrument that combines a digital interface with real guitar strings she decided to share her experience with them and their new product in this post.  
"I remember the first time that I heard a song on the radio that made me stop in my tracks. It was "Just like Heaven" by The Cure … Such an amazing song; I couldn't believe that someone came up with that beautiful piece of music.   Then came "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure . After hearing it, I just wanted to learn how to play music for myself because it sounded so amazing!  It was at this point in my life where I knew what I wanted to do: Play the guitar.  
Despite my best efforts, however, nothing really worked out as planned… I tried playing the guitar; it was ridiculously hard and not emotionally rewarding at all.   I gave up, laughed at myself and moved on.   It was a bad day but it was a good life lesson: you can't give up the things that you love to do, even if the results aren't everything that you hoped for.  
Over ten years have passed since then and I have learned several things about myself: 1.) I am not a quitter 2.) I am a little bit stubborn 3.) music makes me very happy
I wanted to be able to play again but with this time around, I wanted something different.   Something that could help me learn how to play AND something that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. I looked through the songbooks at The Music Center here in New York City and I noticed that Jamstik is one of the top-selling instruments.   Before purchasing Jamstik , I decided to check it out online as well.   After a while, I read that they were able to create an interface (which looks exactly like a real guitar) with real guitar strings.
Jamstik is brilliant! It's not just a learning instrument but it can also be used for jam sessions or live shows because you can plug it in and jam with other musicians.


There are three models of Jamstik available: the guitar, the bass and the drum set.   The difference between the models is that they are built with what's known as the "human interface: they use sensors and motion control to allow musicians to play along with pre-recorded backing tracks that can be streamed online or downloaded into the Jamstik unit.   I played my first jam session with Jamstik at a friend's house, which was also my birthday party.  We all had a great time playing for each other.

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