An Interview With An Avon Representative


 An Interview With An Avon Representative

The world of sales is not an easy one to navigate. If you're trying to make a career out of it, then having the right groundwork may really help you in your mission. A recent interview with an Avon representative is just one example of how some people are looking at transitioning into this industry. You can learn more about what led them and others to the path they took by reading on!

An Interview With An Avon Representative
There's a reason why I'm here today doing what I do - being part of the team in my company that sells products like makeup and perfume - it's because my journey started as something mundane but grew into something extraordinary.
Sales is a great life, it's hard work and you have to wanna do it. You can't just fish around and expect to succeed. What I learned very early on is that you have to out think the people you're selling to. It's all about anticipating what they're gonna say or what they need and giving it to them in great detail.
It takes time but most importantly, you have to wanna be here in the first place even if you're not making your numbers that day or week. I mean, you got this incredible drive that naturally comes from within - so if it's a career choice for you and for me - then stick with it because eventually, the magic happens...
I started from the bottom up, working in call centers and later on, I moved to retail, selling what I was fascinated with at the time: perfumes, specifically Avon products - just full of passion for all things that smelled good. I knew that what I was doing would propel me to create something and make more of an impact - one day it did!
Every day and every week is different in this business but what you can surely expect is a lot of people coming in and out from your side, especially during training. Just remember that you're there because you want to be here. If you're trying to make a career out of it, then having the right groundwork may really help you in your mission.
Personally, I've learned that working with other people is the best thing you can do for yourself - so you're never going to be alone, no matter the industry. In sales, you're always going to be surrounded by other women who are looking to move forward with their lives - so if that's you too then keep pushing, because it's not over before it even begins!
Sometimes in life, it seems like nothing comes from your efforts and unfortunately in this business every once in a while, fate can play a role. I was lucky enough to win an Avon representative position last year which was given to me through one of my previous managers. That was a dream come true and I was ready to work my butt off and make it happen!
It's all about building relationships, whether they're friends or customers. With that being said, you never know how life will play out...but if the stars align just right, then you might be rewarded. I had a manager who took me under her wing and taught me everything she knew - she left to go on maternity leave and when she came back after less than a year of working with me, she managed to move up the ladder through sheer hard work and dedication.
You have to make an effort to connect with your colleagues - you never know what it could lead to next. I've seen so many new-coming representatives come in and out so quickly that if you don't form a relationship with them, then it's all for nothing. You gotta get involved and take advantage of the rare opportunity that you may have in front of you.
After I got my promotion, I wanted to recognize the woman who did everything she could to make me better - her name is Alicia Garcia - but what I learned later on is that she had just as much to give me as I had to give her. Working with people like this will never be a chore because they challenge you to step your game up in ways that are unimaginable.
As a leader, you have to be accountable for your actions and likewise, you have to show the people who are under you that anybody can do anything if they really want it. I had a hard time being in charge at first but as time went by and I had my first training class to lead, it all clicked.
In the beginning, I was super nervous because I always thought that only one person could be in charge at a time. What I learned later on is that people are here to work - but they're also here to learn and grow. You can't just push them away because they're not ready - they need time and patience to learn and that's what the company provides. There's a lot of new people so it's important that you let them know what your expectations are from them...and then make sure you follow through on those things.
If you want to work in sales, make an effort to get a second opinion on the products and things that you're selling too. I always lay out everything that I have for sale so that my customers can touch them, feel them and believe in their quality. It's not about just handing over your samples and expecting that they'll buy what you're selling - you have to be involved in their lives...
When I was a representative, I took a lot of pride in the products I was selling and still do. Part of the reason why I liked Avon is because they didn't make me do anything underhanded or inappropriate - they let me be myself. Of course, there are certain things that you must follow...but none of it is in bad taste.
In the beginning, I was thinking about leaving sales behind because it got me down so bad. But I realized that giving up wasn't an option - I wanted to make a change for myself, not for anybody else. When you're making your own money and you're getting your own paycheck, the satisfaction you get is indescribable - so make sure to never settle for less than what you know you can do better.
Reaching a goal doesn't happen overnight and that's why perseverance is such an important part of success - if it were easy, nobody would ever be great or famous...that's just the way it is. 
I learned so much from every single person that I worked with and in return, I have to offer the same thing to them. Everyone is not out there to make a career out of this - but if you're looking for a change or you want to take the next step forward, then you should try it out. When I first got into sales, I didn't have any idea what to expect but now that I'm here and I've been through everything while growing as a person - it's one of those things that becomes part of who you are.
It's really rewarding when people come back to tell you how far they came from.

It's insane to think about all that I've gone through in just the past year. 
As someone who wasn't even looking for a job, I was still given a chance and proved to myself that I could do anything if I really put my mind to it. 
If you're reading my story and you have some doubts in yourself or your decisions, don't give up! 
I'm proud of everything that Avon has done for me - as I'm proud of what I've done for Avon.

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