Are You Derailing Your Business with Details?


 Are You Derailing Your Business with Details?

Are you derailing your business with details?

Yes, details is a part of our lives.

Doesn't that sound like your mom telling you something she heard on TV? Yes, it's true. Details are everywhere and because of this we end up having to waste time thinking about them when really we should be focusing on what's important. As a result, the people who want to succeed in their careers or businesses end up losing sight of their passions and goals as they get caught up in minutiae.

This is a major problem. I've met so many people who are very successful in their careers, yet they seem unhappy and unfulfilled. They have all the facts, the experience and the skills they need to succeed but they never see it reflected in their careers or in their personal lives. Why is this happening?
Isn't success supposed to be fun?
In short, it's not that these people aren't smart enough or hard-working enough (although if you know me at all, you know I think we really can do anything if we work hard). It's that they're not fulfilling their passions and goals because in order to get to where they want to be, they are focusing on taking control of every detail.
What are these passions and goals?
I'll give you two examples in order to clarify what I mean by "pursuing every detail".
At the risk of sounding cliche, as a public speaker and coach I've seen many people become very successful not because they're pretty good at their craft but because they pour themselves wholeheartedly into something that is meaningful to them, even if that means giving up some time to figure it out. They are following their heart and passion about helping others.
On the other hand, I've also met people who have made very little progress over a long period of time. They have all the interesting ideas, skills, and passions necessary to their success and they're not taking action. They say they'll do more but they don't actually do it. The real problem is that they are too busy trying to control every detail of their lives instead of concentrating on their passions and goals.
The point is this: you have to know what your passions and goals are first, before you start thinking about taking control of every detail because it gets in the way. When you can do this, all the details will fall into place.
What does this apply to?
I guess I'm applying this to any business or career where a person wants to make progress.
In my coaching practice I see this all the time. For example, I've met many business owners who are burnt out and unhappy because they have been working 60-80 hours per week to try to get businesses to grow. They're working at their startups or businesses and they're getting nowhere. Sure, they may be getting more clients or customers but there's no profit and no real growth when you measure it by "expanding their vision of what's possible."
Want an example?
Let's say you own a catering business. You love it because you love the art of food preparation and presentation. It's a lifestyle for you. It's your passion. When you start the business, you want to grow it so that you can work fewer hours and spend more time with your family or clients. You want to create an opportunity for others to enjoy the same experience you have.
So, how do you get from where you are now to having a profitable business and taking time off?
How do we solve this dilemma?
You need to know what your passion is first, so that's what I ask my clients in their first session of work together.
You need to know what your goal is, so I ask them as well.
And then I ask them what they would do if they got everything they wanted right now.
What obstacles or challenges do they see in their way?
Once you know how you want to solve the problem, you can start thinking about how to achieve it by taking full control of all the details along the way. It's a powerful technique but you have to be willing to put in the time and energy needed for results that last.
Boom! {Oops! I almost said "bust" there.}
If you start to spend too much time focusing on details, or your business or career becomes too complicated, you'll get off track and eventually you'll give up in frustration.
How do we solve this problem?
You have to know what your passion is first, and then focus on it. It sounds pretty obvious but many people get caught up in the details and never figure out what's important to them. They act like their business is the only thing that matters, instead of being a part of something that matters to others.

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