Believe the Hype? - Making Millions Online
You've seen this type of article before. They promise you a new millionaire in 5 easy steps. Sure, it sounds amazing and you're interested on how do some quick easy money as soon as possible. It's a quick fix. You're looking for anything that will allow you to earn something back quickly; money is always a good sign of confidence. Plus, it'll be enough for you to buy that new iPhone you've been wanting for so long.
Unfortunately these articles are completely false and misleading if not deliberately deceptive- make no mistake about it. They are the work of scammers trying to take your hard earned money away from you, without any effort on your part whatsoever! Believe the hype? I think not...
#TIP: It is best to learn by doing, following tutorials or watching videos rather than reading. This website contains many helpful videos available on YouTube:
The main reason why you should have your own website is because it's a place where you can promote your online business, get feedback, and promote it even more. I came to this conclusion after I saw the results of my first few e-book sales. For years, I had been working as a consultant for various companies in the Consumer Goods sector, and never made any money from my product sales. But one day, everything changed; when me managed to sell a few dozen copies of my book on Amazon. All of a sudden I discovered the true potential my book had. It wasn't about the money; it was about the satisfaction I felt from helping others. I never made a penny from that book, but after some years it turned into an amazing marketing tool for my main business. If you do not want to create your own website, you can also build up a blog on platforms such as WordPress and
What is first thing we need to do? Well, get it registered of course! Do you really want to buy your own domain for one year for $10? No? I don't blame you... The easiest way to avoid this is by using [NAME OF REGISTRAR] free hosting service. It has a lot of features and you can even create subdomains for inside your account.
One thing I would like to mention is that I am never going to recommend you to use any paid shipping services offered by the likes of UPS or DHL. Although it seems cheap, it's actually not worth it at all and you're more likely to get scammed from them. The only service I will honestly recommend is the USPS. It's an actual, real company that makes money for delivering your packages, not scamming you with outrageous fees like UPS does. To avoid these problems and save money on shipping, we have to come up with our own method of shipping. Here I will explain how to do just that.
The first method we're going to discuss is using [METHOD OF SHIPPING] depending on what you are shipping. Obviously, it should be a cardboard box if we're talking about books and small items. Use a large box if we're going to ship a lot of smaller items.
How much does [METHOD OF SHIPPING] charge for it? Well, that all depends on how much does your package weighs minus the weight of the box itself. Some cardboard boxes weigh up to around 70 pounds. So if you want to ship 2 books, you will need at least 2 boxes. That would be around $30 for shipping both of them. If you want to ship around 7 copies of your e-book, this becomes a little bit cheaper than $30.
If you're not from the US, and most people who shipped from the US were not happy with the charge they got from UPS or DHA, then I'd recommend you to use USPS versus UPS or DHL. You can even use USPS' Flat Rate boxes, which is a very economical solution. Many people also choose to ship their products via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Below are some tips that you can apply when shipping via USPS.
Shipping Tips with USPS
Tip 1: Make sure you have already printed the labels for all your packages before going to the post office in order to save time. Also, do not forget to include tape for sealing the boxes and hermetic seals for each product you are shipping.
Tip 2: You will need to create 4 copies of your invoice so that you can attach one copy on the outside of each box that you are shipping. Do not forget to include a copy inside every box that you are shipping as well.
Tip 3: If you're going to ship via USPS, then you have to prepare the documents required for mailing your products. This includes a Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) receipt for each package, and a customs declaration form. The customs declaration form is free of charge but the DMM receipts cost $1 per form in order to be printed.
Tip 4: If you want to ship via USPS, then make sure you have some zip ties in order to securely attach each of your products with the packages that contain your books as well.
Tip 5: Once you are done with the paperwork, it is time to go to the post office! I personally do not like the USPS because they always overcharge me $1 in order to get a stamp. That being said, you can use your own zip ties and any other method of securing your products according to your needs.
Shipping Tips with UPS
There are also other short and long-term options that you can use when shipping your products via UPS. One of these options is using their own labels . The only drawback here is that you have to pay for each form of label separately ($1 in order to print them).
Another way to save money on shipping using UPS is by using the long-term option. This option allows you to ship your products for as long as 18 months without incurring any additional charges. For example, if it costs $4 per package to send 7 books, this would cost you around $32.50 monthly or around $161 per year!
Shipping Tips with DHL
There are many other options that you can use when it comes to shipping and they all have their own benefits and drawbacks. One of the most popular and economical in my opinion is DHL's Intl Priority Mail service. The only problem with this solution is that you have to pay for each form of label separately ($1 in order to print them).
I hope you enjoyed reading this guide! If you have any problems or questions, feel free to leave a comment below. I tried to make this guide as detailed as possible in order for you to avoid the mistakes I made during my first years when selling through Amazon. Good luck on your selling career!
For more information about selling books online and how to properly format them for use with Amazon, visit my blog:
For me, the second most important thing is gaining some reviews from my customers. Not only do they provide social proof, but it also improves your book's ranking on Amazon; plus it makes you look more legit than someone who has no reviews at all.