Components to Build a Concession Business


 Components to Build a Concession Business

If you're interested in starting your own small business but are not sure which type to start, you should consider a concession stand. You can easily set up these stands at malls, parks, sporting events, and other places where there's an audience to sell food and beverages. They are inexpensive to set up and maintain and they provide a lucrative income.

If you think you can't do it, think again. I've built a concession stand from the ground to the sky and haven't touched a penny of my money for 6 years. You just need some basic tools in your toolkit and a few supplies to get started.

An important thing to consider is that concession stands require a degree of creativity that restaurants don't need. This means lower production costs, but also higher risk. You might decide you're not ready for this task and find yourself with a sad story about how people didn't buy enough because your product was less good than you thought it would be or its presentation failed to capture people's attention.

I understand your doubts very well. I've been in your position and have made all the mistakes you're about to make. When I started out, I thought that it was going to be a simple task, just a matter of offering some good food at affordable prices and people will come and buy them by the ton.

This is not the way to go about a concession business. You might decide you're going to start selling hot dogs or popcorn and people will beat their way down your stand because they love those kinds of foods. That's far from reality.

You don't want to sell food because of what it is, try to sell it because of the experience and the memories you create when you serve it. That's what will keep people coming back for more and bring them to your stand on a regular basis.

It is important for you to understand that concession stands are not restaurants. They are a permanent, but seasonal business and they can be started in any part of the year. If you live in a place where there's an opening in the season or when local events call for food stands, this is a good idea. You can also start at different times if you decide that starting in one month isn't enough time to build up clients and promote your new business.

It's up to you to choose the best start for your concession stand. For me, it was at a local fair of my city and it does wonders for me every year. Another good choice is a park that has children's activities on schedule and where many people drop by. This gives you a boost if you're starting in an area that doesn't have many people who are in the market for your products.

A concession stand, just like other small businesses, needs basic tools that all business owners should have. I decided to list them here for you.

Shelving and storage cabinets: Whether you're creating the stand from scratch or not, there will be lots of items that require storage and organization. You can use shelving units that are available in any store. Just make sure you stack them properly to avoid accidents and so people can easily see your products when they come by.

For organizations, try using a magnetic strip for keys and keep your receipt books there as well, so people can see them easily when they come by.

Equipment: This is a list of all the equipment that you're going to need to start your concession stand.

Food trays: The type you use depends on how many booths you have. Just make sure you buy them in sets of two or three so that people can see everything at once and it doesn't matter which one they get. You can find them in most home stores and at discount stores as well.

Carrying boxes: I always prefer the ones with wheels so I don't have to worry that they're not sturdy enough and they don't move when I turn them. These go under the table, so people won't see your food items when they come over.

Wheels: I never saw the point of buying an empty cart for my concession stand. You can get a cart with a small trolley that holds all your items. Most come with wheels and the best part is that they have the same width as your shelving unit, so you can put all of them under one unit.

Air conditioners: These are must-have for hot climates and no one would want to go through that kind of weather when they can just buy some delicious food from your stand. You have to be prepared and make sure you have an air conditioning unit ready when people start calling on you.

Refrigerators: I suggest you get more than one refrigerator for your concession stand, so that the food stays fresh and everyone can see them. You can get a small refrigerator for your drinks and an industrial one for your hot foods.

Display cases: These are important to avoid making food items look cheap or lame. You can get a glass or a plastic display case that you'll place at the front of your stand so people can see what you have in stock. They're also handy for keeping foods at the right temperature and humidity levels.

Tableware: You don't want to use the same kind of dishes that your restaurant uses, so I suggest you go for a set of white plates and colorful napkins. It's always better to make your stand look good, because people are more likely to buy from your stand if they think you care.

Paper products: This is to make sure that everything you put on display looks like it belongs there when people first arrive at your concession stand. Use paper cup covers and finished, colorful rolls that you have on hand in your pantry. It will save time and money, because it won't force you to run out of supplies and start fresh if they get damaged.


You've done all the research and created everything, but you're still not sure if you're ready to start, right? I understand those feelings. When I first started out, I had no idea what to do and I was terrified of failure. But that's why you have to have a wide range of resources at your disposal. These help you learn every aspect of your business, so that you don't make any mistakes when it matters the most.

It doesn't matter if it's a food truck or a small food stand in the city park, people are always looking for tasty food that they can serve anywhere they want. And this is where your skills come in play.

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