Do Animals Use The Law Of Attraction?
If you've ever wondered about animals using the law of attraction, it's no secret that anything is possible. Have you ever thought about how this could apply to your cat? Or your dog? While it might not be scientifically proven, there are many who believe that animal attachments use the power of the law of attraction to communicate with humans. The most recent study found that one in four people say they know their pet is channeling them telepathically and trying to get their attention. This article explores what these attitudes towards animal communication look like and whether our pets actually do use this so-called power as a means of connection or communication with us humans.
So, how do you know if your animal is using the law of attraction?
Disappearing behavior – This is typically one of the first signs of telepathic communication between human and animal. You might notice that your cat or dog becomes increasingly clingy before an out-of-town trip. Or that they start acting out due to a large change in routine that has occurred. For example, your cat might suddenly decide not to use their litter box. This could be because they're trying to tell you something about the change in routine you've put them through when traveling to see friends or visiting a new place. Or it could be possible they're trying to get your attention because they are uncomfortable with the changes occurring around them.
Treating you differently – Animals typically use the law of attraction to communicate negative emotions. They might decide to make themselves sick, hurt themselves or suddenly become aggressive toward others in an attempt to grab your attention. If they are continually trying to get your attention, they could be feeling neglected or unhappy with the way things are going in their lives. So if you notice a change in behavior and feel that it's time for a heart-to-heart conversation with your pet, this could be the reason why.
Sudden changes in routine – If your dog or cat has always played certain games before you go to work, but one day decides not to play them anymore, it could mean something is wrong at home. Or if they insist on sleeping in your bed more than usual, this could also be a sign of something off. If you are worried about their well-being, try to speak with them and see if they will open up to you. Perhaps they're trying to tell you something is going wrong in your home or they're unhappy because one of you is going through a difficult time and is not taking care of themselves. If the behavior continues after the situation has changed, it could be time to visit a professional pet psychic to help them communicate what's on their mind.
Hiding or acting differently – Similar to sudden changes in routine, animals will typically hide when there's something wrong or out of place in their home. If there's movement in the house and their pet bed is covered with dust, this is a clear sign that something is happening to them at home. This could be another animal family member, or it could be a sign that your pet doesn't feel safe at home anymore. If you notice your pet acting differently and you have no idea why, it could be time to ask a professional psychic to help figure out what's going on.
These are only some of the reasons why animals might stop using their litter box or begin acting differently around you. In order to effectively communicate with your pet, you'll have to learn how they communicate and what they are trying to tell you. The first step is to understand that they can get in touch with each other telepathically and will use this power to talk to you.
The next step is to determine what the behavior means. For example, if your dog has started urinating on your carpets, it could mean something is wrong at home. Or if your cat has disappeared for a couple of days, they might just be trying to tell you that they are feeling neglected. The best way to determine what they are trying to say is by communicating with them on their level and understanding why they feel the need to communicate with you in this way. By listening carefully, you'll soon discover what kind of message your animal companion is sending you through their behavior changes.
The more time you spend with your animals, the better you will be at understanding their behavior and knowing when they need you. It might be time to start paying close attention to the way they behave in your absence and observe their surroundings when you walk through the door. They are typically trying to tell us that something is wrong or something needs to change at home, but we aren't always taking the time we need to understand what they are trying to say. Perhaps it's time for a heart-to-heart conversation with your pet so that you can start communicating better with them.
This article was written by Stacey Donaghy for Conscious Reminder , original copyright 2017.
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No one is saying that animals don't have a sense of reality or that they don't have emotions but what we do believe is that they can talk, think and feel through their actions, words and thoughts. –Carole Baskin MS, Animal Communicator and Co-Author of Animal Communicator's Guide to Understanding Your Pet Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
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Pet psychic mediums can help you figure out what your animal is trying to tell you and get back on the right track. Visit a psychic today – they can be found online or in your local area.
Category: Animal Communication, Animal News Articles, Spirituality & Metaphysics Articles, Spirituality in Daily Life, Top 10 List -Tags: animal communication, animal communications, animal telepathy, animals can talk, animals communicate with each other, communicating with animals, communicating with pets, communicating with your pets. advice on how to speak to your pet better.Animal Communication is a subject that has been researched and taught for years now.