Do Not Get Above Your Business


 Do Not Get Above Your Business

If you're looking for a helpful way to keep your life in perspective, look no further than this blog post about the dangers of getting above your business. It's true that anyone can get a little cocky from time to time, but there are consequences to being too confident — and it's not just an ego boost.

In this article, we'll talk about how to avoid becoming too full of yourself and the worst case scenarios that you could face if you continue down this path.

You're Not Above Anything

This is something we learn pretty early on in life: The world doesn't revolve around you. Whether it's to curb our childish antics or to remind us to respect our elders, we're often told that we shouldn't be "above" someone or something. We should always maintain a healthy amount of respect for everyone and everything — and if you can't do that then maybe you need to look inside yourself.

It's easy to get a little carried away with your own success and achievements, but there's no need to brag about it or lord it over others. Simply enjoy the journey, because being able to accomplish something worthwhile far outweighs the need for recognition.

You May Gain Attention, but You'll Also Attract the Wrong Kind of People

When we're feeling confident, it's easy to attract attention for all the wrong reasons. Cockiness can make you an easy target for individuals who want to take advantage of your overconfidence — and honestly, anyone with an ounce of self-respect won't want to be associated with someone who's acting like they're a big deal. This behavior can lead to a lot of problems if you're not careful.

For example, when people start feeling like they should "look up" to you, it gets awkward. You'll end up attracting people who will try and keep up with your "trendy" or "current" interests. They'll try to associate themselves with your success and may even think that you deserve more recognition than other people because of who you are.

Too much of this kind of attention can lead to jealousy (or envy, as the case may be) among those who feel like they should be on a higher level for no good reason. If you're constantly having to defend yourself against these kinds of people, then your confidence is going to focus on the wrong things — and it's likely to feed into a vicious cycle that could escalate over time.

You Can't Get Away with Being Rude or Mean

There's a common misconception about the "nicest" girls or guys in high school. Many people wrongly assume that these people are the most popular, when in reality, they're only liked because they're the easiest people to get along with. When you act like you're above everyone else, it's not going to bring out your best side.

In fact, it's going to do exactly the opposite. You may think that you're pulling one over on everyone else, and that you're actually being humble by saying what you think others want to hear — but this couldn't be further from the truth. When you're rude or mean to others, they'll remember it and they won't have any interest in keeping your company.

Yes, it's possible that your cockiness could be mistaken for confidence in the beginning stages of a relationship. But when you start getting on people's nerves and insisting on things like respect without earning it, you're going to find yourself in a position where no one wants to be around you — not even those who are overly impressed with your achievements.

You'll Become Unattractive, and You'll Lose All Respect That You've Earned

If you're confident, as we mentioned earlier, that's a very good thing. Confidence is attractive — but it's also temporary. When you get carried away and end up being too full of yourself, it's going to be hard to find people who will like you. A little cockiness can be fun in the beginning stages of a relationship because everyone wants love and respect. But when your confidence gets the best of you, it's going to change your perception of what sort of person people see in you.

No one will want to spend time with someone who's acting like they're better than everyone else. It's not going to last long, and when people figure out that their initial impressions aren't what you want them to think, you'll lose all the respect that you've built up over time. Even worse — no one will believe in your ability to succeed.

You Don't Deserve Respect if You Don't Earn It

The truth is, some people are overly confident in their abilities and have very little real skill or talent to back it up. Because of this, they're often arrogant about their abilities and can be a little full of themselves.

This kind of behavior is always going to end up backfiring. You may find yourself attracting people who like your confident attitude — but if you're not putting any real effort into meeting or exceeding their expectations, it's only going to do your confidence in the long run a lot of damage.

These kinds of people will make it harder for you to get the respect that you deserve because they won't believe in your potential — and that's something that everyone needs to have these days, whether they realize it or not.

You're Only As Strong as Your Comrades

When you're in high school, you don't qualify as a true individual. You aren't an adult yet, so it's difficult to lead and build your own life — and you really don't know the best way to do that. Instead, everyone else is leading their own lives and building their own futures, which makes it easy to put your faith in them for guidance. But when things don't go well for them, you'll be left wondering what you're supposed to be doing.

It's only when you're older that you're able to start taking control of your own life and leading yourself down the right path. This is the only way to become truly confident in your abilities. So, if you ever feel like you're in a situation where it makes sense to be cocky or arrogant, take a step back and think about whether it's really worth it.

Don't Be Afraid to Be Yourself

If you want people who really respect and love you for who you are — not because of how many followers you have or how many likes your posts get — then quit acting like an arrogant creep.


Being cocky is one thing that's very easy to see as a negative effect for most people. But it could be one of the best things you do for your overall confidence level — and it's a mistake that you don't want to make in high school. If you're interested in boosting your self-esteem and building the foundations of a good relationship, think about the impact that cockiness is having on your life. You can learn from other people who have been there and start working on how to fix it without making things worse for yourself.

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