Do Women Like Alpha Males?
If you've been wondering if alpha males are a turn-on for ladies, today we're revealing the answer.
What is an alpha male?
The term "alpha male" can have different meanings depending on who you ask. Generally, it refers to those males who occupy the highest position in the hierarchy of an animal or human group. An alpha male might refer to someone with high testosterone levels, or to a dominant man in social relationships - someone who's assertive and confident.
Ladies: Do we like alpha males?
Although there's no definitive answer as to whether or not alpha males are attractive to women, there is a general consensus that they tend to have a certain appeal.
Are alpha males actually sexually attractive?
As with many other things in life, it depends on HOW the alpha male acts. Aggressiveness and dominance are certainly attractive traits, but if an alpha male is too aggressive or too dominant, the woman may just lose attraction for him - at least in her mind.
In general, there are two types of alpha males: the silent alpha and the cocky alpha. The silent alpha is a man who radiates an aura of confidence. He's not loud or brash, but he lets his actions speak for him. Let's say he walks up to you and gives you a friendly greeting, then casually walks away without asking for your number or a date. This kind of man seems like he has no interest in getting your attention, but maybe he actually doesn't want to be bothered by women. You don't know if he wants to hook-up or just play around with some laughs, so you don't have any data when it comes to him being sexually attractive to you.
On the other hand, you have the cocky alpha. As the name implies, he's a guy who tends to come on too strong. He'll verbally brag, one-up you and definitely doesn't take no for an answer. Many women are turned off by this type of man, thinking that he's just looking for a casual hook-up, rather than someone they'd like to continue interacting with.
When is an alpha male sexually attractive?
An alpha male has only two types of body language that tell you whether or not he's sexually attractive: his eyes and his posture. The eye contact that alpha males make is one of their most powerful tools in making women feel attraction towards them...
If a woman sees her alpha male making direct eye contact with her when he speaks, it indicates he's focused entirely on her. It makes the woman believe that he's interested in what she has to say, and that she's exciting to him.
However, if an alpha male is too aggressive with his eye contact, a woman might lose attraction for him. This is because of something called "incongruence". Incongruence means that his body language doesn't match up with what he's saying. When someone is saying something, they tend to follow that statement with a motion which shows that they really mean it. For example, when someone says "I'm an alpha male", they'll often gesture with their hands with their elbows in, as if to demonstrate their dominance. When a woman looks at her alpha male and sees him not doing this gesture when he's talking, she might lose attraction for him.
If you're looking for some super-confident men who are also sexually attractive to women, we've got 5 types of alpha males you can choose from:
Supposedly confident alpha males - These are the kind of guys that the ladies like. They're one of the most popular types of alpha males, and for good reason. They're manly, but not overly so. They're strong in character and get what they want. They have a woman's best interest at heart and aren't afraid to show it.
Dating tips for women: attraction - If you're looking for someone to date, these guys are the best bet. There could be an incongruence in his body language that's causing you to feel a lack of sexual attraction for him, but there's also a chance that it's just your imagination since he does have many attractive qualities about him (and your imagination can make up excuses as to why he can't be sexually attractive).
Dating tips for women: sexual attraction - If you're looking for someone to sleep with, these guys aren't bad either. They make excellent one-night stands because the sex is good and you feel like someone is genuinely attracted to you. Just be careful that he doesn't try to move things along from a one-night stand into a dating relationship, because once you get to know him and see his incongruence, your attraction will turn into disgust.
Supposedly confident alpha males - These are the kind of guys that the ladies like. They're one of the most popular types of alpha males, and for good reason. They're manly, but not overly so. They're strong in character and get what they want. They have a woman's best interest at heart and aren't afraid to show it.
Pretentious alpha males - These are the kind of guys that women really want to sleep with, but not necessarily date or be around for very long. There's just something about their aloofness that makes the ladies feel like they'll never quite be able to reach them, which of course is an exciting prospect.
Dating tips for women: attraction - If you're looking for someone to date, these guys are the worst bet. There's no way that any woman will be able to keep her interest in him because she feels like she can never get through his shell. He may have the looks, the charm and the sex appeal, but he seems like a guy that is always out of reach.
Dating tips for women: sexual attraction - If you're looking for someone to sleep with, this is the best bet. Sure, there may be some incongruence in his body language that's causing you to feel a lack of sexual attraction for him...
The Quiet Alpha Male
The quiet alpha male radiates an aura of confidence. He's not loud or brash, but he lets his actions speak for him. Let's say he walks up to you and gives you a friendly greeting, then casually walks away without asking for your number or a date.