Do You Know How To Use The Basic Self Defense Moves On A Threatening Situation?


 Do You Know How To Use The Basic Self Defense Moves On A Threatening Situation?

Self-defense is the awareness of one's surroundings, techniques of avoidance and conflict management, physical techniques which could be used to defend oneself against violence, and the use of personal weapons including firearms.

This blog post will discuss two different situations: 1) if you are attacked without warning and 2) if you are confronted by a threat with time to prepare. If you are attacked by someone without warning then we recommend using your fists or elbows as this will be done instinctively in order to protect yourself. If you have time to prepare for the attack then we suggest that before anything else, always try and create distance between yourself and the attacker so that they cannot reach out and harm you. As soon as you do this shout to get attention, use your voice to create a loud noise. If you are able to create enough distance then you should try and escape the situation.

Notify the police immediately after escaping or if there is no possibility of escape. If the defender is attacked by surprise from a person who is unarmed and not expected, then it would be best that the defender would try and grab hold of the attacker and throw them on the floor. This surprise move can give time for the defender to escape or for another party to intervene in order to help. If the defender is attacked by multiple people and there is no possibility of escape or if it's a situation where the defender cannot grab hold of all of the attackers then we recommend that the defender defends themselves with punches, kicks, headbutts, elbows and any other techniques that would give them time to try and stop their attackers.

If you are attacked by someone who is armed with a weapon then it is imperative that you attempt to defend yourself from them. For example, if you were attacked by someone who has a knife then this would be essential in order to protect yourself. If you are confronted by someone who has their hands on their weapon then it is best that you try and hide behind something in order to avoid being hit or stabbed. If you are attacked by someone who has their weapon out then it is best that the defender try and run away from their attacker.

Although this can be difficult, it is important to remember that when a situation arises where you find yourself being attacked without warning (or a threat with time to prepare) then remember that it is always better to try and escape than to defend yourself.

We hope that this blog post will help people out there in situations where they may find themselves needing self-defense advice.

For more detailed Self-defense information and advice please click on the following link:

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Written By: Shawn James on July 27, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Staying Safe With Your Firearm - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on July 25, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Firearms Training - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on July 18, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Staying Safe With Your Firearm - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on July 14, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Firearms Training - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on July 11, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Staying Safe With Your Firearm - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on June 28, 2016. on August 3, 2017.

Category: Self Defense Category: Staying Safe With Your Firearm - Back To Blog

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Written By: Shawn James on June 25, 2016.


There are plenty of things that you can carry on your person while carrying a firearm, your cell phone, knife, licensed Pepper Spray and so many other things that you do not have to carry when you are open carrying.

If you are left handed then it is recommended that you practice on targets with a left hand design such as the T-Shirts. You would also want to practice shooting under your own arm or over your head because as we all know, even trained police officers have been known to shoot themselves in training.

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