Do You Need Focus To Achieve Your Goals Faster?
If you feel your goals are slipping away because of distractions, the solution may be as simple as tweaking your focus. Read on to discover how these effective tips can help.
Focus is an essential element for financial success, and in order to achieve any goal faster one must have their mind set on it 100% of the time. Despite this, many people struggle with focus and often find it difficult to develop a solid routine when they feel like they're completely distracted by other things going on in their lives.
A study by the University of Toronto found that focus is an inherent quality that can be learned, developed and mastered by anyone. While it is true that you were born with a certain level or quality of focus, you can control how you focus on a day to day basis and elevate your mind to develop yourself into a more efficient worker. If you want to learn how to become more effective in reaching the goals you've set for yourself, here are some tips that will help:
1. Identify what distracts you.
Take a step back and look at what's going on in your life. Is it a lack of self-motivation, or external forces that are distracting you from your goals?
If it's something you can control, remove yourself from the situation and find something else to do. If it's not something you can control, then try to look past the distractions and keep your mind on one thing – your goals.
2. Set up small checkpoints along the way.
Having milestones and checkpoints along your path to success will help keep you focused and working towards your goal more efficiently. Think of these checkpoints as rewards, or mini-goals that celebrate little accomplishments on the way.
For example, if you're trying to learn a new skill, you could set yourself up with a 5 minute goal every time you successfully do something. You don't have to go crazy and set yourself up for failure with things such as "Learn all the steps to baking a cake" – I wouldn't recommend doing that. A goal that's more attainable and realistic is something like "Be able to bake one banana bread loaf".
3. Think of your goals as smaller checkpoints along your path.
When you're starting out in life it may be appropriate to make all your goals seem quite large in order to motivate yourself. However, it's important to remember that you can break these goals down into smaller checkpoints, and you should do so in order to maintain your focus. Then, once you've successfully completed a smaller goal, allow yourself at least one reward as a congratulations.
4. Define what focus means to you.
When I was younger and learning how to drive I crashed the car more than once because I couldn't understand that when you are looking at the road ahead you need to keep both eyes open. To achieve success in life you must learn how to use all of your senses when focusing on what is important in your life right now: whether it be guiding a car down the road or navigating your way through life.
5. Find out what's distracting you to begin with.
It might take a bit of time and research to figure out exactly why you're distracted, but once you have identified what the main culprit is, it will be much easier to control those things and use them to your advantage. Put yourself in situations where you know there won't be distractions – such as driving in silence or pacing at home while reading a book. This can be very effective at helping you learn how to focus better and develop a more efficient routine.
6. Don't allow other things to distract you and ruin your routine.
When trying to focus you need to do everything in your power to keep your mind focused 100% of the time. This shouldn't be hard as it is our own minds that are distracting us, but there are other people who can and will try and distract you throughout life. Think of them as less than a buzzing fly in your ear. Don't let their voices distract you when the only reason they're talking is because they want something from you, or don't want something from you (that's important too).
7. Do something that helps you focus better.
It may sound strange, but certain things can help increase your focus more efficiently than others (e.g. meditation). The point is that you're trying to have an optimal routine that will help you focus on your goals. The best thing you can do is to figure out what works for you and repeat it. This can be as simple as having a cup of coffee instead of a cup of tea, or even going through the motions of brushing your teeth. All in all, there are many simple things that can help improve your focus:
Exercise (i.e. running)
Seat yourself in a quiet place where there won't be any external distractions (i.e. the library)
Make sure your surroundings are as clean and organized as possible (i.e. clear cluttered surfaces)
These are only a few ways that you can improve your focus, but there are many more methods that will work to help you maintain your FOCUS 100%. So, if you have been feeling like your goals have been slipping away from you (i.e. it takes too long to achieve important tasks), try implementing some of these tips into your routine and see how much faster and efficient you can become with your focus.
You can take your focus, and turn it into a superpower! 🙂
~Nnimbu~ (Cerbral)
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Well, now that you know about certain ways you can boost your focus and achieve your goals, it's time to pick one of them and get started. Building up a routine with a good focus on what's important will help you become more productive, efficient and focused on your goals.