Doing The Things You Thought You Couldn't Do


 Doing The Things You Thought You Couldn't Do

It's a fact of life: we're all going to face obstacles in our lives, big and small. For some people, it might be as simple as being afraid of public speaking. For others, it might be the loss of a loved one or the death of a pet. Whatever the obstacle is, however big or small — it's very possible that you'll get through it with time and support.
It's a fact of life: we're all going to face obstacles in our lives, big and small. For some people, it might be as simple as being afraid of public speaking. For others, it might be the loss of a loved one or the death of a pet. Whatever the obstacle is, however big or small — it's very possible that you'll get through it with time and support.
The main thing is to know that you're not alone in this world — that there are always people there willing to lend you their help and support. When facing any difficult situation, there are many things you can do to improve your well-being on both the physical and mental levels. This is true whether the issue is health, learning disability, family conflict or any other difficult situation. In most cases, these challenges are something that you can overcome without too much trouble; however, you'll encounter times when circumstances get out of control and it's difficult to get things back on track.
While every challenge we face in our lives initially feels overwhelmingly difficult and overwhelming when we stare them in the face, it's actually quite rare for individuals to feel utterly undeterred by these issues. Most of us experience anxiety at some point during our life. The question is — what will we do about it?
Untangling the Anxiety
"The trick is not to avoid feeling anxious," writes Dr. Claire Weekes in her book, "Peace from Nervous Suffering." "The trick is to avoid suffering anxiety. The trick is to remain calm when you are anxious."
When we think of an anxiety attack or panic attack as it's more commonly known, we think of the physical symptoms that come with it — the dizziness, rapid breathing, shaking and sweating. But one of the most common symptoms of anxiety is feeling overwhelmed by our problems; feeling marooned on an island without a way off. Anxiety is not just about the physical symptoms it gives us, but our fear of them — our fear that we'll never get past the situation that's causing us stress and panic.
The key to overcoming this is learning to feel calm and centered in the middle of our difficult times. Dr. Weekes writes, "We are caught in a world where we have these very intense negative emotions but what we're not allowed to do is simply feel them — or show them, or even acknowledge their existence. And that's what makes these feelings so dangerous."
Becoming More Accepting
Sometimes anxiety can be caused by an over-reaction to a mistake we've made; when fear and shame overtake us so strongly that it prevents us from taking even the smallest steps forward. We've all had our share of mistakes, and it's not something that you need to be ashamed of — it's a part of life.
Most people suffer from these feelings at some point in their lives. However, rather than allowing these feelings to immobilize them, they take action. "It is this courage to go on into the unknown that makes life so exciting and so worthwhile," writes Dr. Weekes.
Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by your problems or unable to find solutions, try taking small actions to overcome the issue at hand. Let go of your shame for making a mistake, and let go of your fear about tackling the problem head-on. Instead, allow yourself to feel the emotions you're feeling, but don't give up. Think about it this way — would you rather let your problems beat you down and imprison you, or would you rather learn from the experience and move on?
Re-evaluating Your Priorities
When we're caught in a difficult situation in our lives, anxiety is always one of the emotions that come with it. Anxiety is present both in our thoughts and our feelings when we're afraid of what's ahead. Many people blame their anxiety on their fear of failure or fear of facing something difficult; both feelings are fool's errands. Instead, anxiety is something that's completely natural; and we must learn to overcome it.
"You must learn how to ride the waves of defeat (without losing your balance), and recognize that you can safely descend into the depths of anxiety," writes Dr. Weekes. "You are safe as long as you can see an end to the storm."
Even though our emotions may grow in strength slowly, it doesn't mean we're powerless against them. "If your skill is in accepting and understanding the events, then no matter how intense or uncomfortable those events become you will always have a choice about whether or not you respond like a victim or a victor," writes Dr. Weekes.
Reach Out to Someone
Feeling anxious, overwhelmed and alone is a common feeling for all of us who suffer from anxiety. When we're caught in this situation, it's natural to want to hide from the problems we face — whether conflicts with our loved one, financial troubles or anything else. However, avoiding these issues and ignoring our problems only leads to greater suffering; which makes us feel more helpless than ever before.
When we feel as if there's no one around who can understand our situation or help us through it — that's when anxiety can really take over and make itself known. However, there are a lot of great ways to mitigate your anxiety while also remaining true to yourself.
In her book, "Living with Anxiety and Panic," psychologist Dr. Susan Anderson writes, "Anxiety is a natural response to stress and change in our lives. What we need to remember is that anxiety is a temporary condition that has its roots in the past."
It's difficult at times — especially when facing what seems like a hopeless situation — but not impossible. Dr. Anderson continues, "Instead of feeling defeated and hopeless about your anxiety you need to remember that your thoughts are simply messages from your brain telling you how you really feel."
In order for us to feel less anxious, we must take action. Our thoughts are always the first step to solving any problems we face. Start by turning your thoughts away from yourself; and instead turn them towards something more productive.
"Anxiety is what happens when you're stuck in a position that you know can't be maintained," she says. By thinking about solutions to your problems, you will be able to lessen anxiety and feel calmer and more centered in the midst of difficult situations.
Think Positive
We've all faced times when things seem completely out of our control. But thinking positively and believing that we can overcome whatever life throws at us is one of the most important skills we can teach ourselves, writes Dr. Weekes.

It's easy to become overwhelmed by our problems and feelings of helplessness. However, learning to overcome your anxiety and feeling more calm in the midst of a difficult situation will have a great impact on your life. If you can learn to feel more at peace in the face of what seems like nothing but trouble — you'll be one step closer to living a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Please leave comments below if you have any questions about anxiety or tips for overcoming it.

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