Don't Stop Short of The Gold


 Don't Stop Short of The Gold

Many people put off doing what they really should do
And then they're stuck with regrets.
But it's never too late to start over and make that change!
Listen up, because you're not going to believe this – but there is a way out of your current situation. This may seem like an impossible feat, but the truth is that you don't have to be stuck in your rut forever. You can use these five simple steps to turn things around and finally realize the life you were meant for.
Step 1: Accept the fact that you have recently lost the motivation to succeed
You've just hit a plateau. You get it – you're not going anywhere. You've been stagnated by exhaustion, frustration, and lack of good luck. You're not making progress or changing any time soon. 
But…what can you do? You'll feel better once you accept that your situation is hopeless. That way, you will no longer feel like there's anything to be done and everything will be fine. When this happens, it's easy to give up on your dreams and goals because of the overwhelming pressure of having to start over again…and it seems like the only possibility right now is "starting over. "
But what if I told you that the only thing you have to do is…
Step 2: Rewrite your history
…and then continue on as if nothing had ever happened. Yeah, no big deal, right? It's not like a little thing like rewriting history makes a difference. That's just crazy talk!
Well, let me tell you – it does make a difference! Your life has been totally transformed just by the knowledge that there are ways to change your life completely. Now you know that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always room for improvement and the chance to take everything in a completely different direction.
You don't believe me? Then I guess you'll just have to trust me that "nothing is impossible, and no dream is too big".
What are you waiting for? ... 
Step 3: Look back at your old failures and failures of the past.
"There's no way I can do this." 
"I'm hopeless."
"I can't even get started. "
It feels absolutely terrible when you feel like you've failed in the past, it seems like small talk! You've got to keep coming up with excuses that make it seem like no one could ever expect you to accomplish anything in the future.
But you should tell yourself, "Hey, it couldn't have been that bad. I mean, it is over and done now. Why do I even have to think about it?"
Then you might remember your past failures and laugh.
Step 4: Go through the past successes (if you have any)
"I can't believe I did that!"
When you think back on your past successes, it's no wonder that the happiness is overwhelming. You feel like the luckiest person alive! You're more motivated than ever and ready to take on all the challenges that are in front of you.
It feels so good to look back on those times and remember how great things were. There's nothing left but to start afresh, right?
Well, what if I told you it's possible to relive your past successes at any time? All you have to do is go through the list of your past accomplishments and commit them all to memory. When you're feeling down, just think about all the times you've succeeded in the past and all of your accomplishments will come flooding back!
Great! Now you know that it's possible to re-live your greatest successes over and over again. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and you'll be able to change your entire life.
Step 5: Feel the inspiration to move forward
You're finally ready to start making changes in your life. You've been holding off because you don't know where to begin. You feel like every part of your life is moving in a different direction at once.
But this isn't really as bad as you think, is it? You're not stuck and no one can control what you do! It's completely fine to take control of your own life and make the changes that are best for you. After all, you're the one who is in charge of your life.
There's no need to make rash decisions or feel like you have no control over your life! You are in control and the future is bright!
Now I want you to close your eyes and think about your life right now. Think about how you want things to be – not only for yourself but for everyone around you. 
What's more, think about the people who support and love you. They may not always be by your side, but they are there for a reason and if anyone can help you along on this journey, it's them.
Then you can smile and say, "I have the power to change my life."
That's when you'll have finally reached your true potential. Seriously, that's it! This is all you have to do! You don't even need me anymore and your life is completely transformed. Now that you know where to start, I'm sure nothing will stop you from getting what you want.
You are ready for greatness and I can't wait to see how far you go.  
Your Future Self in 3 Years [ARTICLE END]
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Wow...that was bad...and yet, it made me laugh. But it's still bad. And I'm amazed how many people think the above article is actually an awesome piece of writing! Then again, that's probably because they're too deluded to know any better. The Internet is a crazy place!
Thanks for reading this entire thing. I'm worried that I've given you muddled thoughts and not really explained myself properly, so let me leave you with one parting thought: if life is truly like a video game, then here's my challenge to all gamers out there : imagine playing a video game where the goal was to put in time, effort and money into something you didn't care about or enjoy in order to reach the end faster. Oh wait...

Conclusion : the above article is clearly written in a "fantasy land" where the author believes that there exists some sort of magic pill which can change him/her into a handsome and successful person. The article doesn't even contain any real source or references, so how is it possible to trust anything written in it?
The best proof of this fake article are the few people who agree with it. One can only hope that they send their resume to the same company which is sponsoring this charade. At least they'll have a chance at finding employment! -_-
Thanks for reading this article.

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