Don't Zone Out! Find Focus With A Theme


 Don't Zone Out! Find Focus With A Theme

Hello! My name is Emma and I am here today to go over the importance of having a theme for the duration of your tasks. Many people make the mistake of focusing on one aspect at a time and then moving onto an entirely different one. This means that they constantly need to flip between tabs or windows which can be both disorienting and inefficient.

A much better way to work would be to pick two or three projects that you are working on, find out what overlaps with those projects, and focus only on those parts so all your efforts go into one direction. It's a lot like how brain surgeons only work on their specific part without worrying about anything else going wrong in the operation.

Choosing one project can be difficult, especially if you have a lot on your list. You want to choose one that will take up most of your time and effort in order to ensure that you are not wasting your time on something minor or useless. You could perhaps make a list of tasks that you need to accomplish and then assign point values to the different items. This way, the more difficult the task would have the higher amount of points. Then all you have to do is pick the highest point value item!

You must also take into consideration how much time it takes for each task so that you can plan accordingly. For example, if you are doing a blog post and that takes you an hour to complete, that means that you would have finished the blog post at one point in time. You could then move onto something else such as submitting an article or finishing up your tasks.

One thing to consider is how much time it will take you to complete each of these tasks so that you can come up with a plan of attack. Sometimes following a plan can be very effective, while other times it's just a waste of time. It all comes down to the situation at hand and requires some research on your part as well as more than one step in order to fulfill your goal.

I hope you enjoyed this piece and that it gives you a better understanding of how to set up your own workflow. I will be writing more pieces in the future about how you can get the most out of your day and stay organized with your different projects. Until then, make sure that you have a good theme for each of the projects that you work on.


About The Author: Emma Clements is a freelance writer who offers her clients tips on how to find focus with a theme. She is also an avid blogger and contributor to many popular online publications such as Lifehack and . You can check out her blog on .

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