Easy Invention Ideas


 Easy Invention Ideas

Invention ideas might be the sole property of your dreams and thoughts. You might have come up with them during those long midnight hours, or you might have discovered a new idea for an invention that can change the world. It's impossible to know whether or not what you're thinking about is potentially revolutionary, but don't worry - this article has got you covered.

This article will show you a list of easy-to-implement inventions that are perfect for inventors of all levels. I've tried to keep these inventions as simple as possible so they can be built by any individual who is creative and motivated enough to take on the challenge.
Recent articles have focused solely on complex inventions that require a lot of investments. You know the type…the intricate looking contraptions filled with lots of very expensive stuff that you see on late night infomercials. Within these articles, I've provided links to various resources and people who can help you complete these projects.
Of course, these types of projects are great to do, but they take a lot more time and money than most people can afford. That's why I've decided to compose this article as an alternative to those already written.
For many individuals, the biggest challenge they face is coming up with a good idea for an invention. If you're like most gardeners, chances are you have a lot of ideas for new inventions and projects that you'd love to try, but the task of actually making them happen can seem too daunting. I've tried to find some ways to make your idea a reality by using inexpensive and easy-to-find materials. This list features projects that are perfect for inventors who are just starting out, as well as homeowners who want to become more handy around the home.
Keep these tips in mind when trying out any of the following inventions:
1) Start small.  
If you've got an idea for an invention that can change the world, the first step is building something that's easy enough to accomplish at home. By focusing on something that's simple to build, you'll have less room to make mistakes and you'll also be able to see your invention through to completion with much more ease.
2) Don't reinvent the wheel.  
If there is already a product out there that you can use as a basis for your project, do it! There's no sense in trying to re-invent something that hasn't been invented yet. Start with something simple and work your way into the complicated stuff later on down the road.
3) Think about what you need.  
More often than not, inventors come up with great products because they had a problem that needed fixing. By watching the news, reading magazines, and conversing with friends, you should have a good idea of what types of products or problems you might want to research further.
4) Go back to the drawing board.  
Every once in a while you'll come up with an idea that is so great that it's almost impossible to build. It may seem like it can be accomplished if you try hard enough, but when you get down to actually building it, you discover that there are more challenges ahead than you first imagined. This can be frustrating and discouraging, but don't give up! Persistence is the number one key to success when inventing new things at home.
5) Don't forget about your family members.  
If you have kids, you might want to consider having them help out with your invention. You might be surprised at how much the little ones can contribute and how proud they'll be when it works! Even if your child isn't old enough to help in the building process, he or she should still be able to provide valuable insight as to what's happening at their age level.
6) Get feedback from others.  
Don't do this too soon, but once you've finished working on a project and it's almost ready for market, get feedback from other family members and friends who will be honest with you about your product.
7) Don't give up!  
If your invention doesn't work out the first time, don't throw in the towel. There are a lot of products that have undergone several trial and error stages before making it to market. Your product might go through several changes before you get it right.
8) Stay motivated!  
As with any other project, the biggest challenge is staying motivated throughout the building process. You might have trouble choosing between buying some new gadget or spending your time at home working on your latest invention. The choice is yours - remember that - but if you follow these tips, I think you'll find that building a homemade invention can be very rewarding (not to mention fun!).
Now that you know how to get started, you will find simple, easy-to-build inventions right here. These include chopper saws, ice cream makers and even a portable toilet!
Recently I made the decision to create my very own invention. I had always been curious about glass making and it seemed like the perfect thing for me to do on a hobby level. For me there were two main reasons why I needed to learn glass making; one was to follow my passion of being creative, and the other was so that I could create glass art for my home. (My glass work is not for sale).
During my research into glass making I came across the idea of making a tortilla press. I was really excited about the idea, but I needed to find an alternative way to make this tortilla press.
As I looked around online or at various stores, the tortilla press that I had in mind typically cost $50-$100. This meant that building one would be almost impossible without investing my time and money in a lot of other things as well.
After looking at a few sites like Amazon and eBay, it seemed pretty clear that there were not really many people out there who make these kinds of products. This made me think that I might be able to make a tortilla press more easily than I had originally thought.
It took me about three months and about $70 to put together my tortilla press. Now if you are not familiar with the process of glass making, then this cost might be a little high. But after having completed this project I can definitely say that it was worth every penny! Especially when it comes to the time and effort that I had put into it.


In conclusion, I think that every home inventor should keep in mind the main objective of creating a self-made invention. Whether this is for fun, for business or to simply create things for themselves and their family there are many easy and cheap ways that you can accomplish your goal.
I hope that this article has given you some ideas about creating inventions at home and how you can begin creating the things that you have always wanted. Our next article in this series is going to focus on helping people find their passions! Wondering what your passion might be? Read our article to find out!
Design Source:  http://www.instructables.

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