Ebooks and the entrepreneur


 Ebooks and the entrepreneur

With the advent of ebooks, entrepreneurs have a new source of free knowledge available to them. It’s a one-stop shop for every entrepreneur. You can find everything from how to handle payrolls and fake it till you make it, to how to market your company on social media or get past writer's block when publishing a book. And with the government cracking down on people who want to start their own business, this could be just what the doctor ordered!

The general consensus is that our world has gone digital. Everything, from the way we communicate with each other through social media and IM services like Facebook and Twitter; it’s all happening digitally now in some way or another. Even the way we shop has changed: you can find products on all these digital platforms, from Amazon and eBay to those large online fashion chains. All this, in a way, means that the future is digital.

But what that means for entrepreneurs is that there’s more than one way to go about starting your own business. Some people prefer to start their business with a small website or a blog that documents their experience using their business skills and relying on feedback from other people who have also started businesses and other resources to help them along the way. This can be a way to document your experiment, showcase your business and make the world aware of the project.

Ebooks for Entrepreneurs are another way to start a business . You leverage on the power of the internet to connect with people who have already started their own businesses. For example, there’s this blog that’s dedicated to creative entrepreneurs , where they share their stories, experiences and everything they’d like to learn as an entrepreneur. They have articles that help you take your business to the next level by showing you how to provide better customer service or using social media effectively.

The other place you can find ebooks is through sites like Amazon.com and iTunes . Basically they all sell ebooks, and they’re all free to download, so it’s a way to get your business going, get it seen and create a solid foundation for when you are ready to write your own book.

There’s one other thing that many people like about ebooks: you can be up-to-date with the latest techniques, trends and techniques from other entrepreneurs or experts in the field . So there’s less of a learning curve involved. Plus, this is something that can be shared with others or used as a reference at another time.

Finally, ebooks are a great way for you to make money with your business . For example, there’s this writer who is publishing a book that would help other entrepreneurs be more creative with their businesses and it’s already up to its 4th edition. The base price of the book is $19.97, which could be changed or adjusted depending on how many people choose to buy it. With the way ebooks are selling right now, people tend to buy them as well as get them as gifts for friends or family members.

Ebooks for Entrepreneurs is a great way to get you started on your business journey and get a seamless, passive income stream.  

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The following ebooks are recommended by Tracy from The Confident Entrepreneur .  She asked me to share them with my readers as I'm very confident these will also work for you! (This is an affiliate link, so if you buy this ebook, I'll earn a small commission. I only recommend products I believe in.)
The following resources are recommended by me.  I have found them very useful in my entrepreneurial journey and I'm sure  you will find the same:
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6 Easy Steps To Feeling More Confident And Successful www.entrepreneurs-chronicles.com/how-to-be-more-confident-and...
You can also check out our: Self Esteem 101, The Confident Entrepreneur's Guide for Business Owners and How To Be More Confident And Successful.
Authority, Discipline And Mental Toughness Part 2 - 5th June 2015
By: Robert Bosch
Use the link below to listen or purchase the Audio CD.
The audio CD is available from this website - For information on how to purchase the music/audio CDs please click here . I highly recommend you listen to the audio book while driving in your car as it will be very helpful later on. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus
Authority, Discipline And Mental Toughness Part 1 - 27th April 2015
By: Robert Bosch
For the audio book here is a link to purchase... -------------- Use the link below to listen or purchase the Audio CD. The audio CD is available from this website - For information on how to purchase the music/audio CDs please click here . I highly recommend you listen to the audio book while driving in your car as it will be very helpful later on. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus
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Conclusion: The Golden Rules Of Business Success
By Robert Bosch – Website: www.entrepreneurs-chronicles.com
This is the most brilliant book I have ever read on how to succeed in business, how to be successful and how to become a true entrepreneur.  I will be writing more reviews on this book on a separate post - so watch out for that!  Please share this post with as many people as possible and let me know what you think in the comments below! Feel free to leave any comments or questions - I'll do my best to reply within 48hrs.

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