EVER GOT BUSTED BY THE WORLD WIDE WEB? MySpace-ers and Forumgoers Swap Opinions: This is a Great Web-Advertising tool


 EVER GOT BUSTED BY THE WORLD WIDE WEB?  MySpace-ers and Forumgoers Swap Opinions: This is a Great Web-Advertising tool

MySpace-ers and Forumgoers Swap Opinions: This is a Great Web-Advertising tool

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or someone who spends their weekends fawning over baby corgis, it's easy to be swept up in the whirlwind that is the internet.

And while some of us have an aversion to social media, there are times when social media is just what we need. When you're in business, your audience often spreads themselves out across various platforms. So if you're going to advertise your product or service on the internet, it can help to consider how many people are likely viewing your website from different sources.

One way to better reach your audience is to get a good feel for how the web works. For example, do you know why some people are more likely to buy from you on their mobile device than from their desktop? Or why some people seem to prefer Facebook over Twitter?

You're not likely to win new clients by posting your ads everywhere, but it's just as foolish not to take advantage of the information that's out there. A good way to see what's working for you is by comparing notes with others who have similar businesses.

An article on LinkedIn lists the Top 10 MySpace Ad Features to chat about in a forum. That's good information to know, but it's so general that I thought it deserved a more detailed treatment.

So I scoured several forums and tracked down the web-based discussions that were going on around any given topic concerning marketing, advertising and lifestyle posts that have, or will have an effect on your business. Here are some of the forums you'll find, but remember these are only a sample. You might also find others if you keep doing your research:
Marketing & Advertising Forums (MS Word) 1) http://www.marketingadviceforums.com/Default.asp 2) http://www.marketingforums.com/ 3) http://www.marketing-forums.com/ 4) http://www.marketingonlineforums.com/ 5) http://www.marketingmastersforum.com/ 6) http://www.marketingsoupgroup.org/ 7) http://www.fibwebworksllc.com/ 8) http://iamsearch4u2curecancernowornever-forumsposts/.aspx 9) http://network-marketing-forum2eazy2followup3info/.aspx 10) https://wwwgulfcoasthealthcareercenter-maamablogscom/.aspx
Social Media Forums (MS Word) 1) http://www.vectortalk.com/ 2) http://thehawkseye.com/ 3) https://www.marketingforumsforum-phpbb2/.aspx 4) https://www.informantnewsforumrr-forum-phpbb3/.aspx 5) http://techtalkforumsinfo-techtalkforumsnet/.aspx 6) http://christianforumschristiantalk-christianfaq/.aspx 7) http://topixforumtopixorg/ 8) http://www.traininggroundzrpccssecsorg/ 9) https://wwwblogging4youcom/-bbpress2/.aspx 10) http://www.supertechforum.com/
General Business Forums (MS Word) 1) http://www.marketingforums-bayarea/ 2) https://wwwinfo-todaybizforumnet/.aspx 3) https://www-pcworldus-forumcom/.aspx 4) http://productforumsinfo-productforumsorg/.aspx 5) http://newsmagazineus-forumnnet/.aspx 6) https://askmommytodisneyorg/-bbpress2/.aspx 7) http://socialmediaforbusinessus-webpresscom/ 8) http://www.leftfieldventuresllc.com/ 9) http://www.medicalboardreviewscom/.aspx 10) https://wwwoldracingmotorsportnet/-bbpress2/.aspx
Discussion Forums (MS Word) 1) http://www.mythic.com/ 2) http://www.practicalspells-magazineforum-phpbb2/.aspx 3) https://wwwfoundationsforum-coastalbluesppa-.aspx 4) http://www.societyfaqsorg/ 5) http://thespiritofbeerinfo-thespiritofbeercompanionblog/.aspx 6) http://techtalkforumsinfo-techtalkforumsnet/.aspx 7) https://eoforuminfo-.wordpress-.com/ 8) http://www.barnesandnobleforum-bbpress2/.aspx 9) http://prosperitymatters-forumbbpress2org/.aspx 10) https://wwwdeepfatfryer1com/-bbpress2/.aspx
Information on the Web Forums (MS Word) 1) http://www.socialmediaexplainedus-webpresscom/ 2) http://forumsisforum-iforumssitecom/.aspx 3) https://wwwgedditforums-bbpress2org/.aspx 4) http://community.livejournalus-livejournaluscom/.aspx 5) http://wwwmountainpassinfo-mountainpasssorg/.aspx 6) http://wwwmakeuseofinfo-makeuseofcom/.aspx 7) https://wwwauktionforumnet/.aspx 8) http://www.ehowus.com/ 9) http://wwwsaenglishus-saenglishcom/.aspx 10) https://forumseducationus-bbpress2org/.aspx
General Web Forums (MS Word) 1) http://forumsblogspotcom/ 2) https://wordpress.org/ 3) http://vbnet-forumcomteam3080/.aspx 4) http://wwwjavaworldus-javaworldcom/.aspx 5) http://forumsisforum-iforumssitecom/.aspx 6) https://wwwinsanelymac-iforumssitecom/.aspx 7) https://forumsgadgetgearus-bbpress2org/.aspx 8) http://www.zdnetus.com/ 9) http://wwwlaptopreviewscom/.aspx 10) http://boardsusaforumus-boardsusaorg/.aspx
Also, there's an article that lists the top 10 MySpace Ad Features to discuss in a forum that you can find by doing a search for "Top 10 MySpace Ad Features". And another article that lists the top 10 Facebook Ad Features to discuss in a forum that you can find by doing a search for "Top 10 Facebook Ad Features".
MySpace-ers and Forumgoers Swap Opinions: This is a Great Web-Advertising tool
Here are some additional sources you may find useful from time to time. I'm sure you'll find other good sources as well. I've also included a link to more resources if you're interested in learning more about advertising on MySpace.
Advertising on MySpace (MS Word) 1) http://myspace-advertising-top10guide.blogspot.com/ 2) http://www.

Conclusion: We hope you've enjoyed this article on combining the power of forums and social media sites. Even if you're not a MySpace-er or forum goer, it should be clear by now that you can still take advantage of their potential.
Because they tend to attract people who are more likely to buy than the average web surfer, they can serve as great sources of leads. As long as you know how to find them and make an impression, that is.
Use these forums and social media sites as a resource for arming yourself with information, articles and reports you can use—either to educate yourself or your employees on product development, promotional strategies or even general business issues, for example (see list of topics above).

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