Finding Your Nook and Cranny


 Finding Your Nook and Cranny

If you're not sure where to start with your home decor, don't fret! There are plenty of other fancies out there to explore. Here are five livable spaces and how they compare, so you can find the perfect spot for yourself.

The Nook: Cozy, but still roomy. The Nook is that cozy little corner in the living room where the family gathers around and checks their social media feeds before bedtime; it's a place for curling up in a chair with a good book; think tea time on mornings when mommy needs some "me" time before jumping back into work mode.

The FlCranny: It's a little smaller than the Nook, but it also has some awesome features. The FlCranny offers more storage options, one of which is a built in desk and file cabinet. And the shelving unit has three customizable shelves, so you can have everything from books to arts and crafts supplies neatly tucked away; this is the perfect place for art projects when you're stuck at home with nothing to do.

The Corner: Think wall-to-wall windows where you get sweeping vistas of nature or your neighborhood...or maybe your city or even a whole different country! The corner provides all of these benefits but still makes for a welcoming space if that's what you're looking for.

The Alcove: An Alcove is a little too small to be a Cranny, but it has great potential. Picture your little "office" where you can get all of your work stuff done in the most comfortable manner possible; or maybe your Alcove is in a spare bedroom and you decide to master the craft of cooking by setting up a home kitchen there! The Alcove will get the job done.

The Loft: With its exposed rafters and warm wood paneling, the Loft is the perfect place to hunker down after a long day at work. Maybe it's a spot where you have a few comfortable chairs and a little table where your family can gather on the weekends to play some board games or watch a movie on the flat screen...or maybe you have some crates and boxes that you use as tables for your latest woodworking project! The possibilities are endless.

No matter which wall niche you choose, all of the spots have the potential to be transformed into someplace cozy and comfortable. So which one is it going to be?

By Jessica Jernigan (Home Decor & Design writer)

Source:]thenextgen&utm_medium=socialmedia&May 24, 2015 Source: http://www.homeandgardenearth.


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