For Those Who Are Really Sick Of Their Jobs Working For Others


 For Those Who Are Really Sick Of Their Jobs Working For Others

You know those days when you walk into work and just feel like slumping in your chair? When you feel like you are drowning in a sea of corporate bureaucracy, internal politics and endless meetings?

If this sounds like the feelings you’ve been having lately towards your 9-5 then it may be time to consider whether or not working for yourself might be right for you. Of course not every person is cut out to be their own boss but if that 5:00 pm alarm clock is sounding more appealing than another day at the office there are steps that can be taken to reach your goals of being self-employed.

One first step is to sit down and figure out how much time you would like to devote to your business. Some people prefer to be working exclusively on their business while others find that keeping a regular day job helps them meet the demands of their business. No matter what your work schedule might look like it is important that you know what kind of hours you are going to be putting in. If you are able then try setting up a one-week trial period so that you can try out self-employment for at least a week before making any decisions about whether or not it’s for you.

A good place for some self-employed individuals to start is with an online business plan. If you aren’t that tech savvy or have a limited budget then try a site like where you can create a free business plan in just minutes.

If you are able to write down the goals and objectives of your business in an organized and efficient manner then this will help you to stay on task once your actual work begins. It will also make it easier for family and friends to help support your dreams of making it big as well as help them understand just how much time you are devoting to your new endeavor. Business planning is something that is always good to have even if it’s not at the forefront of your mind every single day.

Another thing that you can do is to pick a few simple goals that you feel will help you achieve your business dreams. One of the easiest ways to do this is to set up a small business plan competition with some friends and family members. If they know exactly what your goals are they can be a great sounding board for your ideas.

If you have an online business you might also want to consider setting up live web seminars especially if it’s in the area of your expertise. The goal of a seminar is not only to make money but also to get new customers for your business as well as expand upon your current customer base. One company that has made a fortune doing this is Mary Morrissey’s who runs a monthly live webinar which brings people in from all over the world.

Don’t be afraid to ask other people what they think your best business option might be. Some of them might even offer you some viable business suggestions that you may never have thought of in the first place. With just a bit of careful planning and some hard work you will be on your way to being your own boss.

Chris Green is a professional writer who offers advice for people who are looking for ways to get their own business up and running with as little hassle as possible.

Adam Shoffley is a writer for, the self-employed planning site where you can create your own business plan in minutes, save time and money, and get the help you need to start your own business.

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Posted in My Planner by admin with . Tags : work, working, work from home, self-employed, start-up business, self employed business/blogger, successful blogs/websites, writing good content. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Name (required) Email (will not be published) Website Submit » Blog Post Friday 4th July 2017 at 09:10AM Posted in Self Employed Businesses with No Comment 2527096934 My Planner -... Friday 4th July 2017 at 09:10AM

Making Your Way In A World Where You Can Be Your Own Boss Working For Yourself So you’ve been thinking about working for yourself and getting away from the 9-5 office routine? Well, I’m sure there are probably a lot of us who can certainly sympathize with that. recently did an article on “22 Reasons Why Working For Yourself Is The Best Job In The World” which included such things as taking vacations whenever you want to, being your own boss and being able to wear whatever you want. While this may sound really appealing, for some of us it may be a bit too good to be true. Below I will give some of the pros and cons of working for yourself and how you can make the best decision possible when it comes to your career. If you’re looking for a job that gives you more freedom, independence and flexibility, then self-employment might be right up your alley. The benefits go far beyond not having to work those dreadful 9-5 office hours. Once you are self-employed you can essentially do whatever you want and set your own schedule, within reason of course. This is fine if you’re running a cake decorating business out of your kitchen but if it’s an online business that requires a lot of computer time then this might not be quite so practical. The other disadvantage to working for yourself is that you might not have the same benefits that employers receive through the payroll system. When you get a regular job your employer pays your salary, then covers any social security, unemployment and sick pay and even matches up any private pension contributions. When you work for yourself, unless you have a self-employed pension scheme then there is no way of you getting personalised benefits through the government. You will also be paying into a pension scheme but another downside to working for yourself is all the taxes associated with it. You will still be paying VAT, income tax and national insurance, which could mean that it’s not as profitable as the 9-5 office job would normally be.

Conclusion Working for yourself can be a challenging but rewarding experience. If you do it properly and have the right mindset, then there is a lot of potential for you to develop your own brand, make good money and have the freedom you’ve always wanted in your working career. The key is to think carefully about what you want before deciding if it’s going to be right for you. Working for yourself can be a challenging but rewarding experience. If you do it properly and have the right mindset, then there is a lot of potential for you to develop your own brand, make good money and have the freedom you’ve always wanted in your working career.

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