Formula For YOUR Success!


Formula  For  YOUR  Success!

What is it that makes a person successful?

Is it the clothes they wear, the company they keep, or their bank account balance?
If you said yes to any of those, please step away from this page. You will never be successful.
Success is a choice not an event. It's about being happy and confident with who you are no matter what you're wearing or how much money you make.
The real formula for success has nothing to do with how much money you make or how many people you know. It's a formula that can be applied in any situation, in any city or country, and on any continent.
To find this formula, we must first understand its components: happiness, hard work, focus and discipline.
Combine these components and success will be yours!
Happiness is the key to success because it allows us to appreciate the things we have while being secure enough to move towards our dreams without being held back by fear or doubt.
Success is the result of continuous, relentless, focused and disciplined effort. There is no such thing as overnight success. Everything worthwhile takes time to achieve.
The key to success is hard work. Successful people don't come out of their success because they are lucky or were born with some natural talent; they came out of hard work and a willingness to put in the time necessary for success.
Successful people have a laser-like focus on what they're working on and eliminate anything that distracts them from their goals. Once you become successful, you will quickly realize all too quickly that your new found wealth allows you to buy things you couldn't possibly afford when you were struggling through life like everyone else.
But if you continue to live your life in the same way that you did when you were struggling, everything will get taken from you and in the end, it won't be worth it.
Being successful is not about how much money you make or how fast you make it. Success is simply about hard work and determination.
Good luck!
Title:The Lasik Alternative? My Favorite Surgeon Explains All...
May 2, 2012 | by Bill O'Leary
I just had LASIK surgery done, which was something that I had been putting off for a while. I had discussed it with my doctor and went back to him for more opinions. I had been a little apprehensive about the operation because I knew that there could be some major complications from it and that the recovery time would be much longer than my previous eye surgery.
I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up from surgery that morning and saw myself in the mirror, because everything looked clear. I got in touch with Dr. Anil Asaio who performed my procedure and he took me through some post-surgical questions, which made me all the more happy.
I also immediately contacted a friend of mine who had also gone through this procedure, who gave me a completely different perspective on the whole thing.

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