Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing


 Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing

Investors are like gold-miners. They must match their skills to the opportunities available in the market. They must want to take on some risk while they seek return, and they must also be willing to spend time and effort in pursuit of their goals If you already feel confident as an investor, or if you’re not sure if you are a good investor, we encourage you to look into entrepreneurial investing. It has many benefits for individuals with a high risk tolerance who want higher returns than traditional stocks and bonds offer. Entrepreneurial investments provide more stable returns than other types of investments because these investments are made only after carefully selecting the entrepreneurs that have been screened by mentors. Entrepreneurs are those who will generate good income in the long term, but they also present the opportunity to create significant wealth. From a higher return perspective, entrepreneurial investing is also an excellent way to make money from stock market downturns and other market declines. It’s always better to have a plan B before you have to have one – if your original plan is put out of action by unexpected events, you can always turn to your entrepreneurial investments for another source of income and wealth creation.
Preston: Entrepreneurial investing offers much more stability than other investment vehicles. And if the investment doesn't work out, you can still make more money with entrepreneurial investing than any other alternative. Most investments will have some level of risk, but you must be willing to accept that risk. Entrepreneurs are those who generate steady income and manage to avoid pitfalls, yet at the same time they present an opportunity to create significant wealth. Entrepreneurial investing also gives investors a way of generating higher returns at market downturns and other times when the stock market is experiencing periods of low liquidity. Entrepreneurial investing provides enough return stability so that investors never lose money, even during those times when stocks are stretched out over a 12-month period or more. Entrepreneurial investing is like a safety net, which helps protect investors from major losses.
Jim: Entrepreneurial investing has proven to be very effective over the past decade. Entrepreneurial investing gives you a chance to change your investment strategy in ways that work for you, so when you have a winning sector or an idea that turns out to be profitable, you can enjoy the reward. The key benefit is flexibility and control. That’s why I am personally starting to base my portfolio on entrepreneurial investments from now on.
Preston: Why is entrepreneurial investing a good option?
Jim: Entrepreneurial investing is good because it gives you more control over your investments, even within a high-risk framework. Most investors have a basic idea of how markets work, but they want to know that there’s someone behind the curtain managing their money. That’s what entrepreneurs do for you – they are the ones who screen and manage the companies in which you invest. While this approach does give you some level of risk, it also allows you to have some level of control over your wealth-building strategy and it gives you more flexibility with your time and money. Entrepreneurial investing is a key part of the financial toolkit that investors can use.
Preston: What makes you think that entrepreneurial investing is a good choice for investors?
Jim: Entrepreneurial investing has been very successful over the past 10 years, and there are many reasons why it’s a good option and why I personally am now starting to base my investment portfolio on it instead of traditional investments. The first reason is stability – you can be confident that with entrepreneurial investing, you’re going to get good returns over time. You’re not going to lose your money within the two-year period after you buy your stock or before you sell it. This benefit alone gives me great peace of mind.
Another reason is that entrepreneurial investing often yields better returns than other kinds of investments. Stocks and bonds are safe, but not all investments are safe, which is the key reason I am starting to make more use of entrepreneurial investing. Stocks and bonds offer limited risk-reward scenarios, where there is only one outcome – a win-win situation. But if you’re looking for maximum return from investment, then you can’t beat the type of income that entrepreneurs can generate for you over the long term. Companies that don't go belly up will continue to generate good cash flow and this cash will be reinvested back into the company so you get even more income.
Preston: Entrepreneurial investing is a type of value investing, where you invest in companies that are undervalued in the market, right?
Jim: Value investing works by acquiring shares of a company at a discount to the intrinsic value of the stock. In entrepreneurial investing, you’re not interested in buying a company at a bargain but rather in buying it from someone else at an appropriate price. In entrepreneurial investing, you’ll never be able to buy out an entrepreneur unless he wants to sell his business. But often the entrepreneur does not want to sell for many years; he will only make those kinds of decisions when he feels that the time is right for him and for his business.
Preston: What makes you so confident that entrepreneurial investing is going to be a good choice?
Jim: I’m confident that entrepreneurial investing is a good option because I have seen what it has done for me. My son has also started to invest in entrepreneurial investments, and he feels the same way as I do.
I believe that entrepreneurial investing is the best choice because we are all on a journey of finding something better than the place where we currently are – it’s nature’s way of driving us forward. Entrepreneurial investing is the best choice because it provides a new way of looking at things and of managing our money, and that’s why I think we are on the verge of an entrepreneurial era – there is an opportunity for all of us.
Preston: Entrepreneurial investments were very clearly in vogue during the past two years. Why do you think that was?
Jim: Most people just don’t believe it’s possible to make money in entrepreneurial investing. They don’t understand how companies can be bought at a discount to their intrinsic value. Entrepreneurial investing has been around for more than a century, but people have always tried to ignore its existence. However, when you look at the stock market today, it’s clear that entrepreneurial investing is here to stay.
Preston: Do you think we are in another high-entrepreneurial investing period right now?
Jim: I think we are in the midst of another high-entrepreneurial investing period. Just look at the stock market and compare it to where it was between 1996 and 2007. It’s a different time now – there are lots of entrepreneurs and new companies being created, which is forcing investors and analysts to re-evaluate their strategies. The entrepreneur ethos is resonating with young people everywhere, who understand that ideas can change the way we live and work.

Jim feels that the entrepreneurial era has arrived, and that it’s now time for investors to learn how to turn ideas into reality. He sees huge opportunities with entrepreneurial investing, and he thinks the best is yet to come. For those who are interested in learning more about this topic and other topics surrounding common stock investing, Jim has written a book called “Common Sense Investing: How to Use Simple Techniques to Beat the Market.”
The book is available at Amazon.com , one of Jim’s favourite places for finding great deals on books. You can follow Jim on twitter at https://twitter.

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