How to Be a Creative Entrepreneur


 How to Be a Creative Entrepreneur

Creative entrepreneurs are more common than you might think. They're the ones with a good idea and the guts to pursue it despite the challenges. This can be highly rewarding, but it's not for the faint at heart. It takes drive, determination, and persistence. It's also important to note that creative entrepreneurs face unique challenges that may differ from those of other entrepreneurs, like overcoming social stigmas or having an online presence instead of a storefront.
If you're passionate about creativity and seek to channel the best of your creative abilities into a business, there are some things you can do to be maximally effective. 
1.  Ask yourself this question: "What's my business model?"
When it comes to starting a business, many people have the idea of going "all-in" and following their passion full time. But what if your passion isn't in the industry? Perhaps you're turned off by all the "low-paying" jobs that exist in that industry. 
It's easy for a creative person to lose focus and go down rabbit trails when their passions change, or when they simply get bored with their own project.
If you're passionate about the creative process, then you should focus on that aspect of your business. You'll find that there are many opportunities to monetize your creativity.
For example, a cartoonist's "business model" could be in the form of commercial illustrations for magazines or promotional products, or maybe an instructional book based on their experience. There are endless ways to make money from doing what we love.
2.     Constantly refine your skills – but don't obsess over perfection.
No one is born a master of anything – we learn by doing and by observing those who do it well before us. A creative entrepreneur should not be afraid to observe the successes and mistakes of their fellow creatives. 
Observation may not be the same thing as emulation, but it could be closer to it than you think. Critical thinking can help you to determine whether or not a certain business model will provide a financial reward, so do your homework and research everything that interests you. 
If there's one thing business owners can learn from successful entrepreneurs it's this: Don't fear failure. Failure is an essential part of progress, after all, so do your best and keep trying new things. 
3.     Be ever aware that immediate gratification isn't always a good thing.
Many creative entrepreneurs are driven by the "idea" rather than the "money" and miss out on the opportunity to meet clients and advance their skills and knowledge. I recommend you don't let this happen to you. You should be aware of how much time it takes for a project to move from idea to finished product, but also how long it typically takes for a project that's already mission-driven.
For example, if your business requires creating a full book, chances are it will take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, depending upon length and production quality. This will give you plenty of time to complete your project as well as learn what it is you need in order to produce a high-quality product.
4.     Use inspirations from the successful.
If you're going to do something, go all out with it. 
You will learn skills that allow you to become a better artist or writer, and these skills may be just as important for your business as they are for your personal life. 
There are many successful artists who use their artistic talents to become great entrepreneurs in other fields. 
For example, Andy Warhol was an industrial designer and stylist before he became a well-known artist. 
It's important to be entrepreneurial in your creative pursuits, but most creative entrepreneurs have prior experience creating before they created a business. 
You may be surprised at what you can learn by reading the biography of another creative entrepreneur, or taking time to study their successes. 
5.  You need a community of support to get you through the tough times and keep you going every day.
The business of creativity is often solitary work – it's easy to fall into a rut when you're doing all the writing, designing and illustration by yourself. Creative people tend to enjoy having others with whom they can share their experiences and ideas. You should seek out such a community, whether it's a professional co-worker or a few friends or family members. 
My favorite thing about being an artist is knowing that I can pursue my passion by creating art and making money at the same time. 
In closing: It takes drive, determination, and follow-through to be successful creative entrepreneur. But if you've got all those things, then there's no reason for you not to become one of them.
Happy being a creative entrepreneur!
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The 7 Keys to Creative Entrepreneurship (2012) From Author and Artist, Joanna White. The Seven Keys to Creative Entrepreneurship: 1. Be Passionate For Self- expression or the expressing of other's creativity Inspiration is everything. How do you want your voice to be heard? If you don't have a voice in the marketplace, how can others hear your voice? The art of expression comes from inspiration. If there's something in your life that inspires you and makes you want to create something, then you must work at that passion and express yourself through your creativity completely without any restrictions or limits. 2. Be Creative The creative mind is the fountain of ideas. I believe that all men and women are creative to some extent. The difference between those who are successful in their fields of creativity and those who aren't is how much creativity they can bring to their work. Learn to think creatively and draw from your imagination as much as possible. In your marketing, you will find that the best way to sell a product is through an idea, or a concept. If you're not sure how to come up with a great idea, then look at other successful people's work for inspiration – and don't be shy about copying them! 3.


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