How To Be More Attractive: Gotta Have Sense Of Humor!


 How To Be More Attractive: Gotta Have Sense Of Humor!

You know you're attractive. You can feel it in your bones when people stare at you on the street, or when old men whistle as you walk by. I bet people tell you all the time how pretty you are-but maybe that doesn't happen to often!
So how can we make ourselves more attractive? Well, there's a lot of different factors and it really depends on what kind of person we are trying to attract... But if we're looking for someone who will be attracted to our "inner beauty", then this article is for us!

What's more sexy than a girl with a good personality? Someone who can laugh at herself and not take life too seriously. Perfect for someone you're trying to win over, or for when you just want to make a good impression.

You'll find that dating people with a sense of humor is very worthwhile in most cases. Let's say you get talking to this girl at the bar and she seems pretty cool. You like her sense of humor and her style-and you're ready to date her! Just one thing...

She wears a scowl on her face all the time, and when she talks, she never says anything bad about anyone. She's clearly not into it. No matter how nice your place is or how much effort you put into creating an atmosphere, no one wants an unhappy girlfriend there with them.

So what's a bad-tempered person to do? Well, it's kind of tricky. You have to have some sense of humor yourself, and make her laugh as well-then you'll be able to check off all the boxes!
You can fill her with laughter by sharing funny stories with her that you know she'll enjoy! Or if you're doing something playful and fun, then she might just find out that you HAVE a sense of humor.
But let me be clear... I'm not suggesting that you should try to impress her with an entirely inappropriate joke or two. You have to keep in mind what kind of person you're talking to and try not to offend them.
What I'm saying is that everyone has a sense of humor and we shouldn't doubt ourselves if we don't think we're all that funny. I'll tell you a quick story:
My friend Lauren was getting ready for a party with her friends, and one girl she was going out with said something like, "You look really pretty tonight, Lauren." And after thanking her, Lauren turned to the mirror and said "I love your hair too," only referring to the other girl.
She said it with a smile and it was so nice! The girl was shocked, but Lauren was just joking around with her friend! The point is that she must have been feeling awkward because she didn't like the way Lauren made her feel.
But that's putting the bad attitude on her! Lauren was just joking around with hugs and kisses-no one's feelings were hurt, right? That's what I like to call "being on a girls' level". It doesn't matter if you're talking to someone of a high or low status; there are no hard feelings if your intentions are friendly.
It's a lot easier to enjoy your time together if you can laugh together.
Think back to when you were a kid and how good it felt to have friends and do fun, silly things with them. Think about that funny joke you heard at the bar that made everyone in the room start laughing.
And you know what else is attractive? A big smile on your face! I mean come on... A girl in some tight jeans, a smaller shirt and heels-and she's also smiling? What's not to love about that?
So bring it on... Just be sure to share your laughs with your new friend so she knows what she's getting into.
Obviously, you'll want to try not to be too mean-but just make sure you're having fun yourself.
You should also show her some kindness. Make her feel special without the need for too much attention-and show that you care about how she feels by being there for her.
And don't take offense if she doesn't get it right away either! Being overly sensitive and emotional can actually be off-putting to people... It might help your case more than anything if you ask her how she'd like things to go and make sure she knows exactly what you're looking for, too.
One way that's worked for me before is to let her know how funny and great you think she is. You don't want to act like she's not funny or smart-you just want to let her know that it's a trait you appreciate about her.
And before you start laughing at all the jokes she tells, try to show her some attention with your smile after you're finished! That way, she'll feel valued by your presence as well as your laughs.
And if you can find a girl who likes to laugh AND has a sense of humor, then that's even better! I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding someone you like...
Being funny and a good person is the best thing you can take with you when you start dating someone new. Because she's probably not the only person in her life to appreciate her or her personality!
Just remember that it's all about how you show up on the first date, and how observant and appreciative you are. But some girl will be drawn to your good nature and witty comments. It's as simple as that.
You're very attractive... What are your options? Unfortunately there's not a lot we can do about our looks.... What we could do is focus on increasing our appeal to others... So let's talk about what we can do to be more attractive!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have a good personality, you're already attractive. And that's basically what personality is, just your nature-your character...
You'll find that people will appreciate your effort to show them a good time when you meet in person.
The foundation of any relationship is honesty, but attention and appreciation are what often makes a pair of people feel connected.
You'll have to have some experience in the dating world to know exactly what women like. And don't worry, you're a great guy so it will come naturally! But when you've got your dating life in order, I'm sure you'll find women everywhere are interested in knowing more about you.
And if that's not enough for you, then start creating your own attractive opportunities.


I hope you've learned a lot here today! You've heard about the signs that you should end your relationship and the five things to avoid in a bad relationship.
You've also learned some good tips on how to meet women, how to talk to them and get them interested in meeting up with you!
And finally, you've learned more about the importance of being truthful from an early stage in your dating life. In short, there are only so many things we can control about our lives... And one of those things is how we're perceived by others.... So it's best to be as truthful as possible.

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