How to grow a money tree


 How to grow a money tree

There are many different ways to grow a money tree. In this article, I'll teach you how to do it the right way and tell you what plants work best for the job.

Growing a money tree is very simple and will teach your children (or you!) valuable skills they can use in life such as gardening or simply patience. For the purpose of this article, I'll refer to the money tree as "agba", but you could call it a "money plant" if you wish.

What You Need:
   – Agba (money tree)
   – Sterilized potting soil/compost/manure materials (optional)
   – Pot to hold your agba (can be anything as long as it holds the water well). A disposable styrofoam cup works well. I use my large Bob's Red Mill Potting Soil Mix .   This is what I use to feed mine and will explain why later on.
    – Soil-less potting mix (optional)
What You Do:
1.  Place a layer of fertilizer in the bottom of your agba's pot. This will be fed to the tree every second or third watering session.
2.  Next, add some soil-less potting mix to the entire inside of your agba's pot making sure to completely fill all sides and add even more if needed. Be sure not to skip any sections at this stage because it is difficult to fill gaps with soil mix later on and this will cause flooding on your agba when it rains or in other situations that may occur during its life span.
3.  Fill your agba's pot with water and give it a good stir (you may need to add some more water if you are using soil-less mix).
4.  Place the agba in its pot and fill the rest of its space with soil. You can use soil-less potting mix or regular potting soil like I do. If you use regular potting soil, you'll need to moisten it before pouring into the agba's pot.
5.  Now comes the fun part! The next step is what makes your money tree grow. Gently shake your agba's pot in a circular motion while counting to ten. This will help the soil settle and will help you find any air bubbles that may have risen to the top of your pot during this step.
6.  That's it! Now all you have to do is wait and watch it grow money right before your eyes. If you're in a hurry, give it some water every day until it grows (be sure not to over water though).
How To Grow Your Money Tree:
1.  Begin by gently shaking your agba's pot from side to side by slightly tipping the entire pot from one side to another just like when watering plants.   Count slowly to 10 while doing this.
2.  Next, tip your agba's pot so that it is slightly tilted as shown in the picture below. This allows water to fall from the top of the pot into the soil rather than on top of your agba. Again, count slowly to ten while doing this:
3.  After you've successfully performed steps one and two, your agba's roots will begin to grow.
How Do You Know When Your Money Tree Is Ready To Be Harvested?
1.  Your agba will begin to grow leaves as it begins to age and grow. This will happen regardless of whether or not you receive any money from your money tree because it does this out of dedication for you (it becomes attached).   There is nothing special about the leaves except that they are very easy to harvest.   The leaves are what contain the money.
2.  You'll notice fruit growing on the leaves of your agba's leaves.   They are sweet and juicy but very small, so I suggest you only harvest them on special occasions and add them to your own dishes.
3.  The tree is ready to be harvested when the fruit appear near the end of its life span (expect to harvest around three months).   Harvest it ANY time from here because it will continue to grow after harvesting until it outgrows its pot and dies, making for a long-term investment for your money tree (in which case you can simply transplant it into another pot or garden bed).  
4.  You do not need to water your agba before harvesting.   Like I said before, it doesn't matter if you receive money or not because they always give fruit regardless of whether you water them or not.   The frequent watering after harvest is what makes the money grow.
5.  When you harvest your agba, you'll notice that the fruit contains very small coins that can be used as currency in most countries (please check with your local government's laws before using our currency).
Extra Tips:
1.  You can use any type of fertilizer that you wish from all-purpose to special (the ones made for trees are preferred) and it will have the same effect as long as you don't skip any steps in the article and follow the steps exactly.
2.  This is a very simple money tree to grow, but it can take several years before your agba will begin to start producing money or even see money in its fruit, so it's best not to get discouraged.   Patience pays off!
So there you have it, my recipe for growing a money tree.   I hope this information helps and best of luck!
For more articles by Bob Nstedt, go here: http://www.

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