How to Handle Fear in Using the Law of Attraction - Law of Attraction Classics: WW Atkinson
"You must become the change that you wish to see."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Fear can be a barrier preventing you from accessing your desires. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown... these are just some ways in which we find ourselves feeling fear. Luckily for you, law of attraction expert and author Dr. Wayne Dyer provides insight into how to handle your fears in his article "How to Handle Fear Using The Law Of Attraction". The article discusses different strategies for overcoming our fears, such as focusing on what you want rather than what's out of reach and using affirmation statements as encouragement when facing obstacles.
How to Handle Fear Using The Law Of Attraction:
The key to using the law of attraction is mastering it by changing your image of yourself, changing your perception of the world around you. While there are many concepts behind the law of attraction, one concept is what I call "the miracle question." This question puts fear out of your mind and replaces it with faith. It creates a belief in miracles as a natural part if existence. So, how do you use this powerful question?
You can ask it aloud or just think it over and over until you believe that miracles are natural parts of life. When one thought or desire leads to another comparable thought or desire, then a pattern has been established. Your self-confidence and belief in miracles can be increased with the repetition of the miracle question.
For example, have you ever had an idea for a small business? Did you think of it just once, then let it go? Then months or years later you wonder why the idea never came to fruition. How often do we entertain an idea only once and then pass on it? It happens all the time, and rather than take action on an idea, we let it go and doubt our ability to make our desires manifest into reality. If your life is one continual stream of doubt about success, this article is for you. I'll teach you how to use the law of attraction so that your doubts about yourself vanish forever.
The Miracle Question:
First, consider the law of attraction as a creative force that shapes and forms your life. You have an amazing capacity to create anything you want, as long as you believe that you can. You have the ability to make your life the way you want it. It's not a matter of chance, it's about what you think and feel about yourself.
You ask yourself important questions: "What do I want?" "What do I need?" "How do I feel?" "What is my purpose in life?" People ask these questions so they can discover their purpose in life. They don't let their fears override their determination to create value for themselves and others. They ask these questions with the belief that they will find the answers to these questions. This is the miracle question, and it's your starting point for using the law of attraction.
Don't try to control your life by trying to predict your future. Instead, you can use this question as a general mantra in order to make things happen that are out of your reach. Imagine that every single thing you can imagine is already happening in some way or another. That's what I mean when I say "miracles are natural parts of life. The law of attraction brings the things that you want into your life.
"What do I want?" "How do I feel?" "What is my purpose in life?" There are many times when we ask these questions and don't get an answer. Remember, the answer to these questions is found inside of you. It's what you already know and already believe in, so it's not going to be based on other people's opinions about what's out of reach for you. It will be based on what's inside of you, so don't let anyone around you influence your choices by trying to tell you that certain things aren't attainable or essential to your happiness.
Reprogramming Your Beliefs:
There is a certain way you want to think about yourself and the things that you want. As I said in one of my previous articles, "Miracles are natural parts of life, so how do you think your life will go? What do you expect to happen? If you don't know what to expect, the law of attraction will help reveal the answer to those questions. Think in terms of probabilities. For example, there is a very good chance that you will find a job if you're looking for it diligently and reasonably. The law of attraction isn't going to tell you that there is no way for you to find a job.
It works miracles all the time, remember? Your life is a miracle, but only if you use your mind and imagination to create things that you want in your life. It's not a matter of chance; it's more like a matter of probability. When you focus on what you want by using the miracle question to ask yourself what do I want? What do I need? How do I feel? What is my purpose in life?, then the law of attraction will work for you. You don't need some secret technique that might or might not work. All you need is the ability to believe in yourself and all that you are capable of achieving.
If you want to use the law of attraction, start thinking in terms of probabilities. This will help you to disengage fear and start focusing on what you want. Focus on your successes and how they were achieved. You don't need to obsess over all the things that you haven't accomplished yet. That defies the purpose of using the law of attraction because it represents doubt and fear, not belief and faith. It doesn't matter how many times you've failed at achieving certain goals because as long as you don't give up, fear will be blocked out by faith in your ability to get what you want.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Your inner mind is your greatest asset. It's the seat of your consciousness and the command center that communicates with the law of attraction on a regular basis. Use your mind to help you get what you want out of life, not to keep you from pursuing your dreams and goals.
Use Your Mind To Build Your Dreams:
The law of attraction works for you only when you use it consciously. We all fall into the trap of thinking about how we can't do what we want because there are too many obstacles in our way. We think that thwarting our good intentions is going to prevent us from succeeding, but the truth is that success comes from within yourself and nowhere else. If you can believe in yourself and use your mind to create the things that you want, you will find success. It's not up to anyone but yourself.
The law of attraction is an organic process. It doesn't require a belief in miracles to make something happen. It's an action that creates results because of a thought pattern. If you have enough faith and belief in yourself, it will manifest into a reality that is based on the law of attraction and wants to be fulfilled by you. "What do I want?" "How do I feel?" "What is my purpose in life?" These are important questions to ask when using the law of attraction for success because it helps you set your intention into motion.
Make your own decisions, be your own master of your destiny, and make the law of attraction work for you. It's time to reprogram your belief system and think in terms of probabilities. Your success will be based on the belief that you can do anything that you put your mind to, not what other people say is impossible. The law of attraction works miracles every single day. It doesn't require a miracle or an elusive secret technique to prove that it really works because it has so many times proven itself by manifesting results over and over again. All it takes is a little faith in yourself and a prayer to God for help because if you believe, then miracles will manifest in your life every day.