Personal Health: Your Most Important Business A


 Personal Health: Your Most Important Business A

The majority of people would be shocked to learn that they are responsible for their own health and well-being. Yes, you read that right! Nowadays, it is far too common to hear complaints about how hard life is: poor public school system, high medical bills, a demanding job that takes up all your time. However, the truth is those individuals do not know how to take better care of themselves. The result? Health woes such as diabetes or heart disease which can be avoided if one takes responsibility for their body and follows basic preventative measures such as exercising and eating healthy foods

A blog post from an experience personal trainer sharing advice on how people can recognize their own health problems in order to get the best results possible.

Personal Health: Your Most Important Business
By: Tiffany A. Donahue, CPT, NASM-CPT, LAT, LMT
Health is a right of all humans. No one should go through their lives worrying about it. So why do so many people seem to be obsessed with their health? Personal health is more than just the physical presence. It encompasses emotional stability, as well as overall wellness. Personal health can make or break an individual's life and career. So how can one take care of their "most important business?"

The Web and Social Media are a great place to start. It is important to stay connected with others in your life, especially if you have limited time for physical movement. Finding people who share similar interests is also a good idea. For example, if your favorite movie is The Godfather there is no reason not to go watch it with your friends. Get together with people who you can converse with and discuss movies or sports while inviting others into the conversation as well. It is important to find people who are similar to you in interests and life style.

Another element of personal health that can make or break one's life and career is mindset. It is not always easy to keep a positive outlook on life, however it is worth the effort if you want to be successful in your career and in all areas of your life. With a positive attitude you will be more likely to take care of yourself and others without over-worrying about what may happen in the future.

Taking care of yourself will also have far-reaching effects in all areas of your life, especially your career. Your health determines how healthy you look, which then affects how well one can perform at work. Personal training is a great example of how one's personal health can affect not only their career, but the lives of others. I have heard many complaints from people who got injured from an in-home exercise program, and it is easy to see why. It is easy to get carried away when you start exercising and even easier to injure yourself if you are not careful. Personal trainers are trained in how to work with clients so that they will be successful in their program, even if they are just starting out. Personal trainers have special equipment such as bands and dumbbells which can increase or decrease weight resistance, thus making each exercise easier or harder depending on the client's needs.


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