Spend Time To Save Time
The best way to save time is to not waste it. This can sound simple, but the reality is that many of us spend so much time doing things that are unnecessary and avoidable. For example, most people will stop at the store on their way home from work to pick up one or two items rather than planning a larger trip earlier in the day when they have more time available. This might not seem like a big deal, but this small decision can make an enormous difference over time:
More than half of Americans say they spend four hours every week driving back and forth between stores to buy groceries and other household items. These unnecessary trips can easily add up to large amounts of time every week. By contrast, planning a larger grocery trip and buying less often can save hundreds of dollars each year. This just one example of how we waste our time with everyday decisions.
There are many other things that we could do if only we were more intentional about how we spend our time . We could use this time to better fit in activities around our life and family that make us happy rather than wasting it on activities that are less enjoyable and rewarding. Another way to save more time is by being more efficient and effective at the things that you do do…or don't do.
The easiest way to become more efficient is to eliminate the unnecessary things you do. This might be a little intimidating because it will require that you evaluate each action and figure out if it brings you closer to your goals or not. The easiest things to avoid are the small waste of time like making pointless phone calls or emails, browsing social media, watching TV, reading unimportant information, etc. More important tasks like going out with friends or taking trips might take a little more thought because we don't want to unintentionally avoid something meaningful in favor of saving time .
It is often easy to find something more interesting than what we are currently doing. This is why we have to be intentional about our priorities. If you make a list of the 10 most important things in your life, you will find that this list fills in all of your free time. There will be no room left for watching TV or shopping.
This website has a lot of articles on how to save time and increase efficiency. Here are some examples:
Most of these articles are more specific and give more practical advice on how to save time like doing laundry at the same time as cleaning your house or combining errands into one trip. For example: If you go to the grocery store, pick up gas and then stop at Best Buy as separate trips, you can combine these three errands into one trip .
Spend Time To Save Time