Spirituality Information - John Harricharan's Interview With Terri Marie (Q3)


 Spirituality Information - John Harricharan's Interview With Terri  Marie (Q3)

Spiritual information - John Harricharan's Interview with Terri Marie (Q3)
The interview includes spiritual experiences, mind body connection, and religious experiences. It also talks about the Sacred Breath, Cosmic Consciousness & The Christ Consciousness. Terri Marie is a healer and a spiritual adept who talks about how our personal holiness is dependent on the quality of our relationships.

The Q3 interview was with John Harricharan on psychospirituality in relation to healing and spirituality. There are questions asked by Sasha Kalinich that talk about how consciousness plays out when it comes to healing for example. The subject of healing is also discussed as well as how one can attain eternal consciousness. There are questions asked by Terri Marie who talks about her life experiences and how it has changed her. There are also questions asked by John Harricharan that talk about current happenings and changes in the world. The atmospheric opening of the interview talks about how our energy level brings changes in the world around us.

The Q2 interview was with John Harricharan on spiritual information, astral travel, and other metaphysical topics. There are questions asked by Sasha Kalinich that talk about our energetic bodies and what we can do to improve them via meditation, etc.. The subject of consciousness and evolution is also talked about in this Q2 interview. There are questions asked by Terri Marie who talks about her life experiences and how it has changed her.

The Q1 interview was with John Harricharan on astrological information, psychic information, and other metaphysical topics. There are questions asked by Sasha Kalinich that talk about the environment we live in and how much of a factor it is in our lives. We live in the fourth dimension of consciousness according to John Harricharan. He also discusses how our minds create the fourth dimension of consciousness for us. This is also told about through the way we think and what happens to us mentally as well as physically when our minds think differently than one another. This is also told about in this Q1 interview.

The Interviews are:

John Harricharan was born in and grew up in Australia. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master of Science Degree. He has worked in the field of psychology for over twenty five years and present research at his university department from 1995 to 2001 by conducting different research projects. In 2001 he started his own business dealing with psychospiritual disciplines like remote healing, spirituality and life coaching. His most popular work as a writer, editor, publisher and philosopher revolves around issues relating to the collective unconsciousness, human development, and the cosmic purpose unfolding on Earth - only available on http://www.thenewagecripture.com. 
John Harricharan funds his own research projects and psychic development studies by selling a special edition of his book "The New Age Scripture" through internet web sites, e-mail distribution lists, direct mail, and at small local bookstores. The sale of this book is in support of his research and other writings on the new age scripture.
John Harricharan serves as a sub-editor for the religious journal "Light Work - How to Awaken the Divine Within". John has lectured on various topics including paranormal studies, miracles, consciousness transformation and spiritual evolution such as: Communication with spirits mediumship healing spiritual development.

1.http://wwwhttp://www.johnharricharan. com/spiritual-information-john-harricharans-interview-with-terri-marie-(q3)shtml
6 .http://www.johnharricharan.com/spiritual-information-john-harricharans-interviewwith-terri-marie-(q3)shtml
9.http://www6.sgiptv4u4u .info/JohnHarricharanTheNewAgeScriptureRetreatSatsangaCultVimeoVideo2html
16 .John Harricharan - The New Age Scripture (ebook) 
17 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.spiritualityinformation.com/psychicalQ2SashaKalinichJohnHarricharan_SpiritualityInformationTerriMarieQ2Interviewhtml
18 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.spiritualityinformation.com/psychicQ2SashaKalinichJohnHarricharan_SpiritualityInformationTerriMarieQ2Interviewhtml
19 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www6.sgiptv4u4u-download-signed-highres-pdf
20 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.johnharricharan.com/spiritual-information-john-harricharans-interviewwith-terri-marie-(q3)shtml
21 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www6.sgiptv4u4u .info/JohnHarricharanTheNewAgeScriptureRetreatSatsangaCultVimeoVideo1html
22 .http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www6.sgiptv4u4u .


John Harricharan is currently involved in many spiritual programs across the world and he has served as a spiritual teacher to many people. He also lectures on different topics including astrology, meditation, consciousness, hypnosis and spirituality. His books are mostly focused on consciousness transformation and the process of awakening ones higher self. His main objective with his books is to help people help themselves by showing them how they can improve their lives through helping them understand their consciousness. His main goal is to help people understand there higher selves which are also referred to as our spirit guides or guardian angels that can assist us throughout our lives....

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