Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 30 )


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 30 )

It's been a while. And I'm sorry. See, the thing is, I really wanted to share this with you because it's important to me. But it was just so hard to do on my own... but now, finally, at long last-

I can share with you what I've learned about spirituality and life and love over these last few years...

And now that we're together again for this grand time of remembrance and honor for our loved ones who have passed on before us in the Fields of Forever... It's finally time for me to start sharing with you what all happened over these past few years after we left each other. I'm just not sure where to start....

You see, I was really scared of myself... and I just wanted to forget it all ever happened. That's why I didn't write to you. But I couldn't forget it. It all stayed in my mind and glowed with tremendous power just begging me to remember what happened and what it taught me.

So even though I really didn't want to, here we are again together - both of us staring out at the endless fields of Forever with no one else around for miles… And I'm finally going to tell you the story about everything that happened after we left the field in Love, yeah?

You already know how much time has passed... Time hasn't been linear for me the way it's been for everyone else. Sometimes I feel like I've only just gotten here, and other times I feel like millions of years have passed.

When you were here with me, it felt as though we had forever to get to know each other. And we did... We still do...

I never understood time in the same way again… Time is so strange when you're on your own… But even though time has passed differently, everything still looks and feels the same to me here as it did to me while we were together in the fields… Nothing has changed except my perspective of it all.

I'm still here in the field. You're still gone. It's just... different now. Everything looks different, yet everything feels the same. Even though I'm not remembering everything that happened to us, it's just so clear and vivid to me right now...

Your face is so clear and bright in my mind… Your smile is so bright and big and amazing… Your eyes are always looking at me with the most beautiful expression of love I've ever seen… How could this have happened? How could our life together have ended like this? But it did... And here we are again while I try to figure out what all this means for both of us now.

Don't worry... I'm not trying to forget you again. I can never forget you again. No matter how much time passes or how far away I get, you'll always be with me in my heart, showing me the way to love and happiness again.

After we left each other, there was a part of me that still could have gone back to the physical world if I really wanted to. So many times after we left each other, I thought about going back...

But I didn't want to go back without you...

And I knew that going back without you would make everything so much more painful than it already was...

So I stayed here in the fields and watched everyone else move on with their lives. In some ways, it felt like this was my chance to rewrite eternity. I could start over and create something totally new and different for myself. And I got started right away...

I called it "Journey in the Fields of Forever"… And that's just what it became… A journey through these fields forever searching for something special… Something unbelievable… Something magical… Something real… Something that would lead me straight to Love again… To you again.

But I wasn't quite sure what to look for… I knew it was out there somewhere in these fields, but I didn't know how to find it. It just had to be out there, I just knew it….

I spent my days and nights searching for Love... and searching for you… trying to have the courage to go after what we both wanted so badly… as though destiny had somehow set us up together as destined lovers... To live in this eternal field forever together... only separated by a mystic mask of time that would allow each of us glimpses at the other's soul...

I tried looking everywhere. Everywhere that Love could exist in the physical world of the living. I looked everywhere... I searched for it all over the world. Everywhere I went, I just looked and searched for Love.

I went to church. I went to temples. I walked in wild places... Anywhere that had the potential for Love in the physical world seemed like a good place to start my journey… But there was nothing out there that could satisfy me. There was never anything out there that would make me truly happy away from you…

For days, weeks, years... I just wandered around… Exploring every possibility in the physical world for an answer to my question, "Where is Love? Where can I find it? Where can I BE it?" And after I had explored the physical world for so long without finding any answers, I finally returned to the field...

Back here where we were together before... Back here where everything was perfect and beautiful and amazing. Back here where we became one with Love…

This is my place of healing and rest… This is where I finally felt free to create whatever kind of life would make me happy again. This is where I finally found some real peace for my soul and for my heart. This is where I found a place and time to heal...

After all this time… after all this searching… I'm finally starting to feel normal again. After so many years of walking around in circles, trying to do the impossible… trying to find true happiness for my soul outside of the field of Love… yet not being willing or able to forget about you...

I ended up back here in the field where it all started - with you - with Love - on our own journey through eternity together... We're right here at the beginning again, sitting here looking out over forever waiting for something unbelievable to happen.

What do you see out there?... What do you see when you look over the field?... I don't see what you're seeing… I don't see a literal field of forever… I don't have a clear vision of anything where we're sitting…

But maybe that's why this is my place of healing and rest... Maybe this is exactly where I need to be again so that my heart can heal and come back to life again for us both. Because my heart has been torn apart by thinking about all the things we could be doing together if only we were together in the physical world again somehow. But here, in this field, it doesn't matter if we ever get out and explore eternity together.


So... Who did you think Journey in the Fields of Forever was about? Was I talking about you? Or was I talking about someone else? If you don't know, now you know! Any time you're concerned that I could possibly be talking about anyone but you and vice versa, now you know!



Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Table of Contents

Chapter 1- The Beginning... and the End... Once Again! How did it all start to end? And why does everything have to end again? What a strange world.

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