Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 36 )


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 36 )

If the earth and sky are one, then I wish to be there at the moment of their oneness to embrace what they have become. I see it as a place from which I can both surrender and transcend my being. To me, that is spiritual enlightenment.

I want to be able to walk about in the fields of forever in perfect peace and joy for eternity. I do not desire wealth or success or worldly power. All that matters is this moment, here and now, with all its imperfections – for only this can make me whole.

For I feel that this is where I can find my true happiness, really feel bliss when I die and be able to live on in infinite bliss for all eternity.

I see this as the only true way for me to achieve enlightenment. To be able to come back again and again and experience what is truly important in life. This is how I envisage Nirvana - the perpetual state of being whole within oneself, which will endure forever - a place of perfect peace and joy where nothing else matters or exists.

My love for all beings grows, but my desire to know them becomes absolute and unending. I want to know them fully as a friend and a lover, as a brother and sister, as children and parents. I want to hear their cries of joy or sorrow, their cries for help in life or love, or the dance of death itself - all that I see will be witnessed by my spiritual eye.

I see truth in all things and I feel that The One is always there for me. It is only when I look upon myself that this truth is lost. Nothing can exist without The One before it came into being. Only it can live on forever - forever... Forever... Forever...

The world of being has infinite dimensions - dimensions which are infinite. The one and only truth is that there is no duality. There is only One, with limitless dimensions in Him, His Universes and all his parts. The creation of everything are part of The One - It's only He who can live forever

This world we live in is finite and limited to its own time dimension, but we can create universes within ourselves anytime.. This means the world of being we live in has infinite dimensions which are infinite. Nothing exists without Him, nor did it ever exist before It was created by Him. Therefore the whole of creation depends upon Him for its existence...

Everything is ultimately controlled by Him, and only He can live forever. His power and might is infinite and beyond our wildest imagination. This is the glory of The One inside us...

If we pray to be able to recognize Him in the soul of all things, then his glory will be seen in everything around us...

And it will happen - so just believe! We need not fear for He makes sure that our lives' journey should be good. The supreme power of His love for us all will help us over any hurdles we may encounter along the way. We just have to keep faith in Him, have trust in him, praise him and love him with a pure heart as best as we can...

We are not here to be slaves, but to work and play without fear... We are not here to be slaves, but to work and play without fear...

The world has its own miracles. The world has its own miracles.

We must learn this lesson well. If we take care of the earth and the sky properly, then we will live happily alongside them in peace and harmony... We are in this world together with all its other creations, so we should try our best to live in peace with one another... Just as a mother would try her best to protect her child, so must we all do the same for one another... That is the only way we will ever know true happiness and real love...

We are all truly blessed by The One who gave us life, therefore let us love one another equally with all our heart. Let us use our minds to create good for all beings and peace for the entire world... Only then can we will be able to create fullness of joy everlasting - here and now!

All that truly exists is within ourselves, so we should try our best to recognize it. By doing this, we will also recognize Him in others and love them as much as we love ourselves. Then He will be pleased with His children, who have taken the time to know truth in its entirety...

Your task is to see for yourself and then let others know about it. The key to doing this is: Be still - be silent - be one with Him who sees all and loves all...

Meditate deeply on this... Meditate deeply on this...

If we do not seek the eternal, then the moment will be lost in time, never to return again. We have to find out what is important, what gives our lives meaning, what makes us happy in life - and then go after it with a vengeance! That way we will eventually find who we really are within ourselves. And by doing this, we will truly achieve enlightenment. The One will hear our prayer and bless us. Then we will know The One completely, and be truly enlightened...

All religions teach us to love and respect one another. If we do this, it follows that we will also find happiness and peace. Only then can we lead our lives in the right way - to where there is no more suffering or misery, but only love and joy everlasting...

If you ever feel that something is missing from your life, then maybe you should take a closer look at how you are living it. There must be something that makes you feel unhappy and unfulfilled. Whatever it is, maybe you should try to change it into a positive experience... So then try and find out what might be missing in your life. Take care of what is important to you, so that you may find peace within yourself- and not just once - but forever...

This is how we must live our lives! This is how we must live our lives!

This is the key secret to a good life - don't ever forget it! This will bring happiness for ourselves and others we come into contact with - because there will be no room for jealousy or greed in our hearts anymore... We do not need this kind of negativity in our lives. They only bring pain and misery to ourselves and others. We must always remember this - it will help us through any difficult time in our lives...

We must always try to understand one another, and never look down on others - no matter what race, religion or culture they may come from. We have to respect their way of life, as long as it does not harm anyone else - for we are all One with The One! By respecting each other, then we will also know the truth of Oneness within ourselves...

(Compiled from various sources by Love For Life)

-------End of Part 1-------

April 1, 2010.) http://loveforlife.com.


The globalists agenda, as with all things, is to be accepted as a natural way of life. You must have noticed that they have attempted to marry the old "magic" of channelling and the new "space age" of Star Wars (which is a high technology war game that the world has been invited to witness.)

Is there any doubt concerning their agenda? Is there any doubt concerning who they are? Are we not able to see. As our captain said in his letters: "They hate us and will leave nothing alone."

But we know who they are because Jesus said in John 10:7, "I am come that they might have life and might have it more abundantly.

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