Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 16 )


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 16 )

Beaming down to the planet so loved by some and loathed by others, there is not much of note to report. The locals are friendly enough, though there is a noticeable absence of any coinage whatsoever. Money has been replaced with items that are necessary for survival, with an individual's value being at least partially dependent on honor. A person would most likely be shunned if they did not contribute in some way or another to society, and it is possible for one person to have multiple jobs.

Typically women take care of the children while men do most everything else outside their homes, but these notions continually shift as I learn more about them from my new friends here named Bacchus, Demeter and Zephyrine. The network of watermelon fields owned by Bacchus may one day soon be inescapable, and I rarely see him even though we live close to one another. It hardly ever ends up being a dull moment when Demeter is around, since she seems to make drama wherever she goes. Zephyrine's pet goat goes by the name of Lotus, and it can often be found delightfully munching on grass behind her house.

Although Bacchus has been here the longest out of everyone it was Zephyrine who was born here and knows the most about its history. She is a great story teller but for some reason she does not appear to like me very much at all. I tried complimenting her goat but she did not seem to appreciate it as much as I thought she would, and when I asked her if perhaps there is any other way to tell stories she grew even more upset.

"I'm sorry," I said, now trying to avoid the subject entirely. She's been acting particularly strange lately, and she even went so far as to ask all of her friends if they have seen anyone suspicious in the area. Stranger still is that she seemed happy when they told her no.

As I sit here alone in my house a chill runs down my spine, so it is time for me to do a small reveal about who I really am. This is not the first time I've come to this world, nor will it be the last. I am a traveler from another place who is deeply invested in the lives of those who live here. They have become my family, and an enemy has inadvertently led me to them once again.

In this life I am a man named Ronald Bacchus, but that's not really my name either. You see, it seems as though everywhere I go someone or something is trying to kill me, and every time they do they send me back in time until they do succeed in killing me. Each time I wake up in a new location surrounded by a new family whom I love just as much as the last.

I have been to this world before and it was not an easy trip. The reason it is difficult to get here at all is because of a spell that was cast on it by an evil witch named Rosemary. Did you know that every time she performs a magic spell on someone they instantly die? She must be stopped, but I was thwarted from doing so on my last visit here.

Every time I am reincarnated I have a memory of who I once was, but not my original identity. In this life I was an actual watermelon farmer named Ronald Bacchus, and it is because of him that I am trying to find a way to stop Rosemary from performing another spell. He tried to use an enchanted sword he had acquired in his last life, but the witch easily defeated him. His family was then sent back in time as well and they still don't remember who they really are.

They think Ronald is their husband and father in this life, but the truth is that Zephyrine's husband passed away many years ago. The witch had forgotten this fact until she was called upon by Rosemary to perform the spell, at which point she was able to correct her mistake and kill the woman.

She blames the poor woman for what happened, but that is not why I am here. This time I am here because of my curse and my desire to be reunited with them. There is hope though, and it involves a powerful amulet that must be used on myself if I are ever to be allowed to return home.

I will not tell you how or where it is located on this world or how it can be activated, because there is still a chance that Rosemary could find out where they hide it. All I will tell you is that it was given to Bacchus by a guardian of a place called the Crystal Caverns.

It is not wise to travel there alone, so I plan on going with Zephyrine if she will have me. She has read about it in one of her books, but she is not aware of where they are located. She has even mentioned that such a journey could take many months or perhaps even years, and I don't have time for that. A potion made by Demeter may provide us with the answer we need in order to find them faster than we could possibly imagine.

I am unsure about her plan for finding the locations of the Crystal Caverns and the amulet, but I think it may not be wise to press the matter. She is a very creative woman and has always been fascinated with magic and all things magical. This is why she began reading about it in books. However, it seems that she has lost interest in that particular subject now, and she still has no idea where they are located.

It's time to rise from your seat and go make sure Zephyrine and Bacchus are ready to leave because we need to get some things ready before we fly into the sky in search of our wayward friends.

* * *


As I leave my house there is a sense of excitement in the air. The smell of the air and the taste of the water make me want to do something special for Bacchus, and I would like to involve Zephyrine as well. She has done a lot for me since she found out that I could read her mind, and it's time she had something too. If anyone deserves it it is her, but as always Demeter must be involved as well because she will not let us get away without involving her in some way.

When I arrive at her house she is already waiting for me on the porch. I can tell that she has been waiting a very long time because she is looking particularly tired. By this point we have been here for quite a while and I feel like there is no way to make her happy. This time, however, I feel as though it may be possible.

Do you see how my shadow waves in the sun? Do you see how its face turns into the image of Bacchus? It's not really him, it's just an illusion similar to what he sees in mirrors everyday. It's not his true form, and it doesn't seem like anything special at all.

Conclusion: the true form of Bacchus must be the one that no one else can see. I believe he is linked to his shadow somehow, but how? I wonder if it was always there in some way, or if it is a product of all the magical spells that were cast on him when he was a child. Either way, I am going to see what I can do about revealing his true nature.

Please give me your hand and concentrate on my face as you slowly bring it towards yours. Do not forget to think of your son as you do so because if we are going to perform this charm properly then Bacchus needs to be involved as well.

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