Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 83 )


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 83 )

Now, I am not a spiritual person. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe in anything. There are many spiritual truths and values that we all should embrace in our lives to become better human beings.

The important thing is to understand these things through reason, not through blind faith. God as a person is just an idea many people have in their heads and it's more advisable for each individual to find their own path of spirituality instead of following recognized religions' paths.
This article gives you some ideas on how spirituality can help you out with your issues and give you strength to face your life without fear.
So here are my top 8 reasons why spirituality is very important to have in life.
1) Spirituality gives you inner peace and strength
"There is a reason why I am here. It's not just to fill up time, but it's to do something meaningful with my life." – Albert Einstein
There is nothing more important than having inner peace and strength to face the challenges of life. If you can overcome your problems with the help of spirituality then know that you are on your way towards success in whatever you decide to pursue in your life. You will be prepared for anything that comes with your journey in the fields of forever.
2) Spirituality helps you deal with your issues
"Remember, nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." - Henry Ford
Most people face a lot of difficulties and all of them are struggling in life but the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people find ways to overcome their personal issues and problems. If you learn how to deal with your feelings and emotions then you will not get affected by the outside world and your life will become easy.
3) Spirituality makes people happy
"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." - George Sands
The aim of everyone's life should be happiness and spirituality has ways to help you achieve that. If you are able to find your partner and make them happy then you will probably feel more than content with your life. You may have a lot of problems but they will not be a problem as long as you have someone who loves you.
4) Spirituality helps people face their problems
"The goal is not to get to the end; the goal is to enjoy the journey." РAntoine de Saint-Exup̩ry
We all experience problems in our lives and sometimes it can seem very hard to deal with them but when we decide we want to take it one step at a time then see that there's no way back after we jump over one hurdle, it will become easier to deal with our issues.
5) Spirituality helps people become successful
"What counts is not necessarily the length of a man's life, but rather the integrity of his resolve." – Sir Edmund Hillary
It can be said that people who are able to face their problems and enemies in life will make more money than those who can't. The best thing you can do to become successful is to have strong values and morals that will allow you to deal with all the pain and difficulties you might get into your journey in the fields of forever.
6) Spirituality makes people happy even after death
"In my last moments on earth, I shall feel that I have done my duty. And I pray God, that my people and my country shall also experience peace after I am gone." - Queen Elizabeth II
Death is a part of life and when you are ready to accept that fact then you can be more prepared to deal with it. If you don't know anything about life after death then what will you do when your time comes? Your funeral should not just be the final time that people see you, but it should reflect all the great things you did in your life.
7) Spirituality gives people hope
"We are not the same person we were yesterday, or the day before. We are always changing." - Carl Jung
Ever since I've grown up in this age and learned that nothing lasts forever then I have realized that everything will change so why not have hope for tomorrow. What matters most is how you handle change in your life and hope is definitely a good thing to have when you are ready to face the changes of life.
8) Spirituality makes people feel better about death
"When we're gone, our friends can still hear our laughter ringing out through the streets." – Maya Angelou
Death is inevitable. The first question that comes to mind when you die is "will my family be able to handle it?" and that's a good thing because some people also ask questions like "will our friends and families be able to handle it?" So there's nothing better than knowing that you won't leave anyone behind to deal with your death. You will know how to face the end of your life in peace and how much your loved ones will miss you.
"It is not evil who lives for this moment, but those who live for the rest of their lives." - Vincent van Gogh
So these are my top 8 reasons why spirituality is very important in life. If you still think that spirituality is not relevant then I'm pretty sure that your time will come when you have to know.
This article was written by an aspiring writer, Alfredo Loo. He has some great ideas and hopes to expand his writing career in the near future. You can follow him on instagram: @aloofooo.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/05/8-reasons-spirituality_n_6388484.html
World Spirituality Day was established in 2007 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and it is celebrated on November 17 of every year . The purpose of this holiday is to promote the ideals of world peace, good-will and understanding among all nations, races, religions and peoples.
"World Spirituality Day is a time to reflect on why spirituality matters in our lives. It's a chance for us to find out about other people's beliefs and what makes them tick." – Dr Hans Koechler (Unesco) There are 8 major world religions: Buddhism , Christianity , Judaism , Islam , Shintoism , Sikhism , Hinduism and Confucianism . Unfortunately there are still some religious conflicts in the modern world that sometimes result in serious violations of human rights.
"I am therefore convinced that the future of humankind passes necessarily through the path of spirituality." - Aurelio Peccei (Club of Rome activist)
The main goal of today's religions is to provide a moral framework for life and give people guidelines that will make them more successful in their everyday lives.
Spirituality makes people more confident in their abilities and provide them with solutions to life's challenges. It helps people cope with their emotions and learn how to deal with challenges that occur in their lives.
"People often say that this or that person has not found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.

Spirituality is important in life because it gives us a sense of purpose. It helps us deal with problems that may occur in our lives and also helps us to face death with courage. If you are unable to answer any of the above questions then you should know that you need to start looking into spirituality and learning more about it. Not everyone will agree with me but if you find the above information interesting then please share this post with your friends on social networks so they can know why they should start searching for their purpose in life!
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