Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 2 )


 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 2 )

Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 2 )

In the previous blog post we were discussing how to gain spiritual knowledge, explore and experiment with different tools that you can use to understand your inner self. In this article we will discuss how you can use these tools in a practical way, in order to dive deeper into what is happening on a physical level of your mind and body.

In the past few months I have been experimenting with various types of tools that are available to me such as meditation, yoga, dance therapy and my own resources like weed or alcohol just to name some examples.

From my own experience I have learned that it's not so hard to improve our body, mind and feelings (also called spirit) but it's a lot more difficult to get the same sense of harmony before and after.

It is up to us as humans beings to create moments that we can enjoy in every day, as well as take time out from our busy lives in order to observe our perception and emotions, while we are doing other things such as listening or reading.

In the case of me, I noticed that I was getting bored very easily unless I had something else on my mind or I was experiencing a new learning experience or an activity that allowed me to feel energized because of my strong inner connection with myself.

I would like to share some techniques with you that I found helpful, in order to improve your perception of life and how you perceive yourself.

Here are some techniques that can make a significant difference in your life:

Listen to music of your favorite genre but always try to be open minded and listen to other genres as well. Since music has a very powerful impact on our emotions we should definitely give it one more chance. If you think that your favorite genre has lost the magic please try something new! It may be just what you need for the moment or for the rest of your life! Take walks during the day whenever possible. It will help you relax and learn how to better understand the way things work around you. Start doing yoga and meditation daily. Try to identify certain muscles that were never used and bring awareness to them through meditation for example. Or better yet just do movement exercises, such as dancing or even shaking your body for a short period of time during the day by taking long deep breaths. In any case make sure you are breathing correctly, use your diaphragm to help you inhale and exhale fully! The more we practice this kind of breathing the easier it will become naturally. Start learning how to read tarot cards without going into trance state by using the pendulum in a practical way, focusing on what you have read instead of believing what you read. Start learning more about gardening, try to understand how nature works and why it is important to be in contact with nature at least once a day. We have been given this planet as a gift and we can do our best to protect it! By doing so we will not only help ourselves but also the next generations. Learn about things that you find interesting and bring awareness to them, just as you would do in meditation or yoga but in this case do it through reading. As long as you are learning new things it's fine, otherwise you may suffer from boredom and lack of interest on what's happening around you. If this happens than stop reading for some time until your mind is ready for another learning experience again. Learn something new every day! This will help you make sense of things and it will help you feel better about anything you learn. It's like going to the gym everyday, you are only as good as your last workout and today is your day to improve yourself. Go out with a friend and bring awareness to the activity that is happening around you. Sit down, take a deep breath and try to put your attention on all the sensations that are happening inside, as well as outside. When you come back from that moment of awareness notice any feeling or emotion that arises. Pay special attention to how it feels, in order for it gain more meaning than what it may appear at first glance. Watch your thoughts and notice how they are moving in your mind and you will see what way they are trying to take you. When you want to take action make sure you are in a state of high consciousness by doing this on a daily basis. This can be done through visualizing, or going into high vibration to see which thoughts are stopping you from moving forward. When we are actively moving in the direction of our goal, whether it is spiritual or personal it helps us feel really good! If you do not like anything that happens around you most likely you won't feel very comfortable because it's not up to us how things work around us. We only have control over our own perception of life. Try to be a positive person, it doesn't cost you anything and it will make you feel good. If you can't do this then try to change your perspective in order to see things differently. If needed talk to yourself by saying things such as "I can do it" or "I am a good person" especially when you are stuck with a difficult situation.

If you follow some of these techniques on a daily basis gently working with your mind, body and spirit you will notice that there is no need for any extra tools like meditation or yoga, because the more we become aware of our surroundings the more we will get in touch with what is happening inside of us as well.

We live in an exciting time where we can learn more about our inner self in order to heal ourselves and make a difference on this planet by helping others.

A great book that can help you with this is called "See What Happens: A Seeker's Journey" by Ram Dass.

This book is full of wonderful stories that will help you gain more insight into your inner self, while at the same time it will teach you through different meditations and techniques that will help you be more connected to Mother Earth. I would also recommend reading several books about spiritual growth such as "How to love yourself" by Louise Hay or even any other books that have helped people overcome obstacles.

Maybe it was written by some person who had gone through the same things you are experiencing right now, so that's why you can relate to the book. Whatever you do, make sure to read it at least once in your life and try to cause a positive change in your life by being more conscious of what is happening around you.

My last recommendation is about building up your astral body. The more we begin to live as high vibrational people the more our physical bodies will be able to create new cells and start rejuvenating themselves generating more energy than before.

For example if someone feels very tired they may have a lot of old negative energy inside of them, which keeps them weak over time. Maybe they have a lot of stress in their life because they are or were living in poverty.

Whatever the case may be, the energetic imbalance will bring you back to where you came from. By practicing daily meditation and self-healing techniques and connecting with nature we can start to correct our state of consciousness as well as our emotional, mental and physical health.

If we don't take care of ourselves than neither will we be able to take care of others well so it would be wise for us to invest time in ourselves. A great way for us to do this is by building up our astral body.


If you want to be in harmony with the whole universe it's best to do as much inner work as possible. By doing so we will see that without any effort on our part we will start to live healthier and happier than before. Even though I am saying this I still am aware of the fact that it won't happen overnight, but slowly and surely with dedication and discipline on our part we will gain more clarity about life, love, ourselves and our true path in this lifetime… There are no limits!

Much Love, Light & Blessings To You All!

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all" – Helen Keller

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