Sprouting Paper Seeds: Manifesting What You Want


 Sprouting Paper Seeds: Manifesting What You Want

We all want to manifest what we want in life. But it's not always easy. How do you attract the things you want into your life?
For one, see your goal as already accomplished. Allow yourself to feel confident about where you're headed and what is manifesting for you.
Another technique is "sprouting paper seeds." These seeds represent experiences that are coming into your life and sprouting up as a result of what's going on around you right now.
The seeds are in the form of ideas, goals and expectations that you have. Whether they're thoughts (as written down), feelings (internally), or experiences that you're having, these seeds can be used to attract things into your life.
Let's say I wanted a new job, but "no one" was going to give me one. My thoughts may have been: "No one is going to give me the job." But really, what if I wrote those words down?
I would be creating a seed for a job offer by manifesting it. By doing so, I am creating my own reality without wishing or wishing for it to happen. If I want a job, and I speak the words, "I want a job," what will happen? Nothing. You're wishing for something that isn't true.
Instead, write it to create your own experience and see what happens over time.
"I got the new job" or "I got the new raise." Write down your goal, then record it in a place where you can see it everyday. Also do this with any other seeds you have sprouting up in your life right now.
In the end, remember it's about what you put out energy-wise into the world that counts. If you put out negative energy, that's what you'll get back, so try putting out positive energy to manifest the things you want.
If you have any other techniques that work for you, feel free to share them in the comments section below!
Happy manifesting!
Yours in the Sacred,
Monika Simone : )
Spiritual Development Coach & Humanitarian Activist
Source: http://monikasimone.blogspot.com/2014/06/sprouting-paper-seeds-manifesting-what.html [ARTICLE END] AYahuasca For Spiritual Healing: Taking Ayahuasca for spiritual healing is a potent force for mental and emotional liberation. Many people have used Ayahuasca as a tool for spiritual awakening and personal growth. The purging effects of Ayahuasca help the body release identification with negative beliefs and limiting patterns, so that a new vision of the world can emerge. Ayahuasca For Depression: People who are struggling with depression often feel trapped by their negative thoughts and feelings. Although prescription medication is helpful in treating depression, it usually takes weeks before any benefits are experienced. Anti depressant drugs slow down brain activity, while Ayahuasca speeds up brainwaves to reach a higher frequency, making it a more effective treatment for depression. How To Use Ayahuasca: In this video, we learn about how to use Ayahuasca for spiritual healing or for depression treatment. The Ayahuasca purging effect, when combined with meditation, induces a deep and profound experience of self-realization, leading to a deeper understanding of the problem at hand. Ayahuasca for Addiction Treatment: A person who is in the grip of an addiction can use Ayahuasca to overcome the need for drugs or alcohol. When used along with therapy, it is a powerful tool in overcoming addictions and negative behaviors. Self-realization through addictions treatment can lead to a rebirth of authentic spiritual consciousness. Self-help Ayahuasca: Many people have used Ayahuasca as part of their own personal development process, as they have learned how to apply their own insights in life situations. Spiritual Ayahuasca: Many people have discovered that using Ayahuasca as a spiritual healer can lead to a deeper connection with the Divine. Ayahuasca Sacred Journey: It is possible to achieve spiritual awakening by journeying with Ayahuasca, as well as other powerful plants of the jungle such as the Jaguars and Peyote cactus. Ayahuasca can help us to understand our own uniqueness within the greater whole, and bring us closer to understanding how life truly works. In addition, more profound insights into spiritual truths may be achieved, such as the truth about being a mirror of God's consciousness. Ayahuasca for Stress Relief: Ayahuasca for stress relief allows people to bring their mind and body back into balance, so that they can live a more calm and peaceful life after the intense Ayahuasca experience. The ritual of preparing an Ayahuasca brew is a very relaxing experience in itself, as it involves chanting or singing songs from the Amazon Jungle. Once the ceremony begins, participants lie down on a mat to experience powerful visions. They may see bright colors, animals and other entities that guide them on their own personal healing journey. The most important step in Ayahuasca for stress relief is integration of the experience, which means applying what has been learned to daily life. Ayahuasca for Spiritual Growth: People who have taken Ayahuasca often report new insights from the experience. Many people find their lives change drastically after taking Ayahuasca, although some say it is a very confusing and disconcerting experience. These life changes are usually not just about physical or mental development, but also about spiritual understanding. What Does Ayahuasca Do? In the past, shamans such as the native Amazon Indians would ingest mushrooms to induce visions. These visions were believed to be beneficial in many ways, including growth in self-awareness and spiritual awakening. Shamanic experiences are improved by combining mushrooms with other plants that help with healing of broken relationships and negative emotions. Ayahuasca is not just about a vision. People who take Ayahuasca can find an increase in psychic abilities and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. What Are The Effects Of Ayahuasca? The effects of Ayahuasca are powerful and mystical. After taking Ayahuasca, many people feel like they are facing their most frightening fear, but without actually experiencing any physical pain. As the body releases negative emotions and blocks, psychological healing can begin to take place, leading to a spiritual awakening that changes everything. Taking Ayahuasca: In this video we learn how to take ayahausca safely by following some simple guidelines. We also learn about the different parts of the Ayahuasca plant and what they do. Ayahuasca is a powerful and sacred healing tool that can help us to understand and appreciate life more deeply, so a wealth of benefits are available after taking Ayahuasca. The experience of taking Ayahuasca can be a positive turning point in one's life.
Source: http://monikasimone.blogspot.com/2014/06/ayahuasca-for-spiritual-healing-taking.

When it comes to psychedelics, the mere mention of the word sends shivers down people's spines. But it would be a mistake to think that psychedelics are dangerous or illegal. Psychedelic use has been used for thousands of years, and there is a wide range of evidence that suggests the benefits of psychedelic use outweigh its potential harms. Psychedelics come in many forms and they can cause entirely different effects on the body and mind. This article will outline what each psychedelics does, when they are best taken, tips for keeping safe when taking them and where you can find them online.
Source: http://theunmedicatedmind.

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