Starting The Path To A Spiritual Journey


 Starting The Path To A Spiritual Journey

It is said that we are born with a natural and instinctual desire to find meaning and purpose in life. So often, people live their lives without ever really grasping the depth of what this means for them. They never really get to explore the vastness of human potential. As a result, many people do not realize their full potential until later in life, or never at all. Many people's journeys find spiritual significance as they grow older; others are on a spiritual journey from day one. When it comes to spiritual journeys, there are endless paths that one can take towards enlightenment...or however you want to define your ultimate truth.
...Basically, you're always on a spiritual journey. Your journey is your life.
So, what is a spiritual journey?
A spiritual journey is the process of finding peace with oneself and one's spiritual nature. It involves letting go of the "mental baggage" that we could easily identify as restricting our potential and finds true freedom by realizing our individuality. In other words, a spiritual journey allows us to realize our potential for growth, happiness and self-actualization by developing an understanding of who we are and how we fit into the world around us
Sounds good in theory; in practice, it can be much easier to simply tell yourself that you are already on your way to enlightenment by experiencing some sort of "peak experience. However, this approach only works if you genuinely believe that you will achieve your goal.
The "peak experience" is an effective way of inspiring oneself to take action but it does not necessarily guarantee your spiritual journey will end in happiness or any kind of "realization".
The majority of people would never be successful at anything if they simply believed that a positive outcome was guaranteed. They would waste countless hours trying to "get the result" by convincing themselves that the path was devoid of obstacles and difficult to complete. 
They would become frustrated and depressed, in most cases; some would even resort to self-destruction to avoid being disappointed by the failure. Now, imagine having an infinite number of spiritual journeys. Imagine feeling like you have been on a journey for years and have not made any noticeable progress whatsoever. How would that change the way you live your life?
You may have asked yourself this question many times, but do you ever actually provide yourself with an answer? Many people think about how they want to live their life but never take any action to change themselves for the better. If you are one of these people, it's time to start thinking about how you want your life to be and doing something about it.
The first thing that you should do is understand what is holding you back from living a better life. This is where a spiritual journey starts. This is what sets the tone for how your life will be, how you will approach it and how you will live it.
The path of spiritual growth may seem overwhelming initially, but the truth is that it's not too difficult to understand. The real challenge is understanding that your intended destination lies within you; not outside of you. You truly can take control of your own life by taking responsibility for all aspects of it. 
If you have found yourself in a rut in life, or feel like your situation has become stagnant, then you must realize that there is no one else to blame and there's nothing else that can be done to change the situation until your perspective changes.
Your situation will never improve if you remain in the mindset that you are forever stuck. This is a self-destructive belief, as it will create a sense of hopelessness in your life. With this mindset, why even bother to get out of bed every day?
If this sounds familiar to you, then it's time to change. You need to realize that your situation is not just happening to you; it's happening because of you. The only person who can change your situation is yourself.
In order to do so, however, you must first find the courage and strength within yourself. The path towards enlightenment makes no exceptions for anyone who is unwilling to make such a change...and it is difficult.
...But once one begins to see the truth, it's easy to see that life really isn't that bad. You will have made mistakes along the way but this is quite normal.
However, you can't blame yourself for your mistakes or shortcomings; no one else can make these choices for you. You only get one life and whether you choose happiness or sadness lies within yourself. 
It's time to take control of your life by recognizing what has been holding you back from fully living your life, and taking the necessary actions necessary to change your situation.
The path to being happy is not a fun and carefree journey. In fact, the journey may at times be extremely difficult; but this comes with the territory of an enlightened person. You will learn to understand yourself on a deeper level and live your life in a way that makes you happy.
This is an exciting part of your spiritual journey because you will begin to see your life as one big movie...and it's going to be awesome!
If you have found yourself in a rut in life, or feel like your situation has become stagnant, then you must realize that there is no one else to blame and there's nothing else that can be done to change the situation until your perspective changes.
Your situation will never improve if you remain in the mindset that you are forever stuck. This is a self-destructive belief, as it will create a sense of hopelessness in your life. With this mindset, why even bother to get out of bed every day?
If this sounds familiar to you, then it's time to change. You need to realize that your situation is not just happening to you; it's happening because of you. The only person who can change your situation is yourself.
In order for anyone to be happy, they must first be willing to change themselves for the better. This can be very difficult at times because HOW we think and how we act often contradict each other... but this is not the way it has to be!
In order to become a more HAPPY person, you must first understand why you are unhappy. It may take some time to figure out what is holding you back. That's OK... as long as you keep searching for the answers.
When looking for answers, look within yourself, then extend your search outward when necessary to find the answers that you seek, but always keep in mind that sometimes answers are not always easy to find or even possible to find at all. 
So never give up! Always maintain a positive mindset and remember that it's better to question your approach rather than quire your goal . This will help guide and direct yourself towards a more meaningful life.
...But once one begins to see the truth, it's easy to see that life really isn't that bad. You will have made mistakes along the way but this is quite normal.
However, you can't blame yourself for your mistakes or shortcomings; no one else can make these choices for you. You only get one life and whether you choose happiness or sadness lies within yourself. 
It's time to take control of your life by recognizing what has been holding you back from fully living your life, and taking the necessary actions necessary to change your situation.

When you are happy, you tend to focus on the positive things in life and your happiness will attract more positive things into your life. Ultimately, this type of thinking can manifest itself into a type of spiritual energy that flows through you, which will help to keep you positive... thus helping to maintain a better state of mind.
As explained in this article: " When one is able to remain positive despite the hardships of life, it may be referred to as "being enlightened." This term refers to a person who is always happy about most aspects of life and uses their positivity for the benefit of others. They don't complain about the small things and try their best to make the best out of any given situation.

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