Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zones


 Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zones

There are few things more uncomfortable than stepping out of your comfort zone. You know it’s the right thing to do, but you can’t quite shake the feeling that it will be like taking a leap into a dark abyss and coming out of it on the other side, not knowing whether or not you were able to make it.

But while it doesn’t always feel safe, if you want to grow as person and improve your life in any way, then this is something that you should try at least once in your lifetime.

The reason, of course, is that the more you experience life in all its various forms, the more likely you will be to improve and learn from it. And this is not going to happen unless you take some risks.

So how do you do it? How do you strip yourself of all those fears that keep us stuck in our own little comfort zones? Well fortunately for us, there’s a cool little trick that can take a person who was previously scared out of their wits and suddenly have them bouncing through life like a rat in a maze.

And no, I'm not talking about giant ball pits or anything like that. A simple thing that can help you achieve your goals and make life way less stressful than you previously thought.

Because to me, real success is not about appearance. It’s about being happy, it’s about being okay with who you are, and it’s about knowing that, no matter what decisions you make in the future, the important thing is to be true to yourself. After all, if you expect people to like you because they wear a nice suit or tie every day then either they’re just not worth it or they don't know how to value people for their own personalities and characters.

So when I say that you're going to have to step out of your comfort zone, I don't mean that you're going to have to wear a stupid suit every day. What I mean is that you’re going to have to tuck away all those thoughts and fears that stop you from doing what you want and reaching your goal.

And the best way of doing this is by forcing yourself into situations where the risks are high. Do things that are completely different from what you’ve done up until now. And when I say do something completely different, I don’t mean just take up a new hobby or find a new job. What I’m really talking about is simply adjusting your thinking.

And the best way to do this is by imagining that you’re in a completely different situation. That is, you’re in the most uncomfortable position that you possibly can be in, but there's nothing holding you back. There are no fears of failure or judgment. You don’t care about what other people think, or if they think badly of you and will start spreading negative rumors about you. You don't care about all the petty little things that cause stress and create unnecessary tension in your life. In fact, everything and everybody has already been taken from you. You have nothing to lose.

By fully experiencing that situation, where you really do have nothing, you’ll get an idea of how little those things actually matter. So while it may not be a good idea to remove yourself from everything in your real life and experience that situation, it can still be incredibly valuable to read into it and imagine what would happen if everything in your life disappeared right now.

When you’re able to get this far inside your head, it will be much easier for you to step out of that comfort zone and go for it in real life. And the best thing about this is that you’re going to start seeing results very quickly.

There’s a good chance that as soon as you go from thinking of yourself as a person who doesn’t deserve success, or success in general, to thinking of yourself as someone with everything they want in the world, their own problems are going to disappear and their life is going to improve dramatically.

And even if you don’t see the results right away, I’m willing to bet that within two weeks, you’re going to notice a huge difference in the way that your life has been affected. People will start noticing how much more confident and polite you are. You will begin to question yourself less, and instead start questioning what’s it like for other people who have also achieved their goals. And even though all of this might not sound like much at face value, when you look at things from this perspective it's going to be extremely powerful and something that most people never experience.

But even if that doesn’t happen, I just want to make it clear that this is absolutely worth a shot; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you follow these steps on a consistent basis, your life will slowly start moving along a better path.

And remember, this is not something that you can fake. You are going to have to really go for it and get out of your comfort zone because the moment you start saying "I'm going to do this" or "I could be like that", instead of saying "I need to do this" is the moment where the failure sets in. And if you don't want failure around, then so be it. You can try something, you can struggle with it, you can fail and be left wanting, but if you're okay with that then even though you may be giving up now, in time you’re going to realize that this was still worth it.

Because in the end if there's one thing that everyone wants, it's progress. And the more progress we have, the happier and more successful we eventually become. That is the truth. After all, what's better than having the things you want?

So do me a favor; take this advice seriously and throw away any notion of what’s possible for yourself and your life.


OK, that's all I have to say. I hope you enjoyed my advice and hopefully it helped you a little bit. If you did, please share it on Facebook or Twitter and don't forget to subscribe!

And if you want to learn more about me or the book that this article is based off of, then click here: The Legend of Alexis Wolfe: A Guide To Success That Actually Works

Until next time, remember… Think positive thoughts! Text positive thoughts to 107776 and make sure to follow me on Facebook for all the latest updates!

Thanks for reading.

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